
Limit-fence card M-8 - sample fill. New blank limit card form

Correct and accurate inventory of goods and materials at enterprises occurs with the help of many accounting documents, one of which is a limit-intake card.

What is a limit card?

A limit-pick-up card is a primary accounting document of an accumulative nature, which acts as the basis for writing off the MC from the warehouse of the enterprise to the workshops, to sections of the same enterprise. The amount of materials is written out on the basis of their planned needs.

The name and directly the form of the document itself was developed in the Soviet Union and has survived to this day. "Limit" means the type of restriction, "fence" - i.e. vacation, receipt of goods and materials, “card” - indicates that this is a strict reporting form.

limit fence card

The limit-fence card is issued in the presence of limits for the release of materials that will be used in the manufacture of our own products, i.e. This is an internal document. It controls the work of warehouse employees, especially those who honestly perform their duties - guarantees them protection from accusations, suspicions of theft.

What is it used for?

To carry out production activities, structural units of the enterprise need to carry out the systematic consumption of MCs for various purposes. The number of MCs is set due to limits that are determined for each item.

MC limits, in turn, are formed from the approved consumption norms for 1 unit. finished products, as well as according to the volume of production of these products according to the production programs of sections and workshops. The approval of the limits is the responsibility of the heads of enterprises or other persons authorized by them.

The movement of the MC is documented by means of limit-fence cards, which are also a justifiable documentary basis for the issuance of the MC from a warehouse to other structural units of the enterprise. In addition, the limit-fence card contributes to the current control over compliance with the established consumption limits for inventories. Material is only released from the warehouse indicated on the limit fence card.

limit sampling card fill pattern

Thanks to the limit card, materials that were not involved in production (returns) are recorded. If it is necessary to release material in excess of the limit or replace the nomenclature indicated on the card with another, then this happens with the permission of the head or authorized persons.

What needs to be done before filling the limit-intake cards?

The planning department, the material supply department should write out for a month, in some cases for a quarter, a half a year, a year, limit-fence cards with established limits in 2 copies. These cards must have monthly tear-off coupons for the actual vacation of the MC. One of the copies of the card is given to the consumer of the MC (site, workshop), the other is transferred to the warehouse.

Limits must be justified and signed by the head. If spending limits need to be unplannedly increased, then the head of the structural unit must draw up an additional requirement. When the manager permits to increase the limit, then the following mark is made in the limit-intake card: "Replacement, see requirement No.__".

How is it filled

In both copies, you must specify the name of the enterprise, the code that characterizes the movement of goods and materials, number, date of the document, type of activity, established limit, item number of goods and materials, if any, at the enterprise,the same applies to the OKEY code, name, cost code, information about the recipient and sender, workshop, how much was dispensed and what was the remainder. The unit of production (kilogram, packaging, piece, meter) is indicated, which can be used as materials or certain services. The name is signed as detailed as possible: brand, size, grade.

The MC is released when the representative of the workshop, site presents his copy of the card in the warehouse, after which the storekeeper notes in his limit-pick-up card and in the customer’s copy the date, number of the MCs released, and after that the storekeeper displays the balance and writes down the same amount of expenses him into the cards.

limit intake card m 8

After a month, both copies of the cards are transferred to the accounting department in order for the accountant to display the MC's expense on the due accounts of the BU and indicate on the cards the synthetic accounts, sub-accounts that are involved in correspondence, the prices of each goods and materials excluding VAT, and the analytical accounting codes of the MC. When the limit intake cards are closed, the accountant summarizes the number of items issued and records their value. If there were returns of unused goods and materials, their value is indicated with a minus sign. The closing date of the card is considered the moment of signing it by the heads of units that give and receive goods and materials. All copies must be signed by both the representative of the unit and the storekeeper.

A limit-intake card, the sample of filling of which can be seen in the photo, is written out and filled in for one name of the MC, one item number.

Limit Fence Card Forms

limit fence card form 62

  1. The M-8 limit-fence card is the primary accounting document of a unified standard inter-industry form, which was approved on 10/30/97. Resolution N 71a of the Goskomstat of Russia.
  2. Limit-fence card (form 62) - the primary accounting document intended for writing off goods and materials from the company's warehouses in its workshops or sections. This form is no longer used, because it is not compiled in a unified form in the albums of primary records. Following the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 12.28.2001 No. 119Н, the primary accounting documentation for the expenditure of the MC from the enterprise’s warehouses in its units is a limit-intake card (typical interdisciplinary form N М-8).
  3. The limit fence card, form 117 is a specialized form approved by the USSR State Agro-Industry Committee on March 20, 87 N 281-4. Previously used in the agricultural sector, but also lost its force of action, as well as form 62.

Do I have to use limit-fence cards?

The limit-fence card (form M-8) can be used by enterprises as an example, as Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-ФЗ on "Accounting" from 01/01/13, the requirements for the use of standardized forms of primary accounting documentation were canceled.

limit intake card form 117

Cards are necessarily used at enterprises where there are limits for the release of materials, often in mass, food production.

With the advent of automated accounting, the need for limit-fence cards gradually disappears, this applies to non-standard, small-scale production. If the enterprise does not have the requirements of internal regulations regarding the form of accounting for MC consumption, then it can only be kept in electronic form, without extracting paper media.

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