
Berg's technique: exercises for growth and reviews of this technique

Today, the article will focus on the famous Berg technique for increasing growth. What is its essence? What feedback did you receive? You will learn about all this below.


Low growth has always been one of the most common factors leading to human complexes. Men in most cases feel insecure and inferior when dealing with women who are above them. Lower ladies are perceived by others as little girls who are not able to stand up for themselves and do not have a certain social status.berg's technique

In both cases, you can resort to Berg's technique and thereby increase growth by a couple of centimeters. Naturally, you should not wait for results of fifteen to twenty centimeters, but you can safely count on four or five.

A bit about the author

Alexander Igorevich Berg was a medical historian and a German physician. It was this scientist in the field of medicine who developed, according to him, a system and a set of exercises that contribute to increased growth. As you know, all doctors say that after twenty-five years a person’s growth stops, and later completely decreases. You can add a couple of centimeters only by working on the posture and the correct position of the spine.

Alexander Igorevich defended his doctoral dissertation, which gave him the right to be called a doctor of medical sciences and put forward his version of human growth factors.

The essence of the methodology

During his lifetime, Alexander Berg claimed that in every human body there are hidden reserves. His words meant that you can increase growth not only after twenty-five years, but also after thirty. Berg's methodology for increasing growth consists in physical exertion and psycho-emotional training, which together should add not only centimeters to growth, but also self-confidence.


Berg's methodology for growth involves the following set of exercises:

  • Standing on toes, you need to raise your hands up and close. In this position, you must reach as high as possible. Further, the weight of the body is transferred to the heels, and the hands are closed behind the back. Repeat the exercise, alternately changing the toe-heel, you need at least twelve times.
  • In this exercise, you should try to lay your head first on your left and then on your right shoulder. To do this, put your feet shoulder width apart. Performing this task, you can not raise your shoulders. You need to touch their head. It is advisable to repeat the exercise twelve times on each shoulder.

berg's technique for growth

  • Now you should lean back and forth, touching the fingers of the hands of socks and heels. To do this, you need to stand in a wide stance. The main difficulty of the exercise is that when bending forward, you can not bend the knees. It’s better to work hard than to fool around and not see the result later. Repeat the exercise twenty times. That is twenty bends forward and the same back.
  • The main stand, legs shoulder width apart. The left leg must be raised and bent at the knee. The foot of the same leg must be pressed to the knee of the other limb. Now you need to try to lean as slowly as possible. The main thing is not to rush. Repeat twenty times. The same exercise is done on the right foot. It also needs to be bent at the knee, and the foot pressed to the knee of the left leg. The same slopes should be performed in the same amount.
  • The most popular school exercise is squatting with a pistol. It is taken from Berg’s technique. For the correct exercise, you need to sit on one leg, and the second directly stretch in front of you in a horizontal position. Then you need to stand up, while keeping your straight leg straight.After that, you need to sit down again on one leg, keeping the other straight. Exercise involves ten squats. The same effect occurs on the second leg. On that leg, which was previously in a horizontal position, now you need to squat. For those who find it difficult to perform such actions without holding on to a support, you can rely on the bar or chair.

berg's technique for increasing

  • For this physical activity you need to put your legs together. The main task is to touch the head of the knees without bending them. This task is not easy, but constant training will help develop flexibility, and then the exercise will seem easy.
  • For this exercise, you need to sit on a fitness mat lying on the floor. One leg remains straight, and the second bends at the knee with the foot inward. Next, you need to lean forward as you try to reach the toe. After twenty slopes, the legs change. The one that was bent at the knee straightens, and the one that was straight bends.
  • Now you need to lie on your back, arms apart. Each leg should be slowly lifted up, tilted to the head, trying to touch the floor with the foot. There are twenty repetitions per limb.
  • Exercise is performed lying on your stomach. Hands are along the torso. You need to tilt your head back without taking your torso off the floor.
  • To complete the next exercise, you need to sit on the floor and put your legs together. Now they should be wrapped in arms and try to lie on your knees with your body. This exercise develops well the flexibility of the spine. In this position you need to be fifteen seconds. For the effectiveness of the exercise, it is recommended to repeat it at least fifteen times.
  • A very interesting exercise in which you need to kneel and lean forward a bit. Hands should touch the floor. Now you need to bend your back and tilt your head to the floor. There should be twenty such deflections.

berg's technique for increasing growth

  • This exercise should be performed in lotus position. For beginners of the Berg system, folding foot to foot can be difficult, but it comes with regular training. In the lotus position, you need to raise your hands up, fastening them into a lock, and stretch as much as possible. Repeat twelve times.
  • For this exercise you need to lie on your back and spread your arms on the sides. Now it’s worth doing the well-known exercise “scissors”. The number of repetitions in one approach should be at least twenty, and the approaches themselves should be three.

