
Popular brands of sportswear. List of the best manufacturers

To start playing sports is a serious step in life. It takes strength, will, endurance, patience and comfortable clothes! The outfit should not interfere or restrict movement. Making a choice is very difficult, because the market offers a wide range. But there are proven and high-quality sports brands clothes. The list of them is not so long. They were able to gain the trust of athletes and lovers of comfortable clothes for everyday wear. The quality and design of the models are harmonious and inseparable. Therefore, even the most avid fashionista will be able to pick up a lot of items for her wardrobe.


Each of the world-famous manufacturing companies began its journey with a small sewing workshop. Over time, recognition and popularity came. In any country in the world they have heard that there are such brands of sportswear. The list is small:

  • Nike.
  • Adidas.
  • Puma.
  • Reebok.
  • Columbia
  • Converse
  • Fila.

sportswear brands list

These names revolve in the language of every person, even not related to sports. But professional athletes have long chosen their idol from this list and are buying up all the new items. With pleasure they use clothes for their intended purpose. For several years now, the sport-glam style has been afloat in fashion. It is preferred mainly by girls leading an active lifestyle. After all, both in training and in walking, you want to feel comfortable and look attractive. To choose exactly what you like, it is better to study the most popular clothing brands. The list is not so long, because it is very difficult to gain world fame. Champions and movie stars love to wear and advertise clothes of popular brands. But they do this not only for the sake of money - goods of really high quality. Professional athletes only choose brands that have been proven over the years.

Historical moments

Adidas is a name by ear, even in children. Stylish, comfortable clothes and shoes of this company fill the shops of any city. Many professional athletes, Olympic champions prefer this particular brand. But his story is a little sad. In 1924, the Dasler family from Germany created the Dasler Brothers Shoe Factory brand. For many years this company pleased its compatriots with fashionable and comfortable clothes and shoes.

sports apparel brands list

Second wind

Production developed at a frantic pace until war broke out. If not for the tenacity and perseverance of the Daslers, Adidas would not fall into the popular brands of sportswear. The list of world famous manufacturers added to this logo after the war. But in 1948, a strong scandal occurred in the family of businessmen, they could not come out of this situation and decided to split the company. This is how Puma appeared, which is in no way inferior to the competitor.

Goddess wing

Nike leads American sportswear brands. The list of manufacturers in this country is quite long, but not everyone can compete with Nike. And this brand arose almost by accident. A student named Phil Knight, a student at the University of Oregon, worked hard at the school team. Good sneakers in those days were scarce. The student was not at a loss and ordered several pairs of high-quality sports shoes from Japan. I sold them profitably and decided to devote my life to this business.

clothing brands list

The Nike brand was registered in 1964 and immediately took a leading position. And to this day, she surpasses all sports clothing brands. The list of manufacturers in this area is huge, but nobody can compete with Nike.The company logo symbolizes the wing of the goddess Nika. A student designed it, having received a modest fee and recognition of talent. Her creation is recognized by billions of people around the world.

Strict England

New brands of sportswear are appearing. The list is growing every day, but Reebok products still can not be compared with anything. The company has a powerful marketing system and constantly surprises with innovation. But it was with them that she began her existence. In the distant 1900, a talented and enterprising shoemaker invented shoes with spikes for running. As a sports enthusiast, he tried them on himself. Traction was excellent. The company created by him, still pleases athletes with excellent products for an active life. They do not even consider other clothing brands. american sportswear brands listThe list is long enough, but the choice is made, although this company fell into high-profile court cases and paid huge compensation to consumers for the lack of the promised effect of the goods.

Sport - is life

It is not possible to list all brands of sportswear. Logos, emblems of the most worthy manufacturers are known all over the world. Columbia, Roxy, New Balance are worthy representatives of their category. They produce clothes, shoes, sports equipment. The best minds of the company develop the technology and design of each of the products carefully and lovingly. They care about their consumers and the quality of the goods. Therefore, sports clothing brands have been afloat for so long. You now know the list of the best.

sportswear brands logos emblems

These companies are time-tested, for several generations they have been purchasing their company clothes and shoes, and there are no complaints. Give up bad habits today and go in for sports! Then life will open on the other hand, show all its brightness and charm. No need to run to an expensive boutique and sweep a branded sports uniform from the shelves. You can start in old tights and a T-shirt. The main thing is that there is a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle and have a beautiful body!

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