
Who is an introvert? The main personality traits. Types of Introverts

Each person is a unique personality, which is characterized by certain features of behavior and character. However, modern psychology divides people into several types. There are several of these gradations. Two are especially popular: by temperament (and then we are talking about sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic) and by nature - introvert and extrovert. It is necessary to clearly understand how one systematization differs from another. Temperament is given to a person from birth, it cannot be changed, it can only be directed in the right direction, but a person develops his character for years. Thus, a person becomes an introvert or extrovert due to some developmental features.

Extrovert and introvert: various types of personality

It is customary to subdivide all types of human characters into two large groups: introverts and extroverts. It should be immediately noted that the latter is numerically much larger. What is the principle of separation? By the way, this question was first raised and substantiated by Carl Jung at the beginning of the 20th century. who is an introvert

The first part of the word "extrovert" speaks for itself: "extra" - external. Such personalities do not think life without communication, all their actions are directed to the external environment, it is there that they draw life energy. If misfortune happens, they share it with others, and it immediately becomes easier for them. They are good speakers, event organizers, public figures.

Then who is an introvert? This person, on the contrary, is directed inside himself, his life world ("intro" - inside). He is not interested in noisy companies, the lot of the introvert is reading a book or just being alone. It is his comfort zone.

Already after Jung, much later, Robert McRae determined that 38% of people are in an intermediate state between these two entities, that is, they are ambivers. The peculiarity of such a person is the average value: once he likes to be alone, but once he cannot do without communication.

In our article, we will touch upon the phenomenon of introversion in its explicit manifestation.

Who is an introvert

Often in noisy companies, a person stands out against the general background of fun, as if immersed in himself. It seems that everything that is happening around him is completely uninteresting, and he, to put it mildly, is bored. To the questions of the owner of the holiday about what happened, he replies that everything is in order, and he is as much fun as the rest. So, with an example, you can briefly describe the nature of the introvert. And in fact, he is not bored, this person just has fun not like the people around him. He is much more comfortable diving into himself and thinking about something of his own. types of introverts

Moreover, any public speech, whether it is an answer at the blackboard at school or a report at work in adulthood, causes a panic in the introvert.

Thus, people of this character warehouse most often become writers or scientists, programmers or artists.

It is a mistake to equate the introvert and the egoist. These two characteristics are absolutely different: the first simply makes decisions alone, with himself, while at the same time listening to the opinions of others, which the egoist never does.

Character Features

Thus, in order to understand who such an introvert is, one should take into account the following features of its nature:

  1. Slow and prudent. He never hurries in making a decision; he always does it consciously and deliberately.
  2. Self-centeredness. It is quite difficult for him to merge with the surrounding society, to apprehend it adequately.
  3. Lack of initiative.An introvert almost always listens to the decisions of the environment; he will never offer his ideas.
  4. An introvert is a good strategist. He carefully considers his plans and actions.
  5. Since a person of this type of character is immersed in himself, he fully appreciates his abilities, which eliminates excessive self-esteem.
  6. The introvert is kind, but at the same time vulnerable and touchy. Conflict enters extremely rarely.
  7. Indifference. Such a person is very self-contained, he is not interested in what is happening around.
  8. The introvert is very secretive; nobody knows about his feelings and feelings, even very close people - parents, wife, children.

All these qualities will be revealed only if you personally communicate with a person, and not one-time, but for a sufficient time. It is impossible to find out who such an introvert is by any external signs.

Personal life

The personal life of such people is, although difficult, but quite successful. Their focus on their own inner world sometimes brings misunderstanding to the family. It is much more difficult for a male introvert, because he, obeying the decisions of his wife, often becomes a "henpecked". This fact may be the reason for his sadness and even greater isolation. Knowing who such an introvert, a woman can properly build communication in the family. logical introverts

The wife of a similar character was more fortunate: she would obey her husband, analyze and make informed decisions.

Psychologists note that ideal marriages are couples in which each partner has a different character set: husband - extrovert, wife - introvert. However, these differences should not be extremes - in this case they will complement each other. It is much worse when both spouses are introverts, moreover obvious: they simply cannot sincerely communicate with each other, everyone will live in their own little world.

Types of Introversion

On the basis of Jung’s teachings, a whole branch of science arose - socionics. She not only divides the characters into introverts and extroverts, but also identifies special subtypes in each of them. The classification is based on the work of basic mental functions: thinking, sensation, intuition and the emotional component.

