
Own business: cold tire repair. Technology and equipment for tire restoration, costing and a list of necessary documents for starting

Almost every self-respecting entrepreneur who owns a motor transport company knows that buying new rubber for vehicles such as trailer tractors, trucks, etc., is quite expensive. Let's look at what tire repair is and how to create your own small business in this direction.

tire repair

Where to begin?

Of course, all stages of the business are extremely important, but much is determined by the success of the launch. Since the restoration of car tires is a business that works even in a crisis situation, it is extremely promising and attractive. You need to start with a well-designed business plan. It should include:

  • cost calculation;
  • competitor market analysis;
  • place of creation of the service;
  • receiving a package of documents;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • rental of premises (with possible further acquisition), etc.

It is worth noting that it is the professionals who should draw up the business plan, as this will help to avoid gross errors and miscalculations. But if you have at least some experience, then you can try to do it yourself. Since cold tire repair allows you to restore the rubber in such a way that its mileage will be equal to 90% of the exact same, only new tire. At the same time, the cost of surfacing is only 65% ​​of the initial price for new rubber.

Tire Repair Equipment

So, the list of necessary units that are involved in the process is relatively small. Nevertheless, these settings cannot be called cheap. The first thing you need to buy is a machine for putting on an envelope. Its purpose is to fix the tread for the period of vulcanization, after which the vacuum envelope is removed.

You can not do without a machine that allows you to apply a tread tape. The same applies to the device that mounts / dismounts the rings and rims. An autoclave is also vital. This is a curing device that allows you to control temperature, pressure and humidity.

But this is not the whole list. If we want our company to function successfully and, most importantly, make a profit, then it is necessary to acquire special containers where liquid rubber will be stored. The tire clamp will also be useful, which will allow you to perform work in comfortable conditions.

Then you can purchase an ultrasonic gun, it allows you to make the process better, as it detects all damage without problems. All this is a necessary tire repair equipment that can make your business profitable.

Calculation of basic costs


cold tire repair

So, with regard to how much we spend at the start and get after it, it is definitely impossible to say.

It is recommended to open an enterprise in a city where the number of inhabitants is more than 50,000 people.

Although this is not necessary at all, trucks are desirable. For example, near various factories, workshops or mines.

And now a little about how much it will cost us equipment that allows us to perform high-quality effective tire repair.

All the above units, if new, will cost about $ 40,000-45,000. The amount is decent, but it is not necessary to buy everything at once. To begin with, you can limit yourself to the most necessary or purchase used machines.

Do not forget that, in addition to this, we need to get documents, which is also not free, on average it costs about 500-1000 dollars, but it all depends on how quickly you want to draw them up. To speed up the process, it makes sense to go to lawyers. We also need money to rent a building where there will be a working room and, possibly, an office, if necessary.

How much can you earn?

As mentioned above, restoring tires in a cold way is a profitable business at any time of the year and practically does not depend on the state of the country's economy. But the profit can be both quite large and not. If you invest about $ 50,000, then in the best case this amount will pay off in 3-4 months, and in the worst - in six months.

Much depends on how you prove yourself. Therefore, at first it is undesirable to take a lot of orders. It is better to do little, but efficiently and get important regular customers. Since restoring tires in this way has many advantages, and the equipment is not so expensive, you will get about 20% of net profit from a single repaired tire. Therefore, if it costs 2000 rubles, then you get 400 rubles, the rest goes to pay for work, materials, etc.

Tire Repair: Technology

Our main goal is a complete repair of the tread and side. The first thing you need to do is check the rubber using ultrasound, which will detect hidden damage. Then, on a special stand, the tire is tested for the presence of non-recoverable sections in its frame, which are further processed on a pneumatic tool.

The next, he is also the most crucial stage - roughening. The main task is to give the tire the correct shape, which is achieved by removing the old frame. Next, the rubber is sent to the vulcanizer. After that, the recovery process is over, and we coped with the task.

As you can see, the technology is relatively simple. Moreover, the main advantage over the hot recovery is that we can repair both cargo tires and passenger cars, and this is more economically advantageous.

We collect the necessary documents

In principle, the amount of securities is limited by the license, documents on disposal. You will also need to open your own enterprise. It can be LLC, OJSC or CJSC. A limited liability company is preferable, since the package of documents in this case is the smallest, and the process of registration does not take much time.

One way or another, you need to understand that it is better to contact specialists, otherwise it will be almost impossible to get the same license in a month or two. It is advisable to have a quality certificate confirming that you and your employees are professionals who know their job not even 100, but all 110%.

Of course, we need papers that allow the production of these products, all this can be obtained from the relevant authorities in your city. It is important to officially employ your workers, arrange work books, give vacations, etc.

Some useful information

tire repair

Since one tire can be restored 2-3 times, and its mileage is about 50,000-70000 kilometers, this is beneficial primarily to car owners.

It should be noted that the temperature of vulcanization during cold recovery is only 100-110 degrees Celsius, which significantly extends the service life of rubber, and also improves adhesion to asphalt.

When compared with the hot method, then the temperature there exceeds 150 degrees, and this negatively affects the frame.

Another distinctive feature is that the repeated restoration of tires does not reduce the mileage, so your client will leave the same number, that is, about 50,000 kilometers.

If the personnel of your service will work for quality, then at the end of work the repaired tire will be practically indistinguishable from the new one, your client will surely notice it, and he will be very pleased.


Now you know how much money you need for a successful start. A maximum of 50,000 dollars, a minimum of 30,000. This is taking into account salary personnel and small expenses, such as buying liquid rubber, etc. You need to remember that a business must be legal, only in this way you can earn good money and reputation.

Of course, the cold method of surfacing has a lot of advantages over the hot, with which we have already become familiar. Moreover, in our case the equipment is not required so serious. As a result, we have a very profitable business that brings good money.

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Almat naurizbaev
Good day. Please send detailed information on equipment, supplies and the possibility of training employees (what is the cost of training, supplies) to almat-ahi@mail.ru. I will be grateful.
Gerdin Duadack
Hello. Please send detailed information to the email amonya919@mail.ru
Gennady Ionov
A big request to send detailed cost of equipment and the possibility of staff training ionov_gennadiy@mail.ru
Dmitry Svishchev
Good day. Please send detailed information on equipment, consumables and the possibility of staff training (what is the cost of training) to woodmag1@yandex.ru. Thank you very much in advance .
Maxim Kozhemyak
Good day. Please send detailed information on equipment, consumables and the possibility of training employees (what is the cost of training) to kozhemyakmv@yandex.ru
Edward the Happy
Good day. Please send detailed information on equipment, supplies and the possibility of training employees (what is the cost of training, supplies) to Eduard_757@maul.ru. I will be grateful.
Ruslan Donmezow
Good day. Please send detailed information on equipment, supplies and the possibility of training employees (what is the cost of training, supplies) to donmezow@mail.ru. Thank you very much in advance
Eduard Mazitov
Good day. Please send detailed information on equipment, supplies and the possibility of training employees (what is the cost of training) to mazitoveduard@yandex.ru
arif musaev
Good day. Please send detailed information on equipment, supplies and the possibility of training employees (what is the cost of training) by mail
Nariman kuspanov
Please send a business plan, information about the completeness, the price of equipment. To the mail kuspanov292@mail.ru


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