
Who is a resident and where else is the word found?

The word "resident" sounds both solid and mysterious. Sometimes it is used in completely different situations. And therefore, the legitimate question arises as to what this word really means.

who is a resident

A resident is not almost a president

First of all, a resident is defined as an individual or legal entity that has official registration in a particular country in which he currently resides for at least six months. For example: we, citizens of Russia, having an official residence permit, are residents for our country. In this case, a prerequisite is that at the moment we are in Russia, and not somewhere in a neighboring country, that is, the opportunity to visit, of course, is provided, but the main condition is that the resident is 183 days from the last 12 calendar months lived in his own country.

To the concept of who the resident is, it should be added that each representative of the country in which he is registered as a resident is fully covered by national legislation. This means that a person bears full responsibility for his actions and actions, as well as for any illegal activity, before his country.the word resident

Who do not consider a resident?

Having understood the concept of who a resident is, you should immediately clarify who is a non-resident. A non-resident is a person who can be both an individual and a legal entity, acting or working in one state, while being constantly registered and registered at a permanent place of residence in another.

In addition, these may be organizations created in accordance with an agreement with the legislation of foreign states, or foreign diplomatic and other official representations located in our country.resident value

Tax resident. Value

The issue regarding the taxation of citizens has its own nuances, since it does not depend on the citizenship of an individual. The main criterion here is the tax status of a citizen and the type of income received. This means that any person who has stayed in Russia for at least 183 days over the past year is considered a tax resident.

That is, a person may not be a resident of our country, but nevertheless he will be listed as a tax resident. Regardless of the sources of income, such persons are subject to personal income tax. As an example, we can cite his fulfillment of labor duties in the Russian Federation, the sale of housing, etc. That is, in whatever other country you are a resident, and where you receive income, pay that treasury and tax.

In order for a non-resident comrade not to be taxed again in his own country, he needs to take confirmation from the Federal Tax Service about the payment already made. Issuance of confirmation occurs one month after the date of submission of the application and related documents.

Secret face. Resident and its additional values

Another interesting meaning is the concept of a resident. It turns out that the secret agents of foreign intelligence are called residents, and not just authorized, but, take it above, the heads of intelligence networks. Perhaps this value would be forgotten due to rare use. However, the popular feature films “Resident's mistake” and “Resident's fate” with the beloved actor in the title role, George Zhzhenov, rooted this meaning in the minds of Soviet people.resident

From the Latin language, “resident” is literally translated as “sitting, remaining in place,” in English this concept refers to the phrase “migratory bird”. In addition, a resident is a person who represents a colonial power in a protectorate. In the Middle Ages, they would answer the question of who the resident is, that he is a foreigner, the diplomatic representative of his country, who is currently fulfilling his political mission in their state.

who is a resident

Who is a resident - there is no more secret

In further extrapolation, this term is sometimes used in Russian in relation to foreign special agencies. As we can see, the word "resident" has many different meanings, and it can be found both in official legislative decrees and in the film industry.

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