
What to buy equipment for the production of alcohol?

Alcohol production is a business line that can make good money. Of course, the rule of law must be taken into account. So, for starters, you need a license, an appropriate room and, of course, high-quality equipment.

Let's see what equipment is needed for the production of alcohol and how to establish a successful business. To do this is quite simple, but you need to consider a number of nuances.

alcohol production equipment

A little about the features of the production of alcoholic beverages

It may seem right away that everything is completely clear and understandable, but this is not so. The fact is that, for example, the production of vodka is a rather complicated process. The most important detail is water treatment. For this, a special filter is purchased, the price of which is not so small.

Let's talk about how a successful and profitable production of strong alcohol is created. Need to get the legal form of the enterprise. Best if it is an LLC. The tax system should be simplified. You must pay state taxes and provide the necessary package of documents, after which excise stamps are purchased. Their price is approximately 1700 rubles per 1000 pieces. After that, you can proceed to the selection of equipment, which is the most difficult and important step on the road to success. Avoid unknown brands and extremely low prices.

kieselguhr filter

What equipment is needed for the production of alcohol?

Regardless of the size of your enterprise, the production line will be exactly the same, the only difference is its productivity. First of all, you need to buy a device for heat treatment of raw materials. As the name implies, the incoming mixture is heated and ground, and also undergoes hydrodynamic treatment. You will also need aggregates for processing molasses.

Such equipment allows to obtain low-quality alcohol. You can not do without fermentation apparatus. This includes primary fermentation, which is an integral part of the production line. You need to buy a pasteurizer, conveyor (for large volumes of products), a bottle conveyor, etc. Before the water is used, it must be cleaned and softened, which will make the product better and tastier.

Alcohol Plant: Processing Line

strong alcohol production

A novice entrepreneur has a choice: buy a ready-made automated line or create everything from scratch. In the first case, you are guaranteed to get high-quality equipment, so you can be sure that production errors with proper operation are practically eliminated. If you buy each piece of equipment individually, then you have great choice.

Moreover, such a method is much cheaper. The production line will include all the main and secondary equipment, from tanks and pasteurizer to aggregates for labeling excise stamps and conveyors. One way or another, it is desirable to give preference to the French or Italian manufacturer. This choice is justified by the high quality and accuracy of plants and machines.

The choice of a washing machine

It is impossible not to mention that a clean prepared bottle is very, very important, regardless of what you produce. There are installations for external and internal washing. You can buy one automated unit for complex cleaning, but its price will be higher.There are both small semi-automatic machines with low productivity (15-50 kegs per hour), and automatic machines that can handle 1000-2000 tanks. Here you have to choose depending on the productivity of the enterprise. If you are just starting out and producing no more than 300 bottles per day, you can buy a semi-automatic installation. In any case, keg washing machines are simply necessary, because manually it is hellish labor.

alcohol factory

A bit about technology

As noted at the very beginning of this article, there is nothing complicated in the process itself. The main thing is to comply with all stages of production. Basic requirements: high quality water and the use of grain as a raw material. For the most part, the quality of these two components determines how good vodka you make. At the first stage, water is purified and excess salts are removed, they should be less than 60%. They do not boil water and do not use discsilates.

In the next step, the main components are sorted. Alcohol and water are mixed in a sorting vat, and then they enter a quartz filter. Then comes triple filtration through activated carbon and silver. This allows you to get a high quality product that meets all standards and international requirements. At the final stage, almost ready-made vodka settles in tanks. Duration can be different - from several days or more. Next, the bottles are washed and the finished product is bottled, it is further transported to the warehouse.

bottle conveyor

A little more about the equipment of the workshop and the cost of production

It was noted that several tanks are needed in which vodka will settle and fill with taste. As for the additional equipment, it is a sand filter and a carbon column. Of course, you can do without most of the secondary equipment, but you won’t be able to completely automate the process without the same conveyor or water treatment plant, and you should not forget about it.

As for the cost of equipment, it is approximately 1.5 million rubles. Such a production line will have a capacity of about 5,000 bottles per month. It is advisable to produce several classes of vodka, for example, standard, premium, etc. Please note that the distinctive features of your business should not be a beautiful bottle, but high quality and purity of contents, although you should not forget about the external component.

A few important points

If you plan to produce not only vodka, but also beer with wine, then you need to buy such an important unit as a kieselguhr filter. It serves to clean nutrients and can be of different capacities, often 1000 liters per hour or more. But it is worth paying your attention that each filter is designed for the production, or rather the purification of one product, such as beer.

If we talk about wine, then you will need to install an additional unit. It is advisable to use a kieselguhr filter for a small brewery or in the workshop where kvass is produced. Do not forget that you will have to spend money on staff salaries, as well as alcohol, corks and labels. Together, this is about 400,000 rubles.

washing machines keg


As you can see, 2 million rubles will be enough to start. Business profitability averages 34-38%, which is pretty good. If you buy new high-quality equipment for the production of alcohol, then there will be much less problems than with units that were in use.

Sales of products will not be difficult, as there will be many customers for high-quality goods, if they really are. It is possible that after 2-3 years, when the business will fully pay for itself, you will begin to think about expanding. In this case, some equipment can be left, and instead of conveyors or filters to install more productive analogues.

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