Thus, the main types of introverts distinguished by socionics are sensory and intuitive. In turn, each of them is also divided into subtypes that are more convenient for identification. This is necessary so that a person can attribute himself to a certain group without any special questions. invincible introvert

So, the sensory introvert is very accurate in its actions and judgments, it is focused on any one case or event and will not calm down until it is completed. Of course, this type is an ideal employee for any leader. Such an introvert does not tolerate approximation: it requires clarity and certainty from everyone. In addition, they are also extraordinary cleanlings and adherents of order: such a person of each thing has its own place, for which he carefully monitors. They perceive the outside world as a picture-puzzle: each detail exists separately, but it is very difficult to perceive the sensory introvert as a whole, as a whole.

Another thing is an intuitive introvert. It is not difficult for him to combine several types of activities and simultaneously switch between them. Another difference from the previous type is the ability to try on various professions. For them, the perception of the environment as a whole object is characteristic, they do not like to study in detail the components and small details. These people are dreamers, whose eyes are fixed on the future, and sometimes they replace them with the real, real world.

Logical touch

As mentioned above, there is a more detailed separation of the categories of people aspiring to themselves. So, logical introverts of the sensory type (or logical-sensory) are the owners of the analytical mindset. As a rule, these are careerists who know their worth.They are very practical and reasonable. All the actions of such introverts lend themselves to a clear logical explanation. intuitive introvert

As for life and work environment, these people put order in the first place. They demand it in everything. Very meticulously seeks comfort in the house and stores it.

Logical-sensory introverts are quite difficult to converge with people. However, they remain polite, even if a person is unpleasant to them. They do not trust people, they treat strangers with suspicion.

Ethical and intuitive

These introverts are creative, exalted natures. They pay great attention to their inner world of emotions and feelings. These people are very good at feeling the emotional background of those close to them, and they are also very close to nature.

Ethical-sensory introverts have a great sense of vision of beauty, their artistic taste can be envied. They make good stylists and fashion designers.

These people, perfectly feeling the state of the interlocutor, are able to talk with him “on the same wavelength”, but they are not in a hurry to open their souls: if they decide to have a direct conversation, most likely the interlocutor will be a very close person.

Intuitive logic

As for this type of introvert in a working environment, they work with high productivity. The only thing to consider is that they need a clear explanation of the requirements and a logical construction of the stages of action. Psychologists also note the extreme punctuality of these people.

Sensory ethical

Another introvert, depending on the emotional component. And for him it is this that plays a dominant role. All his actions are dictated by emotions, he makes decisions, also guided by what he feels at the moment. Absolutely devoid of prudence, the concept of "common sense" for him does not exist. sensory introvert

An ethical and intuitive introvert is a passionate nature, and a sense of interest in a business quickly passes, and it switches to another. That is why such people need tight control both in work and in household matters, they must be clearly regulated in time. No matter how they try to plan their daily routine, it always ends in failure.

Unlike other types of introverts, these can communicate well in the company, endowed with a sense of humor, but they are given out by a sharp change of mood. Now, it would seem, he only laughed in the circle of friends, and now he is sitting in solitude. This is a normal situation for such people: they need loneliness in order to sort out their feelings and put them in order.

What to consider when communicating

The last type of introvert is by nature of its theorist. They are looking for a logical explanation for everything, but in practice they cannot realize their ideas.

By character, they are friendly and trusting. Excellent interlocutors, they always listen and help solve a difficult task. At the same time, logical and intuitive introverts do not show their feelings at all, for which they are known as dry, cynical people.

The most important thing in the business that this type deals with is interest. Without this, the task will not be qualitatively completed. They constantly need a man who will direct their theoretical warehouse into a practical channel.

What to consider when communicating

When communicating with an introvert, it is necessary to take into account the features of its nature. We advise you to be guided by the following rules:

  1. Appreciate the relationship with this person because he is not capable of hypocrisy. If he communicates with you, it means he treats you sincerely.
  2. You can’t rush this person with making a decision: he needs time to think.
  3. Do not demand a sharp change of activity. For example, it is better to go to the cinema with him than to rush through the entertainment venues during the evening.
  4. Do not get annoyed by long pauses in the conversation - this way he weighs every word that he is going to say, passes through himself.
  5. Be sure to read the book Invincible Introvert, especially if you are planning a long-term communication with such a person.
  6. People with a similar disposition of character are devoted friends and wonderful spouses. The main thing is to find an approach to them.

How to determine the type of character

How to understand yourself and understand who you are - an introvert or extrovert. The test will help with this. The results of any study can be displayed in the following table.

introvert or extrovert test

Carefully read the information in the table, check the box next to the item with which you agree. Count the number of ticks. If there are more of them in the first column, you are an extrovert, in the second - an introvert. The test can be taken online.

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