
Outpatient treatment for tuberculosis: myth or reality?

Unfortunately, in recent years in our country there has been a sharp deterioration in the quality of life of the population. Which in turn provoked an increase in the incidence of tuberculosis. If earlier it covered extremely disadvantaged sections of society, now each of us can become infected with it. Therefore, an increasing number of people are interested in the symptoms of this disease, the outpatient treatment of which raises many questions.

ambulatory treatment

Where to treat tuberculosis?

If earlier people who were diagnosed with this disease were immediately sent to a hospital, today the situation has changed a bit. Modern doctors have the right to prescribe treatment on an outpatient basis. As a rule, it is recommended for patients with mild forms of tuberculosis. Such patients are referred for home treatment under the strict supervision of laboratory diagnostic tests. This was made possible thanks to the availability of all necessary services, allowing the patient to receive full anti-tuberculosis therapy. Outpatient treatment of this disease is based on complex therapy, including drug treatment, therapeutic exercises, proper lifestyle and a healthy diet. If necessary, the patient is prescribed hirudotherapy, homeopathic remedies, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures.

outpatient treatment

What are the benefits of outpatient treatment?

First of all, it allows you to completely eliminate the likelihood of cross intra-stationary infection with chemoresistant strains. In addition, staying in a familiar, home-like environment has a beneficial effect on the psychological state of the patient, not allowing him to degrade, as is often the case with a prolonged stay in the walls of a TB hospital. An important role is played by the fact that outpatient treatment can significantly reduce the cost of therapy and save money for those patients who really need hospitalization.

outpatient diseases

What treatment methods are used at home?

Most patients who are shown outpatient treatment for tuberculosis are prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures. These methods are especially effective in the initial stages of the disease, when the patient has not yet noted symptoms such as hemoptysis, fever and general exhaustion of the body.

Depending on the severity of tuberculosis, doctors prescribe collapsotherapy to patients undergoing home treatment. This procedure involves the artificial creation of pneumothorax by introducing a special gas into the patient's pleural cavity. The therapeutic effect of collapsotherapy is provided by reducing the elastic tension of the lungs.

Almost all patients, regardless of the conditions under which they are being treated, are prescribed breathing exercises. At each TB dispensary there is an exercise therapy room. As a result of performing respiratory gymnastics, the patient noted an improvement in airway patency, a marked increase in the general resistance of the body and the restoration of impaired blood circulation in the lungs. All this in combination with adequate drug therapy contributes to the speedy recovery of patients.

Other treatments for tuberculosis

Recently, alternative medicine has been widely used to treat this serious disease. Particularly popular are homeopathic remedies that are actively being introduced into the complex anti-tuberculosis therapy.Most often, patients are recommended to take "Apocinum", "Hamamelis", "Phosphorus" and other drugs, selected taking into account the degree of the disease and the presence of one or another symptomatology.

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