
The best interest rates on deposits in banks in Moscow: description, rating and reviews of depositors

Of course, today the banking system of Russia is going through hard times. Many institutions found themselves in a difficult situation due to political problems, which is why processes that are not the most favorable for both institutions and investors have started to take place on the market. On the one hand, this is a tense situation for those players who had certain problems before the crisis; on the other, this is a time of real opportunities for banks that have resorted to original methods of solving the problem.

In this article, of course, we will touch upon a much simpler question - the best deposit rates. In order to understand what should be expected for a client-investor, we will give interest rates for deposits in banks in Moscow in the form of a rating. And since many institutions operating in the capital also have branches in other cities, we can conclude that in our review we will talk about all-Russian banking products. Thus, our list contains the largest players working across the country and giving favorable interest rates and terms on deposits (Moscow simply acts as a city for “controlling” the conditions of deposits).

interest rates on deposits in banks in Moscow


So, we note that today there are many bank ratings that relate to both credit and deposit products in a particular institution. Accordingly, if you want to cooperate with a bank, there is nothing easier than finding out information about where they give a higher rate, what are the conditions for customers, and so on. In our case, we are going to present in more detail information about deposits - deposits that can be profitable. Since the conditions vary depending on the bank and the product that interests you, this information should be checked immediately before the transaction is completed.

We will make our rating banks of Moscow. You can see the rates and interest on deposits in them in the most convenient form.

Data accuracy

Bank of Moscow interest rates on ruble deposits

It is clear that information about banking products can change quite quickly, given the possibility of holding various promotions or the existence of hidden conditions for certain packages. Therefore, at the moment we use the most accurate, verified information.

However, banking products are not so constant as not to change for a long time (especially in the current economic situation). We mention this in advance in order to avoid mistakes.


It is possible, of course, to simply bring the most profitable contribution and make it the basis of the entire rating - but this will not be sufficiently correct information. The client is interested not only in the dry figure of the percentage of profitability, but also in a number of conditions put forward by the bank. Since they can change significantly, special attention should be paid to them. Such criteria for assessing deposits are, for example, the possibility of replenishment of the deposit, as well as the option of receiving interest on a monthly basis. In addition, there are other conditions that determine profitable deposits (Moscow). Interest rates are a key characteristic, but, for example, without the possibility of making replenishment, the client will want to open a new deposit in another bank, where such an option will be provided.

favorable interest rates and terms on deposits Moscow

Or, for example, there are people “living” from their contribution. If they cannot withdraw interest on a monthly basis, they will forced to just contact another bank. Therefore, recounting interest rates on deposits in banks in Moscow, we pay attention, including to these options. So, let's move on to the rating.We briefly presented it in the form of 5 positions.

1. Bank “Russian Standard”

The rate of 11.70% is offered by this financial institution in its own way of “online” contribution. Unfortunately, the package does not imply the possibility of making replenishment of the deposit, as well as interest payments on a monthly basis. But here they guarantee the maximum income in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. With such a rate, the institution clearly leads the list of “Best interest rates” on deposits in Moscow. The term for which a deposit can be made is from 91 days.

2. Bank ”Trust”

rating of Moscow banks deposit rates and interest

One of the best profitable deposits can be opened at Trust Bank. It is called “Your People,” and it is obvious that this service is designed to attract new customers (that is, it is temporary in nature). The rate here is quite high - at the level of 10.50% per year (which puts it on the second line, if we take into account other interest rates on deposits in banks in Moscow). True, the conditions are also not the most comfortable: there is no way to add money to the main amount or get interest for a month; there is also no capitalization on the balance of the deposit account - a person will receive his money only at the end of the deposit term. And the conditions here are the same as in the institution described above - the ability to deposit an amount of 30 thousand rubles for a period of 91 days.

3. ”Moscow Credit Bank”

Also, one of the leaders at the interest rate can be called “Moscow Credit”. There is a fairly loyal requirement regarding the term of the deposit - the client has the right to conclude an agreement for 95-370 days, while receiving the same rate. As in the previous case, the bank does not allow replenishment of the deposit or monthly payments. There is no limit on the amount of funds that a client can put - a deposit can be opened at least for a thousand rubles. Future funds will be transferred to a separate account. Given the name of the proposal (“Maximum Online Revenue”), we can conclude that we are talking about a package related to the institution's Internet banking. The bank pays 11.25% per year.

4. ”Rosinterbank”

the best interest rates on deposits in Moscow

A similar proposal is put forward by this financial institution. They offer a promotional contribution called “We are 25”. Obviously, it was launched in honor of the anniversary of the bank. The interest rate here is also set at 11.25% per annum; deposit period is 545 days. The client is not given the opportunity to receive interest on the deposit on a monthly basis, so the offer will be relevant only to those who would like to get the most out of their money in the long term. The minimum amount for investment is 50 thousand rubles.

5. ”Renaissance loan”

This bank has a slightly lower rate of 10.50%. The conditions, however, are not significantly different from what the previous ones offer. Payment of interest - at the end of the term, the minimum amount to be paid is 30 thousand rubles, the term is 91 days. Interest capitalization not implemented.


profitable deposits Moscow interest rates

As you can see, we have given the highest interest rates on deposits in banks in Moscow. All of them are installed at this level due to the lack of a number of opportunities for the client. Therefore, if you need a contribution, say, with the possibility of replenishment, then a much lower interest rate will be set on it.

If you are interested in maximum income and do not care about the above restrictions, any bank (Moscow) will accept your deposit. The interest rates on ruble deposits in it will, of course, be higher than on corresponding deposits with more flexible options.

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