
Logos of famous brands: origin and significance

These original and catchy images accompany us everywhere. Logos of well-known clothing brands are well known to many fashionistas, motorists will unmistakably recognize the manufacturer by the icon on the hood. What can we say about the trademarks of companies manufacturing household appliances and electronics. They are well known even to children.

Have you ever wondered who created logos of world famous brands and how? What do they mean? Why, it would seem, a simple picture becomes a business card of the company and it is recognized all over the world? I must say that the history of logos of famous brands is sometimes very interesting. Get to know some of them.


Not all logos of famous brands are as recognizable as this mysterious and catchy sign, which the famous fashion designer began to use since 1978. He became another decoration of his magnificent collections. Since then, the head of the Gorgon Medusa, located in a circle, has become the trademark of this fashion house.logos of famous brands

When couturiers asked questions about a rather strange choice of logo, he replied that it was a symbol of fatal enchantment and beauty that could mesmerize and paralyze any person. And I must say, maestro Versace achieved his goal - his logo is known throughout the world. It has become a symbol of perfect taste, sophisticated style and luxury.


Photos of logos of famous brands often appear on the pages of glossy magazines. This square, consisting of four letters G and similar to a stylized leaf of clover, personifies strict lines, harmony. Some experts in the field of symbolism are sure that the company used the rules developed in ancient Greece to create it.logos of famous clothing brands

Givenchy uses the logo as decorations and prints that are popular and recognizable throughout the world.


Logos of famous brands and their names can be found in many fashion magazines. And this little green crocodile does not need advertising, since it has long become a trademark of Lacoste, which is famous all over the world primarily for polo shirts.

Probably not everyone knows how this sign appeared. It is not a combination of letters defining the name of the owner of the company. Jean Rene Lacoste - formerly a successful tennis player, in narrow circles he was called the Alligator. He founded his company in 1993, which focused on sportswear for tennis players.

photo logos of famous brands

The trademark was created spontaneously. For fun, one of Lacoste's comrades drew a funny little crocodile, which later became the logo of the new brand. Today, the fruit of this successful, I must admit, jokes is one of the most recognizable in the world.

Chupa Chups and ... Salvador Dali

If you think that the logos of famous brands are not known to children whose parents are far from fashion, then you are mistaken. A vivid example of this is the company Chupa Chups. All kids in our country know this product. But how is a great artist connected with her?logos of famous brands and their names

One of the most famous and prominent representatives of surrealism, an artist and graphic artist, director and sculptor, writer contributed to the development and prosperity of this company. After all, it was Salvador Dali who created the logo of world famous sweet lollipops. We must pay tribute to the founders of the company - they did not regret a substantial sum and invited the famous artist Salvador Dali to create the logo.

It should be noted that their costs paid off with interest. The trademark turned out to be bright, simple, interesting and at the same time understandable and unobtrusive. According to the artist himself, this work took him no more than an hour.In the color scheme, he used the colors of the Spanish flag, he rounded the letters a bit and put them in a frame.

Nike and Carolyn Davidson

Logos of famous companies and brands are sometimes striking in their simplicity. Therefore, many are interested in the question of why they are so remembered. An example of this is Nike and its laconic "tick". When the company announced a logo contest, Portland State student Carolyn Davidson took part in it.

Interestingly, then its sign did not cause much enthusiasm for the owners of the company, however, they found it quite promising. Funny, Carolyn received only thirty-five dollars for her original work. I wonder what time now brand owners evaluate their logo?

Bullseye Apple

Logos of famous brands are often striking in their originality. Millions of people around the world know what the Apple logo looks like. And most of them know about the founder of the company, Steve Jobs. However, the name of the creator of this famous logo is known to few. Most believe that Steve came up with the bitten apple, but this is a fallacy.

logos of famous brands game answers

At first, Apple had a different trademark (Newton writing something, sitting under a tree). Steve did not like this option, since from his youth he gravitated to minimalism and simplicity. He said: "Icons should look so that they would like to lick."

He posed such a difficult task for Rob Yanov, a designer who worked on the new Apple logo. The only desire voiced by Jobs: "Do not make him sugary." A few weeks later, several sketches of rainbow apples (bitten and whole) lay on Steve’s desk. Jobs chose the well-known option that seemed more interesting and original to him.


