
How to close the Tinkoff card: a detailed guide and process features

To begin with, a little history: so, it all started with the fact that in 1994 the Bank AKB Himmashbank was created, which was then renamed Tinkoff. Its distinctive feature was work with individuals.

What are the principles of Tinkoff Bank?

how to close a tinkoff card

Firstly, the bank uses ATMs of other financial organizations in working with customers without its own branches; this allows him to save significant amounts. The only office is in Moscow - there is a call center. This is because communication with bank customers is carried out remotely.

These measures allow the organization to save significant amounts. In 2007, Tinkoff began the production of plastic cards. Today this is the main focus of his work. Almost everyone who applied to a financial institution can get a bank credit card - today more than 4 million of them are served, but also issued debit cards. So, earlier you became the owner of the treasured plastic, but after, for some reason, you no longer need it. Today we will talk about how to close the Tinkoff card.

Work with different types of cards

There are several types of credit cards in the assortment of the bank.

  • The All Airlines card is most convenient for those who travel a lot, as the accumulated universal bonus miles can be exchanged for an airline ticket of any company.
  • Odnoklassniki is an analogue of Tinkoff Platinum, but with more features. If you use the card when shopping, then accumulate "OK", which can be used on the site "Classmates". Using a special application, it is possible to participate in the competition for the best card design, and if you are the winner, get a prize of 15 thousand rubles.
  • The Gold Book World card, which is used to provide a one-time discount (300 rubles) and subsequent discounts of 10% if you order or buy books in stores with the same name.

Details on the Tinkoff Platinum card

The most demanded credit card of the bank is undoubtedly the Tinkoff Platinum card, which has a bonus program. You can open it online by studying the detailed instructions on the site. But it often happens that getting a card is easier than getting rid of it.

Banks are doing everything possible to ensure that customers use borrowed money: a financial institution takes a significant percentage for this. Therefore, before you become the owner of plastic, take an interest in the future, how to close the Tinkoff Platinum card and any other. Indeed, often this requires a series of manipulations, which must be performed correctly, sequentially, and within not one, but several days.

Do Not Disturb - Closed

how to close the tinkoff platinum cardBefore you close the Tinkoff card, make sure that it really is no longer needed.

You cannot throw away the card or put it on the table and you cannot forget it, since it is a bank property.

This is stated in the service contract. So how to close a Tinkoff card?

If you suddenly decide that the card has done its job and is no longer needed, you can complete its action online. First you need to find out the state of your account for debts from bank employees, and, if any, pay it off, making the final settlement.

It is preferable to remotely contact the office where you were previously provided with the card, or the call center, informing the operator about your plans.In addition, you can get detailed information by asking a question to the consultant of the Tinkoff Internet bank: “How to close a credit card?”

But it is best to be guided only by a bank statement, because there is a likelihood of additional interest charges for using credit, insurance or for SMS informing services. 30 days before the planned termination of the card, notify the bank. You can write a letter of intent (the address is on the bank's website) or a statement in the prescribed form, but it is better to call the round-the-clock hotline. It will be faster and easier. A detailed answer to the question about how to close the Tinkoff Credit Systems card is also posted on the bank’s website.

What to do next?

If the account is closed, you need to pass the card to the bank, where its employee, at your request, will destroy it by cutting along the magnetic strip - after that the card will be unusable. Sometimes the bank allows its customers not to return the card, because after it is closed, it turns into a useless piece of plastic.

After completing the card closing procedure, you must provide a certificate that will confirm the completion of the transaction. If you close your account (card) through a call center or online banking, you can verify the zero balance using any ATM.

Also, this issue can be resolved by receiving by mail a certificate with a blue seal on the absence of debt, account closure and the absence of financial and other claims from the bank against you. There will be no problems with the bank if everything is done correctly and follow the recommendations on how to close the Tinkoff card.

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