
Consumation: what is it?

Consummation and consummation: what do these words mean and how do they differ in meaning? Often you can hear such an expression as "consummation of marriage." What is it?

To begin, consider the concept that is written with two letters M. From Latin, the word is translated as "completion". In marriage, this marked the beginning of a sexual life after marriage. Moreover, it was previously believed that marriage is for the birth of an heir, procreation. That is why acts of sexual activity should be committed without contraception. It turns out that the word means a full-fledged relationship between spouses with the conception of a child.

In fact, there is nothing supernatural in this. A normal marriage between loving people should be full, with sex and the birth of children.

consummation what is it

Why was consummation so important?

Consider what Consummation of marriage. In the Middle Ages, in order to intermarry families and clans, married by calculation. Often it was that the baby was just born, and he was already married. But in the prenuptial agreement, it was clearly defined that when the bride or groom entered adulthood, the wedding would take place. If the consummation did not take place in the marriage, then it could be dissolved at any time, and even the church did not prevent it. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that sexual relations must necessarily be present in marriage, as they serve to continue the family, and not for pleasure. Marriages in the absence of sexual relations were dissolved even among royalty.

consummation of marriage that's

Consummation sometimes provided for a whole complex of rites. By blood on the sheets of the newlyweds it was determined that the act had taken place and the bride was virgin before marriage. Sometimes at the door of the young people were left guards or spies, who were supposed to protect the intercourse of the newlyweds and make sure that the consummation had occurred.

Consumation - what is it?

So, we have decided on consummation, but what is consummation? Consummation has a different meaning - consumption. Accordingly, this word refers to completely different actions. In our country, it began to be used recently, and its meaning is not clear to many. Hearing it, many are perplexed. So, consummation - what is it?

consummation reviews

Most often, consummation is carried out in bars and expensive restaurants. Engaged in her specially hired attractive girls. Their task is to promote customers for the purchase of expensive alcoholic beverages. Girls get acquainted with men in a restaurant, sit down at a table with them and drink with them. Then they are paid the contractual interest on the customer’s order. In Russia, this work is only gaining momentum, but abroad it has been practiced for a long time. Customers know everything, and they agree to pay to spend the evening in a good company.

Consumation: Pros and Cons

consummation of marriage in the middle ages

Now we know what consummation is. What does it give? Pay attention to the pros and cons. On the one hand, it seems that this is quite a pleasant income. The girl has a good time, eats, drinks expensive drinks, communicates. After such acquaintances, she even sometimes successfully marries. But there are also disadvantages. Someone is drunk at such work, someone puts a liver and kidneys and gets to the hospital. Frequent use of alcohol adversely affects the appearance of the skin.

Many are familiar with such a term as consummation. What is prostitution? More likely no than yes. Of course, someone can provide sexual services for money, but this is not necessary.

Those traveling to work with consumation should understand: they will have to learn foreign languages, but this is also a plus of its kind.

Consumation: reviews

If you read the reviews about consummation, then they are quite motley.Girls who provide such services say that this is a very difficult task, although very profitable. Promotion on alcohol suits those ladies who like to drink and can make up a fun company. Sometimes clients deliberately solder a girl because they are amused to watch a very drunk interlocutor or hope that in this state she will provide free sex services.

Consumer girls, dancers and strippers seem accessible to clients, and sometimes they are inadequate. Therefore, this is a very dangerous job.

Consumation and consummation. It turns out that the words differ in one letter, and the difference in meaning is large.

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