
Liberal ideology: concept, general characteristic

Liberal politics defends the will of every individual. After all, it is the latter in this case that is considered to be of the highest value. Laws are established as a fair basis for economics and order among people. An important role is played by the constitution, within the framework of the rules of which the state and the church have the right to influence social processes.

Key Features and Features

For liberal ideology characterized by:

  • equality of all citizens and a chance to influence political processes;
  • the opportunity to speak freely in public, determine religion, vote honestly for one or another candidate in the election;
  • inviolable private property, trade and entrepreneurship are unlimited;
  • the law is supreme;
  • citizens are equal, influence, wealth and position do not matter.

liberal ideology

Widespread ideas

Today, liberal ideology is very popular. In the modern world, freedom plays a very important role. Attention is paid to a sense of personal dignity, the universal rights of people. The personal life of a person and private property must be inviolable. The market must remain free, religious choice must be tolerated.

When liberal democratic ideology reigns, the state is legal, the government is transparent, the power of the people is higher than rulers. A good ruling force is considered to be the one that expresses the opinions of people, it is regulated and controlled by them. Not only the head of the country rules a man, but a man rules his own land.

A state with a liberal ideology has the same features that are now observed in Finland, Estonia, Cyprus, Uruguay, Spain, Slovenia, Canada and Taiwan. Here the values ​​of will and freedom are given the leading role. It is on their foundation that the new goals of the country are built.

liberal party

Different traits in individual territories

North America and Western Europe are distinguished by the fact that there political movements are in solidarity with the movement for the power of the people. The liberal ideology of the "right" representatives is more prone to classical views on the order of the state.

Here, the influence of conservatives, leaning towards established models and schemes, can be easily traced. They are alien to social and cultural progress, which can undermine the prevailing moral standards.

There used to be rivalries between tradition and freedom fighters, but when World War II ended, authoritarianism was discredited. The leading role was given to the moderate currents, whose ideas were expressed in the desire for milder regimes of conservatism and Christian democracy.

The second half of the 20th century was marked by the fact that liberal ideology suffered from an entrenched desire to preserve private property and privatization. Old customs had to be adjusted.

In the United States of America, the values ​​of liberal ideology reached the people through the socialists, as well as through the “left” currents of this political direction. Western Europe is characterized by differences in the actions of its public organizations. The "Lefts" there pursue a social policy in the struggle for the freedom of the people.

The Liberal Party in Europe promotes non-interference in personal affairs and entrepreneurship. Such actions can only be carried out when the protection of the freedoms and property of some citizens from others is to be carried out.

liberal democratic ideology

The support is given to the cultural and economic trends in which liberal ideology is moving.Social orientation is not supported. When striving to realize the rule of law, it is required that the government have sufficient strength. Some people are of the opinion that private and public organizations are enough to ensure order. Armed movements consider the latest and unacceptable way to solve problems in the event of military aggression.

Differences in Directions

When economic interests are respected, the liberal party can isolate itself in separate movements. We consider economic schemes that do not affect politics. The state should ensure maximum freedom for the development of business and trade, without interfering with this process.

Only moderate regulation of the monetary system can be made; an international market is available. Obstruction in foreign economic activity not carried out by the authorities. Any initiative, on the contrary, is encouraged. Carry out the privatization procedure. Margaret Thatcher showed an example of such management, having carried out a number of reforms in the UK.

liberal politics

The effect of putting ideas into practice

Nowadays, liberals can be attributed to centrist movements or to social democratic movements. In Scandinavia, such management models are very popular. There were economic downturns, due to which the issues of protecting society were particularly acute. The population suffered from unemployment, inflation and poor pensions.

The Social Democrats increased taxation, a large role was played by the state sector in the economy. For a long time, the "right" and "left" political forces fought for rule.

Thanks to this, effective laws appeared, the government became transparent, now it is engaged in the protection of civil human rights and property of business entities.

Nowadays, in Scandinavia, the state does not regulate pricing policy. Banks are run by private companies. Trade is open to anyone who wants to participate in fair competition both in the local and international markets. A liberal democratic policy system was implemented. The level of social protection has become extremely high. Other European countries are characterized by similar processes. There, social democracy is mixed with liberal government policies.

liberal ideology is characteristic

Proclamation of rights and freedoms

The main goals of liberal movements are to strengthen democratic views that give people freedom. The state should take as a basis the right to ensure an independent judicial system. The transparency of the ruling structures should be controlled. Civil rights should be defended and there should be room for competition.

It is very important to understand, when it comes to a particular party, whether it refers to the social liberals, libertarians or the right sector.

Society also promotes the ideas of equality and freedom in a wide variety of ways. Some support a free choice of sex life, the right to sell drugs and weapons, and expand the powers of private security organizations, which may delegate part of the powers of the police.

In the context of the economy, a stable income tax or its replacement on a per capita basis is maintained. They are trying to privatize educational institutions, the procedure for providing retirees, and protecting health. They want to make science related to self-sustaining sponsorship. A number of states are characterized by the fact that the liberal party seeks to abandon the death sentence, disarm troops, reject the development of nuclear weapons, and take care of the environment.

values ​​of liberal ideology

Unity of nationalities

Disputes around multiculturalism are becoming ever more acute. Ethnic minorities should share those values ​​of the people that are considered fundamental. The majority of the population, having the same roots, must protect the rights of small communities.There is also an opinion that there should be an early integration between minorities in order to preserve the nation in integrity.

Organizations and Associations

Since 1947, the Mon Pelerin Society has been carrying out actions to unite economic, entrepreneurial, philosophical minds, journalistic figures in order to maintain the ideals that the classical struggle for freedom preaches.

state with liberal ideologyNowadays, this policy is promoted by the Liberal International, which unites 19 organizations based on the Oxford manifesto. As of 2015, there are 100 members in education, including the Free Democratic Party of Germany, Yabloko in Russia and so on.

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