
Tinkoff Bank JSC: how to get increased cashback? Tinkoff Bank: customer reviews of cashback categories

Today, the market for goods and services has a fairly large number of different “special” offers. All of them, as a rule, are of some benefit to the client: they allow you to pay a lower commission (or not to pay at all), get a more affordable price, or, on the contrary, accept some compensation from the organizing partners of this action.

Especially popular in recent years have become offers that operate like cashback. We will talk about what it is, as well as about one of the well-known banks offering cashback to its customers in this article.

What is cashback?


To begin with, we will determine what it is and how the cashback system works. So, suppose we made a purchase in a certain store. We know that we paid a certain amount of money for the goods received, and actually forgot about it in the future. However, the cashback system later reminds of this purchase in a rather pleasant way: they send us a certain percentage of the funds spent by us. For example, this may be 1% of the total amount with which we parted earlier.

According to the term itself and its translation from English (which means “money back”), we can guess what we are talking about. In fact, partner companies compensate the buyer for his expenses by returning some of them. On the one hand, the customer is satisfied for the reason that he saved (in the end) on the product; on the other hand, it encourages users to re-order in order to “earn” more.

Another interesting nuance used by companies that use cashback (Tinkoff is no exception) is that they do not just give discounts or bonuses. No, we are talking about returning real money to your means of payment (card or some current account). Of course, this will attract buyers in the future. This is how client psychology works.

Who offers cashback?

increased cashback

Typically, return programs are organized by companies in partnership with many stores. This may be some new online services or delivery services, which are profitable to attract a large number of customers by distributing "freebies." On the other hand, banking structures often use it - it is also beneficial for them to offer cashback.

Tinkoff, for example, in this way encourages users, firstly, to pay by their card; secondly, it forces customers to continue to use their services, thus expanding the scope of their influence in the market. Plus, of course, a wide advertising campaign allows you to attract new users who would like to receive their refund.

For example, Tinkoff Bank gives cashback only to those who work with a special type of their debit card. We will tell you more about this, as well as the conditions under which a user can get their money back. Moreover, the bank does not just offer everyone can use his service, in this case, the TCS provides the right to choose.The client can determine what rate he is interested in and what he wants to buy in order to receive a refund.

Debit cards

Now I would like to make some comments about how “cards” are beneficial to banks. With their help, we often make purchases, paying at the box office and not overpaying.It is a well-known fact that banking institutions try to “hook” a client on their cards: it is beneficial for them to make as many transactions as possible on them, replenishing the ranks of bank customers. In addition, we will not forget about paid options (replenishment of a card account, cash withdrawal at an ATM and others). All this makes up the revenue side of the bank.

Of course, Tinkoff works on a similar principle. The cashback (reviews of which we will present at the end of our article), operating in this system, encourages the buyer to work with the TCS card. For this reason, we clearly see the benefit of the institution from the fact that we ourselves pay with their card. It manifests itself in our “attachment” to this type of calculation.

And, one might say, the buyer also gets clear benefits from this. After all, firstly, it’s really much more convenient to pay for goods with a “card” than in cash; and secondly, we get the cashback mentioned earlier.

Tinkoff Bank

You have probably heard about one of the leaders in the financial services market (in particular, those online) called Tinkoff. Over his ten years of work, he has earned the status of an innovative, successful and very flexible structure that is steadily gaining more weight and authority in the eyes of customers. At least this is evidenced by the positive reviews that we were able to find about the bank as a whole and about the provided increased cashback.

Tinkoff Bank, we recall, stands out because it does not just offer general interest rates for refunds to customers. In fact, they practice an individual approach, due to which the user has the opportunity to choose where he will make a purchase next time and where he will be given a larger “Tinkoff cashback.” “Magnolia”, shops in Duty Free, a list of some other supermarkets - all these and other categories are available in a list in the personal account of each client.

You can choose only a couple of them, indicating what exactly interests you. For these positions, the user will receive more money as compensation (more on that later). In the meantime, we’ll reveal the general conditions under which you can hold a TCS debit card.

Terms of Service

So, it must be emphasized that the servicing of cards used to pay cashback is actually paid. Its cost is 99 rubles per month, and writing off this amount (as, obviously, a monthly fee) is carried out monthly. A client who does not have enough money in the account simply “skips” this payment. The same applies to those who have money on the card in an amount exceeding 30 thousand rubles. Thus, there are ways that allow you to make working with the TCS card free (we learned about them from the reviews).

It must also be said that the debit card accrues interest on the amount in the account. In particular, we are talking about 8 percent annual income. Of course, this is less than any deposit made in the usual way could give - however, given that money can be withdrawn from a card at any time, this is a good benefit.

As for the cashback service, Tinkoff gives a stable rate of 1% of the cost of all goods that were purchased by the client using this card. Accordingly, the accrual occurs after confirming that the customer made the purchase. You can track whether the movement of funds has been recorded on your card using Internet banking. Each client gets access to a personal account with all transactions.


The advantages that a card gives its holder are obvious in this case. Firstly, it is 8 percent per annum (up to 500 thousand rubles, over - only 4%). Having an amount of 30 thousand in your account, you can, firstly, avoid the need to pay for servicing a debit card; secondly, you will receive more than 4-5 thousand rubles per month of net income.

Secondly, Tinkoff cashback partners will provide you, their full list is available in the Internet banking interface. They, as we noted above, are selected individually. In general, we can say that these are different categories of products and work with them most stores that are popular on the market, for example, we already mentioned that Magnolia (a chain of stores) offers an increased Tinkoff cashback. When you buy in it, you will receive 5% instead of 1%.

Thirdly, TCS debit cards have many other advantages. This, for example, is a convenient and multifunctional user account. In it you can not only easily manage your finances, but also set some monetary goals, mark important achievements for yourself, and so on. There are also many other payment instruments that can be used for their own purposes with great benefit.

Increased cashback

In general, the information on how to get a higher (percentage) refund for purchases, we have outlined above. The user selects categories (in some cases, and stores), and then makes a purchase. According to the standard procedure, it is confirmed by the partner store of the bank and appears in the statement menu. This way you can see the operation at any time.

Next, you just need to wait for the payment and pick up your increased Tinkoff cashback. We will pay attention to the nuances that relate to categories in the next chapter.

Product Categories

We have already noted that each client is selected in the Tinkoff category. Increased cashback can be offered only in two of them - that is, the user has a limitation. Stores displayed in such sections can be called differently, so you need to be careful about the description of the distribution network so as not to purchase goods from another category. Cashback "Tinkoff" in this case will be charged at a rate of 1 percent.


An example of the “failure” of some users with categories in which a refund is accrued can be a number of reviews. People write in them that they made a purchase, hoping to get an increased cashback from Tinkoff Bank, although in the end they returned only 1%. The reason is that some stores operate in different categories. For example, part of the Duty Free-shops belongs to the section “Supermarkets”, which is why customers are mistaken.

As the reviews show, the problem can be solved quite simply: check with the bank's consultant what category this or that store belongs to. So you will probably know whether you should make a purchase in it or not.

This is the only negative nuance, for the most part, customer recommendations regarding how to choose a cashback at Tinkoff and get it are positive.

Still, people are paid for the fact that they spend money, to whom it would seem unprofitable?


So, we examined what conditions Tinkoff Bank offers its customers. The category “increased cashback”, for example, is available only in certain sections (they always change and are offered individually, you can find them in your account). In addition to cashback, the bank provides accruals on the account balance and a comfortable online service for working with your finances.

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