
Where to get a loan at a small percentage: list of banks, conditions and reviews

From generation to generation, the habit of saving is gradually disappearing. Today, almost no one is afraid of the need to obtain borrowed funds. Loans for the purchase of a car, jewelry or a tour package, as well as housing solutions are not uncommon; most Russian citizens are regular customers of commercial banks. In this regard, people have a logical question: where to get a loan at a small percentage?
where to get a consumer loan at a small percentage

Little trick

In their loan offers, banks often indicate a range of interest rates. The minimum value is promised to customers when certain conditions are met (providing an extended package of documents, surety, life and health insurance). Unfortunately, the probability of approving a loan with a lower interest rate is small, so do not count on the promises of marketers. In our review you will find specific offers of credit organizations where you can get a loan at a small percentage.

"VTB 24"

First of all, we will consider consumer lending. For example, we define the amount - 400 000 rubles., Period - 36 months. Given these conditions, the borrower can find the best offer at VTB 24 - 17% per annum.

To apply, you must submit:

- passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;


Portrait of the borrower:

- age restrictions - 21-70 years;

- income after tax deduction for Moscow and the region - from 30,000 rubles. (from 20 000 rubles in the regions);

- Russian citizenship;

- experience - at least three months at the current place of work, total length of service - from 1 year;

- permanent registration in the region of obtaining a loan.

VTB 24 Bank has a good reputation among customers. Most of the negative reviews concern sending out information about pre-approved loans, because when visiting the office, many people are refused. Things are even worse with life insurance, which is imposed on future borrowers in violation of the law.
where to get a loan at a small percentage


Where to get a loan at a small percentage to refinance existing loans is today one of the most pressing issues. “VTB 24” offers on-lending on more favorable terms with a reduction in monthly payments. In addition to a passport and proof of income, the bank will also need credit documentation. The absence of current arrears and regular repayment over the past six months are prerequisites for refinancing. If the bank responds positively, the loan is issued at 17%, and the borrower receives the option “Three preferential payments”. This means that for the first three months only accrued interest is payable.
where to get a mortgage at a small percentage

"Bank of Moscow"

Interested in where to get a loan at a small percentage? The list of banks with favorable conditions is continued by the Bank of Moscow. Specialists of the credit organization have developed a special offer for workers in the fields of education, healthcare, law enforcement agencies and public administration. In addition, the participation of the employer in the salary project reduces the interest rate.

Let's go back to our example (400 thousand rubles for 36 months) and calculate the rate. If the client works as a teacher (civil servant or doctor) and receives a salary on a Bank of Moscow card, then he can apply for the above loan amount at 18.9% per annum. Another advantage is the minimum requirements for documents - when applying, you only need a passport and a salary plastic card.
where to get a loan at a small percentage of the list of banks

"Renaissance Credit"

Where to get a consumer loan at a small percentage is a very important issue. If the conditions of the above banks do not suit you, we advise you to pay attention to Renaissance Credit. The product “For a good credit history” is the absence of commissions and insurance obligations, large amounts without security and quick review. The loan rate is from 19.9 to 27.9%.

The offer is suitable for borrowers who have positive experience in lending. Customer reviews pay attention to some features:

- a large penalty for late payment of a monthly payment;

- a fee of 0.5% when depositing funds to the bank cash desk;

- employment in the region where the loan is issued or permanent registration.
where to get a pensioner's loan at a small percentage

Voluntary insurance

The problem of voluntary insurance arises in almost all credit organizations. Banks indicate rates of 16% on advertising banners, but upon closer examination, it turns out that this offer is valid for obligatory registration of insurance services.

Tempting, at first glance, the conditions are offered by the Rosselkhozbank - from 17.5%. However, the contract provides for an increase in the rate by 3% in case of refusal of voluntary life insurance.

The client again wonders where to get a loan to a pensioner at a small percentage, and turns to Sovcombank. In a well-known advertising campaign, the bank offers the Pension Plus product with age restrictions up to 85 years, but even here the “preferential” interest rate does not drop below 29.9%.
where can I get a loan at a small percentage


After analyzing the proposals of commercial banks, we found only one option, where to get a loan at a small percentage to a pensioner.

Without collateral and documents on intended use issues borrowed funds “ICD”. When applying for a consumer loan, a retirement pension and a long service pension can be considered here as a source of income.

Portrait of the borrower:

- age restrictions - 18-69 years;

- citizenship of the Russian Federation;

- stable income and permanent registration of the employer in Moscow.

Basic conditions:

  1. Loan rate - from 16% per annum.
  2. Duration - 6 months - 15 years.
  3. Amount - up to 1,500,000 rubles.
  4. Repayment of the loan only by annuity payments.

To complete the application, the future borrower can call the support service, fill out a special form on the bank’s website or come to the office in person. The review period is up to three business days.

Unfortunately, servicing at Moscow Credit Bank does not suit many customers. Terminal failures and problems due to incompetence of employees lead to negative assessments. However, borrowers do not like the constant imposition of voluntary life insurance most of all. We urge you to carefully read all the papers during the loan, because then it will be very difficult to terminate the insurance contract.


For many families, a mortgage is the only chance to leave with relatives, so the long term and overpayment do not scare them at all.

To the logical question of where to get a mortgage loan at a small percentage, finding the answer is not so simple. Among the huge number of credit organizations, the Bank of Moscow comes to the fore again. We will consider two options for buying an apartment: in a new building and in the secondary market.

In both cases, the requirements for the borrower are standard:

- Russian citizenship;

- total length of service - more than one year;

- experience at the current place of work - more than 3 months.

The loan rate is in the range of 13-14%. Participants can count on the minimum value salary projects and government, education, and healthcare workers. In addition, in case of refusal of voluntary insurance, the rate increases by 1%.

Among the advantages of mortgage lending in the Bank of Moscow, one can note the assessment of the subject of pledge at the expense of the bank and the receipt of borrowed funds with an initial payment of 40% for two documents.As for the minuses, customers are unhappy with the restriction of the minimum amount for partial prepayment.

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