
Who is a forensic expert? All the subtleties and pitfalls of the profession

Forensic experts are people through whom criminals get what they deserve. After all, it is they who find the evidence that can shed light on the hidden circumstances of the criminal case. But what do we know about this old profession? How difficult is it to master? And what qualities should a person who decides to embark on this difficult path have?

forensic expert

Forensic expert - who is he?

In order for a judge to pronounce a reasonable sentence, it must be provided with a substantial evidence base. However, if some information can be easily obtained thanks to a successful interrogation or sincere recognition then to get others you need to sweat pretty.

In particular, there is such a profession as a forensic expert. This specialist is committed to conducting various kinds of research that can shed light on the special circumstances of the case. For example, indicate the cause and time of death, determine the weapon of killing, hacking method and so on.

The forensic expert transmits the data to law enforcement agencies, and they already decide what to do next. Moreover, it often happens that it is thanks to this information that the police find the criminal.

Versatility of the profession

In Russia, these specialists appeared during the reign of Peter I. It was then that they established such a position as a forensic expert. Initially, his duties included only a definition causes of death but then the range of his tasks expanded significantly.

court medical expert

As for today, in addition to the forensic expert, there are about 11 different areas of forensic examination. Here are the most relevant ones:

  • Forensic expert. The main tasks are checking ballistic data, comparing handwriting, analyzing explosives, determining the type of weapon, and so on.
  • Medical examiner. Establishment of the cause and time of death, toxicology, psychological conclusion.
  • Forensic Engineering. Search for the causes of disasters, accidents, crash of ships and aircraft.
  • Economic expert. Checking financial reports, searching for pyramids and shadow accounting.
  • Art critic. He studies all crimes related to the theft or corruption of works of art.

Where to get an education?

Forensic expert - a profession requiring higher education. There are two ways to get the necessary knowledge.

The first is to graduate from a regular university with a specialized education. Then enroll in the school of forensics and improve their skills to the required level. The second is to immediately enter a specialized institution at the faculty of forensic examination.

For example, in Russia this profession can be obtained at such universities:

  • Russian State University of Justice.
  • Moscow State University named after O. E. Kutafin.
  • Moscow University of Finance and Law.

forensic experts

Court medical expert

I would like to pay special attention to forensic experts. The fact is that this profession requires not only the education of a criminalist, but also thorough medical training. Without it, a forensic expert simply cannot fulfill her duties. And he has them very extensive.

In particular, the medical examiner is required to:

  1. Determine the cause and time of death. To do this, he needs to have broad knowledge in the field of anatomy, as well as know the features of chemical processes in the human body.
  2. Be able to "shoot" beatings. That is, be able to distinguish between the types and types of intentional injuries, as well as determine their severity.
  3. Understand toxicology.After all, this particular science helps to determine the degree and type of drug intoxication, as well as to detect the presence of toxic enzymes in the blood of the victim.
  4. Understand medical documentation and be able to correctly compile it. Any mistake or inaccuracy can lead to the fact that the evidence will not be admitted to court.

forensic expert

Who can apply for the position of forensic expert?

It should be noted that education is not the only condition necessary for employment in this profession. In addition to knowledge, a person must possess certain internal qualities, otherwise, over time, work will break him.

So what should be a forensic expert? The specialist who has chosen this profession is required to have an iron exposure. After all, without her, he simply could not spend the whole day in search of the necessary evidence.

Also, a forensic expert should always remain calm. It is regrettable, but he often will have to face real horror in his work. However, despite all the brutality of the crimes, he must always soberly assess the situation and immediately carry out all necessary operations.

Where to look for a job?

If earlier this position existed only at state institutions, now everything is a little different. So, in addition to the police, prosecutors and hospitals, forensic experts are also recruiting private offices.

For example, each insurance company has its own specialist responsible for checking the evidence of the insured event. Or the same independent morgues in which you can double-check the veracity of state expertise.

forensic profession

The relevance of the profession and remuneration

Due to the difficulty in mastering this specialty is considered to be very popular in the labor market. However, such a statement is true only for medium and large cities. As for small settlements, a forensic expert is often not needed at all.

If we talk about wages, then its level can be estimated as above average. For example, according to the data for 2015, state forensic experts received monthly salaries in the range of 40-50 thousand rubles.

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