
How to get a mortgage if the official salary is small? What to do in this case?

At the end of the year before last, 2014, the crisis came to the country. In this regard, considerable changes have occurred. They also touched the financial sphere. Significantly increased requirements for borrowers. And few were happy. Many began to ask questions: "How to get a mortgage if the official salary is small? What, then, should be done?" So, the questions are important, so it’s worth giving an answer.

how to take a mortgage if the official salary is small

A little trick of the family budget

So, talking about how to take a mortgage, if the official salary is small, it is worth mentioning one legal trick. One person is unlikely to manage to master the mortgage on their own. This is because the amount of the monthly fee is very high. Usually this is not one ten thousand rubles. Then, when a person submits an application to the bank, it will be necessary to indicate in it that the spouse also receives a salary. This fact will be taken into account by the financial institution. In general, if a person is puzzled by the question “will they give me a mortgage”, there is a way out: you can attract your soul mate to the matter. In financial matters, this is called a "co-borrower."

But still, one of the spouses in this case should make good money. You must understand that the family budget will now have to not only live, but also pay the debt.

Additional source of income

If a person has a good part-time job, then you should not forget about this either. How to take a mortgage if the official salary is small and the unofficial one is very solid? Well, there is a solution. You can try to confirm your additional income. For example, if a person officially rents a house, apartment or car for rent, then he can draw up the appropriate paper (you can say a second salary certificate, only unofficial) and bring it to the bank along with all the necessary documents. Banks, it must be said, are positive about additional sources of income. Therefore, they may well approve.

salary certificate


But there are situations where money is really disastrously small. And a person understands that the amount may indeed not be enough to cover the monthly loan payments. But in this case there is a way out. It is worth looking for a surety. Usually they become close friends or relatives. But it is important to take into account the fact that if a financial problem arises, and a person does not have money to pay the fee, then this will fall on the shoulders of the guarantors. Few people today agree to this. In addition, it must be remembered that in the case of a mortgage, a banking institution requires an initial payment. And usually this is 20% of the cost of the home that people want to buy. Of course, there are offers without a down payment. But they also have a minus, and it consists in an increased interest rate.

will they give me a mortgage

Consumer loan

Another topic that I would like to discuss, talking about how to take a mortgage if the official salary is small. Well, let’s say a person found a surety, not just one, but several. And they agree to enter their own name in the contract. And now another question: "Where can I get the amount for the down payment?" Well, you can take a consumer loan, but in another bank. So do many. But can a person repay all his loans? It is unlikely that the amount will be small. Therefore, you need to think a hundred times before deciding on this. Nobody wants to become a hostage at the same time two financial institutions.

And further.If the bank, in which the person decided to take a mortgage, finds out that he still has some kind of unsecured loan, then the loan will not be approved.

with what salary they give a mortgage

What should be the income?

Well, as you can see, if the salary certificate does not satisfy the bank, then you probably have to forget about housing. But what to do? What salary do they give a mortgage with? The official salary of a person should be at least 40 thousand rubles a month. In this case, he will be able to give 16 thousand rubles each month. as a payment for your debt. Of course, it happens that a monthly debt is set in the amount of 8-9 thousand rubles. But then the period for which all this will be extended will increase, as will the interest rate. In general, you need to remember - it is better to arrange a mortgage for a minimum number of years. Better to “tighten the belt” for some time than to overpay fabulous sums.

By the way, banks often provide an opportunity to mortgage property. If a person already has real estate (own house, for example, or an apartment), then the bank may well consider them as collateral.

calculate salary mortgage

What to count on?

And finally, I would like to mention the most important. About how to calculate a salary mortgage. This is easy to do - there are special calculators. Each bank has its own, since the conditions provided to customers for loans and interest differ. But in general, the principle is the same everywhere.

So, let's say a person receives 40 thousand rubles a month. And he decided to borrow from the bank a sum of 2,864,000 rubles, which is enough for a 1-2-room apartment in some developed Russian city (for example, in Krasnodar, Sochi, Rostov-on-Don, etc. etc.), not in the center, but in a good area. And the term of his loan was 240 months. That is twenty years. In this case, every month he will have to give the bank about 12,800 rubles. In principle, this is not even a third of the salary. But what about the general overpayment? Let's say the interest rate is 12.5%. In this case, for all 20 years, a person will pay 3,072,000 rubles. The total overpayment will be 208,000 p. In principle, this is not so much - at 10,400 rubles a year. It’s upsetting that this will last 20 years. But if you pay the loan earlier, then everything can end relatively quickly.

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