
"Wheel of Life" - a methodology of analysis and life planning. How to make a wheel of balance of life?

When a person has everything for survival, but he does not feel happiness, the process of finer work on himself begins. It is equilibrium that is considered a priority value. The wheel of life will help you bring prosperity to the processes that take place around you and inside your soul.

Method Purpose

In an effort to improve the atmosphere around them, self-realization, happiness and success, people think about those spectra of their personality that they would like to improve. I also want to tighten my professional skills. However, the deeper you dig, the more you notice that there is a connection between all processes.

wheel of lifeIf something does not go well in work, it is likely that this affects the affected personal life, and vice versa. Our psyche is like a body. For example, when one organ gets sick, it can affect others. So you need to be treated not pointwise, but comprehensively.

The wheel of balance of life helps precisely in this. You can resort to this method in order to find out how much harmony is present in you, how realistic the plans are, what direction you need to choose for self-improvement, what is the root of mistakes.

How to do this task?

The wheel of life is a technique in which you will need to draw a circle. Divide it into 8 segments. These are areas of importance to you that will reflect the wheel of the balance of life. How to make a tool for working on yourself from this?

In each department, write your values ​​and priorities. The wheel of life often contains data on career growth, health status and family relationships, which are usually important for everyone. Then you can add additional branches to which you attach importance. The wheel of balance of life can accommodate cells with relaxation, favorite activities and hobbies, development in a particular area.

life balance wheel

Set points

Then give a rating on a ten-point scale of how fully your satisfaction is in each area. The Wheel of Life is a methodology of analysis and life planning that can show that you pay excessive attention to one thing and forget about everything else. Or, on the contrary, everything is in balance. In each cell there can be either 0, which means indifference to this category, or 10, which represents increased concern for this item, as well as intermediate scores. They put ten when everything satisfies you.

Wheel of life - method of determination human values based on expert methods, so the basis for rating is purely your attitude and feeling. You should not rely on generally accepted standards, because it is about your fate.

wheel of life

It often happens that, making up the wheel of life, people evaluate their incomes not by the criterion of meeting their needs, but depending on what is considered success in our time. So you strive for what you really do not need, becoming a part of the consumer society. From here appear dissatisfaction with oneself and a decline in self-esteem. Such processes need to be clearly monitored. Listen to yourself, because this is your life and you live it.

life wheel methodology of analysis and life planning

We get the final picture

When this part of the work is done, we continue to make up the wheel of life. The photo shows how the picture should ideally look. Now you need to postpone the segments so that the center of the circle becomes the zero point. The point at which the beam reaches a circle is taken as the mark 10. Set aside points indicating satisfaction within the circle.To visualize the processes of what is happening to you, you need to paint over each sector, right down to the mark with the rating.

The Wheel of Life is a methodology for analyzing and planning life, which will help determine the level of harmony of the various areas with which you come in contact on your way. If you are a balanced person with a perfect balance, if you are happy, your schedule should be even. If this is not observed, then there is a large field for activity.

wheel of life technique

Draw conclusions

Take a look at your wheel of life and conclude which areas you have not paid enough attention to. This method is very good for its visibility. Everything immediately becomes clear and understandable.

If you let some areas of your life drift, it's time to thoroughly take up and improve them. You can be proud of the points for which you have high scores. Thanks to this method, you can really understand what to focus on.

Start with those positions for which grades are minimal. The faster you fix these holes, the better for you. You need to make a list of tasks that you will perform to improve the situation. To do this, connect your imagination and imagine how things should have been for you to put 10.

Then, specific steps will be taken in the imagination to achieve the goal, by implementing which you will improve your life. Everything needs to be carefully and carefully written down. Thus, mental work will take place, as a result of which the right decisions will appear.

life balance wheel how to make

This material will help you in the future.

This is an important process and painstaking work, but your happiness depends on it. It often happens that we step on the same rake several times. In this case, you just need to raise your results, and solving a difficult situation will happen much faster than it would be without them.

If new ideas appear, add them to the ones written down earlier. Thus, it is easier to find a way out of situations of varying complexity. For each weak position, at least three actions must be recorded. Start with simple goals; don't complicate things in advance. Long distances go in small steps, but certainly. When the first goals are completed, it will be easy for you to puzzle yourself with something more significant and serious. Sometimes a difficult process is precisely the beginning of improvement, and then everything goes by inertia.

wheel of life photo

More thorough research

It so happens that it’s hard for a person to appreciate one or another sphere of his life. In this case, we can advise you to draw a separate such drawing, consisting of 8 directions. You will be able to see what needs to be fixed in this area.

Do not ignore anything you see in the picture. To establish harmony it is necessary to treat with equal care and attention to all areas. Only in this way will success be achieved and happiness will be found, and the path will become joyful and fascinating.

An interesting fact is that, as a rule, an optimist and a pessimist perform this task in different ways. It depends both on the perspective of self-esteem and on the accents put down.

For example, an optimist is characterized by a reassessment of his successes and high marks in a large number of points. The objectivity of his judgments is small. For a pessimist, the picture will be exactly the opposite - frequent depreciation of their own successes.

What does it give?

All sectors are interconnected. Also, according to the results of this task, you can determine the type of personality. People are distinguished by their values, so that, giving preference and paying increased attention to a certain area of ​​life, a person may not understand those who choose another.

That is why it is very important not to dwell on one thing, but to develop your personality comprehensively. Then the world will seem a more comfortable and favorable place. It is versatility and comprehensive development that make our life complete. Our society has the erroneous opinion that everything can be bought for money.But, as a rule, we are often engaged in the sale of our own lives, rather than finding really necessary things. It seems that an Italian wardrobe was bought and a Japanese car, but there was no happiness either.

wheel of lifeHaving dotted the “i” in this assignment, many people find what really makes their life more enjoyable, and not only creates a screen of well-being, which hides the unfulfillment and rejection of their own needs. All the answers are already in your soul. It is only necessary to bring them into the light.

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