
The maximum term of the sick leave after surgery, with oncology, maternity

A sick leave is a document confirming a temporary disability of a citizen in connection with a certain disease. The rules for its execution and the payment procedure are not well known to every resident of our country, although this situation can affect everyone. The nature of the disease may depend on how long the sick leave is issued.

Who issues the document

Disability Document for outpatient treatment about acute respiratory viral infections, mild food poisoning, minor injuries, inflammatory processes in a mild form is issued in the clinic. The maximum sick leave period is 15 calendar days, including the first and last days of action. After this time, the patient must appear at the doctor’s appointment. If his malaise persists, the sick-list may be extended. The term for which the sick leave is extended is determined individually and depends on the nature and prognosis of the disease.maximum sick leave

In some cases, this document can be issued by a dentist - in the presence of acute pathology of the oral cavity, which limits the ability to work, or paramedic - when the patient lives in rural areas. The maximum term of the sick leave in this case will be up to 10 calendar days.

Only state medical institutions - clinics, hospitals, feldsher-obstetric centers have the right to issue documents on disability. You can apply for a sick leave by presenting an identity document (most often this is a passport). If a citizen is officially employed in several institutions, then 1 document is issued for each place of work.

Pregnancy and childbirth

For women preparing to become mothers, the law provides for special conditions. A maternity certificate is issued when the gestational age has reached 30 weeks, for 140 days, i.e. 70 - before the birth of the child and 70 - after it. This order is valid if a woman has 1 child. If childbirth occurs prematurely or complications are found, the period of disability is extended to 156 days. With a diagnosed pregnancy of 2 or more fruits, the doctor draws up a sick leave for 194 calendar days.

maternity leave

Inpatient treatment

In cases of serious diseases requiring hospitalization in the hospital and long-term treatment, the patient may be incapacitated much longer than the standard 15 days. This occurs after acute cerebrovascular accidents (strokes), with pathologies of the cardiovascular system, chronic diseases with a severe course. In such cases, the sick leave is issued for the entire duration of the hospital stay. If necessary, the patient may be given an additional 10 days after discharge. What is the maximum sick leave period (per year)? It all depends on the nature of the disease and the treatment that proves necessary. In some situations, the duration of temporary disability reaches 12 months.for how long is sick leave issued

Actions for oncological diagnosis

With a diagnosed cancer, a sick leave is issued for up to 120 calendar days. Further actions depend on the prognosis of the patient's condition. With a predictable improvement, sick leave can be extended for up to 10 months. In most cases, the treatment of cancer pathology takes much longer.If the prognosis is negative, the patient is recommended to undergo a medical and social examination, which determines the need to assign a disability group.

Sick leave after surgery

After surgery, the recovery period can last several weeks and even months. The term of the sick leave after surgery is a maximum of 120 days without a break. This includes hospital stays and a recovery period beyond. The patient's condition should be monitored, for which he is obliged to appear at the doctor’s appointment 2 times a month. If the condition is unsatisfactory after serious surgical interventions, the maximum term of the sick leave can be 10, and in some cases 12 months.

sick leave after surgery

If the child is sick

A disability certificate for a child’s illness is issued for only one representative of the family. Most often, the mother receives sick leave. If necessary, outpatient or inpatient care for a child under 7 years of age, a document on disability is issued for the entire duration of the illness. As for children aged 7 to 15 years, the mother or other family member has the right to a sick leave for a period of 15 days for each case of the disease.

Benefit Calculation Procedure

Sick pay is made individually in each case. The calculation of the amount due to the person includes his average earnings for the last 2 years, the duration of incapacity for work (in days) and the coefficient depending on the length of service at the enterprise.

You can count on benefits only after the document itself has been submitted to the accounting department. This must be done within 6 months after the closure of the sick-list. In practice, the document is required to be delivered much faster, otherwise the company has the right to consider non-documented days of absence as absenteeism.

With an experience of less than 5 years, sick leave is paid in the amount of 60% of the average amount of earnings. In this case, the average daily earnings of the employee are calculated and multiplied by the number of days of disability. An employee with an experience of 5 to 8 years can count on benefits in the amount of 80% of earnings. Workers over 8 years accrued 100%, that is, the full amount of remuneration for their labor. Mothers on maternity leave can expect to pay benefits with similar ratios.maximum sick leave per year

If the disease occurred within 30 days after the dismissal of the employee, he is entitled to an allowance of 60% of the average amount of earnings for the entire period of incapacity for work. If the sick leave was opened when the person was officially registered at the enterprise, and closed and presented after the termination of work, the calculation coefficient remains the same. This applies only to the disability of the employee himself, but not members of his family.

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