Is Berg's technique effective? Exercises must be performed correctly and regularly. The first results will appear in a month.

Video Methodology

There is a full Berg video technique for increasing height. It gives a clear understanding of how to perform all exercises correctly. There are long videos, but there are also compressed options. Each person who wants to add a couple of centimeters in height can use this technique. There are different videos, but the meaning is the same, because the exercises are the same.

Lengthening and stretching legs

What else might be useful Berg's technique? Two exercises will help to extend legs by several centimeters at any age. Even if all growth zones are deactivated, they will give a visible effect of increasing the length of the legs.

  • For this exercise, you will need a high chair and any leg weights. There are special sports ankle pads designed to stretch cartilage. If it is not possible to purchase special weighting agents, you can use the usual half-liter bottles of water. They will need to be wound to the ankles and fastened with a wide elastic band. Sitting on a high chair, legs should be raised so that they do not touch the floor. After sitting with the weighting agent on their feet for about ten minutes, they must be removed, and with their feet done movements in the form of kicks. Two minutes should be shaken at the ankles at a slow pace, and two at a fast pace. Every week you need to increase the weight of the weighting agent.

berg technique reviews

  • This exercise is recommended when there are inversion shoes or a table. Both devices are designed to increase the length of the legs.This effect is achieved by stretching the cartilage, bones of the hip and knee joints. When performing the exercise, you will have to hang upside down. If there are any problems with the cardiovascular system, you should consult your doctor. So, in a position upside down and upside down you need to hang at least three minutes every day. Upon reaching a certain experience, you can hang from fifteen to thirty minutes daily, but no more. If it is not possible to purchase an inversion table and boots, you can use the usual bars on the sports ground. But it is worthwhile to understand that there is no alternative security system, and you will have to hold on to the bars with your feet.

Psychological attitude

If you want to increase growth, self-hypnosis plays an important role. You need to believe that a set of exercises will really help. Before starting the execution of all physical manipulations, you just need to lie down and relax. Closing your eyes, you should try to breathe evenly so that the heartbeat is not too fast. Further, it is necessary to scroll through the head of the thought that the muscles are gaining strength, that right now is the moment when you need to do the whole complex of exercises. There should not be any tension in the body. You should think about the effectiveness of the complex before each workout for ten minutes. Both exercises are recommended one hour before bedtime.

Berg's methodology: reviews of supporters

Most people claim that this technique really works, helping to add the desired centimeters to growth. All testers of the exercise complex say that when they are repeated regularly, the results come within two weeks. It is also very important to monitor posture not only during classes, but also in everyday life.

berg growth technique reviews

If you perform exercises, but at the same time constantly hunch over and sit crookedly, you can’t expect results. People who complain about the inefficiency of the system simply incorrectly performed it, and perhaps did not try it at all.

Alexander Berg: growth methodology. Reviews of opponents

Opponents of the complex of exercises of Alexander Berg argue that it is impossible to achieve results in increasing growth with the help of physical education. Also, people who deny the effectiveness of the methodology say that after a certain age no exercise will help to grow. In their opinion, up to twenty-five years, you can hang on the horizontal bars and chew carrots. But even such a method of stretching the entire skeleton will not give tremendous results. Many opponents say that after two months of training on the Berg system, there were absolutely no results.

full berg video methodology to increase height

Selection and conclusion

Which of the reviews to believe is everyone's business. But with a great desire to increase growth, you can try Berg's technique. What if it really works and gives impressive performance? Do not rush to the conclusion that the technique does not work without having tested it on your own experience.

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Inshallah will help, I turned 19 not long ago, morning growth (166-167) evening (164) I will unsubscribe when the time comes and I will give an honest review of the technique!
Zafar Dzhumaev
Well, what helped?
I hope to grow by 12 cm if I do a year


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