Logos of famous brands are sometimes of particular importance to company owners. This happened to Apple founder Steve Jobs. He had to face many problems in his life. He was even fired from the company that he founded. But Steve can not be attributed to people who are breaking life's hardships. Leaving Apple, he very soon founded another computer technology firm and named it NeXT. The name turned out to be symbolic - "next." Perhaps this is how Jobs emphasized that it was impossible to stop him, and he would create the next company with even more enthusiasm and fervor.

 history of logos of famous brands

But back to the history of this famous logo in the world. He was tasked with developing renowned graphic designer Paul Rand. He put forward a strict condition for Jobs: "You pay me 100 thousand dollars for one version of the logo, which will certainly suit you."

As a result of this collaboration, the world recognized the NeXT inscription in the style of Steve Jobs. The sketch was accepted immediately, without corrections. The only thing Steve wanted to change was to highlight the letter E in yellow. It cannot be said that Paul Rand previously created logos for the huge computer corporation IBM, the worldwide delivery service UPS and more than a dozen medium and small companies.

Coca cola

When we see the logos of famous brands, which Coca-Cola Corporation undoubtedly belongs to, it seems that they were developed by teams of professional marketers and designers. But in this case, everything was different. The logo for this company was developed by an ordinary employee of the company, accountant Frank Robinson.

At that time, the company did not yet have its current name, and it was Frank who chose it - Coca-Cola. He placed the name on a red background, and for writing he used the standard copybook at that time. Such a font was then considered the standard of calligraphy. This is how one of the most recognizable logos of our time appeared before the world. True, about once every ten years, the company slightly modifies its trademark. But the special font remains unchanged, as well as red and white colors.

Three-pointed star

All motorists dream of having a car with such a logo. The company Mercedes was established in 1926.And the logo, known today all over the world, appeared much later. The company voices the official version of its meaning as a trinity - air, land and water.

logos of famous companies and brands

It is in automobiles (on land), in boats and yachts (on water), in airplanes (in the air) that engines produced at factories are used. There is also an unofficial version that says that for the first time such a star was used by Gottlieb Daimler - the founder of Mercedes-Benz. In a letter to his wife, he used this symbol to indicate the place where their new home will be built. The sons of the founder of the company slightly modernized their father's star, and she became the company logo.

Three most popular stripes

And this logo is not just a brand, but a huge industry, which is a trendsetter in sports fashion for several generations of professionals and sports enthusiasts. For a long time, the company logo was a shamrock and three stripes.

An interesting fact is that designers were not involved in creating the logo. Its concept was proposed by the founder of the company - Adi Dassler. For 22 years (until 1994) the trademark was unchanged. But then new trends in fashion forced the specialists of the famous brand to rework several shamrocks that were beloved in the world. Now the company's products are decorated with a logo, which is a triangle, made in the old traditions. The theme of the three bands has been preserved.

logos of famous brands of the world

Since 2008, the company has been releasing a separate collection of shoes and clothing called Adidas original. She combined the fashion of the 80s, as well as the original logo that Adi Dassler created.

Calvin klein

This brand began its existence back in 1942. His logo was immediately created. However, it became recognizable only after 30 years, when the designer presented the world a line of jeans and placed the logo on the back pocket.

logos of famous brands and their names

Later it became not only used as a sign of recognition, but also served as a navigator for the collection. A dark logo indicates top-level clothing, gray indicates permanent clothing lines, white indicates sportswear.

Logos of famous brands: Brandomania game

If you are interested in the history of company trademarks, then for sure you will be interested in a new game. A few years ago she appeared in the West, and now she is winning the hearts of gamers in our country. The Brendomania game consists of seven levels, they open as you progress through the previous ones. Three experienced levels have been created for experienced brand-addicts, over which they will have to rack their brains to achieve good results.

logos of famous brands game

Brandomania has a relaxing dynamic. It is better to play several people. It is desirable to answer the questions the first time, then you will be able to collect the largest number of prize coins. Of course, the game is designed for those who know at least some logos of famous brands. The game (the answers may not be very simple) suggests the possibility of using hints. To do this, click on the “lightbulb” icon, and information about an unknown brand will appear in front of you. And the “bomb” will delete most of the letters, and you will need to guess which word is hidden behind the rest.

The design of the game is quite simple, the control interface is clear. We must pay tribute to the authors of the game for the fact that they not only beyond recognition recognized the logos, but also retained their main features. According to those who have already mastered the first levels, guessing the answers of Brandomania is actually interesting.

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