
Consume marriage is to confirm it

Some young people are interested in the ambiguity of the word “consummation”. This term can refer to marital relations and is compared with prostitution. What does the situation really look like? What does marriage mean? The concept serves to reinforce the reliability of the relationship in a pair. At the same time, there is some work for girls who should agitate men to purchase expensive alcoholic drinks in bars. The article details the answer to the question of what is consummation.

As it was in the Middle Ages

Among the nobility, this concept has become quite widespread. If the couple did not have sexual intercourse, then such a marriage was called unconsummated. It is very easily dissolved. The reasons for this behavior could be completely different. They were explained by the state of health of one or both spouses. They could also be in the absence of attraction between partners. After all, marriages were often concluded, despite the presence of mutual feelings and attraction.

consume marriage is

That is, to consume a marriage is to make it complete. The term is used to determine the moment of sexual intercourse. It was believed that after consummation in a pair, full-fledged marital relations begin.

Interesting Facts

It is noteworthy that to consume a marriage is to carry out an action accompanied by special ceremonies. Very important was the evidence that the bridegroom is the first man. This custom existed in different parts of the world.

In the Middle Ages, underage girls often became brides. This was carried out with the aim of strengthening political and economic ties between the families of aristocrats. Therefore, marriages were not confirmed immediately after the ceremony. It was believed that to consume a marriage was to wait for the maturity of both spouses.

what is consummation

Lack of consummation was considered an important reason for divorce. It is believed that heaven does not support union. The relationship between Henry VIII and Anna was terminated precisely for this reason. After all, to consummate a marriage is, first of all, to have sexual intercourse. And relationships that exist only on paper are not complete.

Modern meaning

Now the term is understood in a slightly different way. Consumation is the incentive of a man by a girl to acquire something. Such a concept is not identified with official relations. To conclude a marriage is to confirm it. And ordering a drink at someone else’s expense with a likely subsequent continuation is often equated with prostitution.

Modern men relate to this differently. Some believe that they pay for the company of a beautiful girl who is simply present next to them in a bar. She is also a good listener. With her, you can share all the thoughts in your head. The institution is also in favor. It receives payment for expensive alcohol ordered by a man. The term represents an increase in the demand for cocktails and spirits during various celebrations.

what is marriage consummated

A man who expects to receive sincere attention from a girl may feel cheated. After all, it is not always possible to immediately determine the intentions of the fairer sex. Consumation can be used as a definition of professional earnings. In this case, the girl receives payment for communication with the guests of the institution. Very often, her income is equal to the established percentage value ordered by guests at the drinks bar.

Confirmed marriage

Consummated marriage is not only about the spouses signing the relevant papers. Previously, you had to wait for the maturity of one or both partners. Now mores have changed, and the situation looks much simpler. Girls and young people often do not even know what status their marriage is in - consummated or not. This concept does not seem to correspond to the pace of modernity.

After the newlyweds entered into sexual relations, the marriage is considered consummated. Thus, it is confirmed not only on paper. Although now it usually happens the opposite. First, the partners determine whether the intimate sphere of life suits both. They may also try to live in a so-called “civil” marriage. In this case, the couple determines its compatibility in everyday life. If both are happy, then you can arrange the relationship.

what does it mean to consume marriage

That is, the word "consummation" has at least two meanings. One of them is now almost forgotten. Many modern couples do not even know what it means to "consummate marriage." People simply act in a natural way.

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