
Modern innovations in education. Examples

Innovations in the field of education are all that are related to the implementation of advanced pedagogical experience. The educational process, which occupies a leading place in modern science, is aimed at transmitting to students knowledge, abilities, skills, and personality formation, citizenship. Changes are dictated by time, a change in attitude towards training, education, development.

educational innovations examples

The Importance of Education Innovation

Innovative technologies in education allow you to regulate training, to direct it in the right direction. People were always afraid of everything unknown and new, they were negative about any changes. Stereotypes that exist in the mass consciousness, affecting the usual way of life, lead to painful phenomena, interfere with the updating of all types of training. The reason for people’s reluctance to accept innovations in modern education lies in blocking vital needs for comfort, safety, and self-affirmation. Not everyone is ready for the fact that they will have to re-study the theory, take exams, change their minds, and spend personal time and money on this. After the update process starts, you can stop it only with the help of special techniques.

innovative technologies in education

Innovation Techniques

The most common ways to verify the effectiveness of the transformations launched in education are:

  • The method of specifying documents. In order to evaluate innovations in the educational system, the possibility of volumetric introduction of innovations into the educational process is suppressed. A separate school, university, and remote control is selected, and an experiment is conducted on their basis.
  • The method of piecewise implementation. It implies the introduction of a separate new innovative element.
  • An “eternal experiment” means evaluating the results obtained over a long period of time.

Parallel implementation involves the coexistence of the old and the new educational process, analysis of the effectiveness of such a synthesis.

distance learning

Innovation Challenges

Innovative technologies in education are “slowed down" for various reasons.

  1. Barrier of creativity. Teachers, accustomed to working under the old programs, do not want to change anything, learn, develop. They bayonet all the innovations in educational system.
  2. Conformism. Because of opportunism, unwillingness to develop, fear of looking in the eyes of others as a black sheep, seeming ridiculous, teachers refuse to make unusual pedagogical decisions.
  3. Personal anxiety. Due to self-doubt, abilities, strengths, low self-esteem, and the fear of expressing their opinions openly, many teachers resist to the last possible opportunity any changes in OS.
  4. Rigidity of thinking. Teachers of the old school consider their opinion the only, final, not subject to revision. They do not seek to acquire new knowledge and skills; they negatively relate to new trends in modern educational institutions.

innovation in higher education

How to take innovation

Innovative behavior does not imply adaptation, it implies the formation of one's own personality, self-development. The teacher must understand that innovative education is a way of educating a harmonious personality. “Ready-made templates” are not suitable for him, it is important to constantly improve your own intellectual level. A teacher who has got rid of “complexes”, psychological barriers, is ready to become a full-fledged participant in innovative transformations.

Learning technology

It is a guide for implementing the goals set by the educational institution.This is a systemic category that focuses on the didactic use of scientific knowledge, the organization of the educational process using the empirical innovations of teachers, increasing the motivation of schoolchildren and students. Depending on the type of educational institution use different approaches in education.

innovations in early childhood education

University innovation

Innovation in higher education implies a system consisting of several components:

  • learning objectives;
  • educational content;
  • motivation and teaching aids;
  • process participants (students, teachers);
  • performance results.

The technology implies two components related to each other:

  1. Organization of activities of the student (student).
  2. The control of the educational process.

When analyzing training technologies, it is important to highlight the use of modern electronic means (ICT). Traditional education involves overloading academic disciplines with redundant information. With innovative education, the management of the educational process is organized so that the teacher plays the role of a tutor (mentor). In addition to the classic version, the student can choose distance learning, saving time and money. Students' position regarding the learning option is changing, they are increasingly choosing non-traditional types of knowledge. The priority task of innovative education is the development of analytical thinking, self-development, self-improvement. To assess the effectiveness of innovation at the highest level, the following blocks are taken into account: educational-methodical, organizational-technical. Experts are involved in the work - specialists who can evaluate innovative programs.

Among the factors hindering the introduction of innovations in the educational process, the leading positions are occupied by:

  • insufficient equipment with computer equipment and electronic means of educational institutions (in some universities there is no stable Internet, there are not enough electronic manuals, guidelines for practical and laboratory work);
  • insufficient qualifications in the field of ICT for teaching staff;
  • inattention of the leadership of the educational institution to the use of innovative technologies in the educational process.

To solve such problems, retraining of teachers, seminars, video conferences, webinars, the creation of multimedia classrooms, educational work among students on the use of modern computer technologies should be carried out. The best option for introducing innovations in the higher education system is distance learning through the use of global and local world networks. In the Russian Federation, this method of training is in a “germinal” state; in European countries it has long been used everywhere. For many residents of villages and villages remote from large cities, this is the only way to get a diploma of special secondary or higher education. In addition to taking entrance exams remotely, through Skype you can communicate with teachers, listen to lectures, and participate in seminars.

Innovations in education, the examples of which we have cited, not only “bring science to the masses”, but also reduce the material costs of obtaining education, which is quite relevant given the global economic crisis.

innovation in vocational education

Innovation in Preschool Education

Innovations in preschool education are based on the modernization of old educational standards, the introduction of second-generation educational standards. A modern teacher tries to constantly self-educate, develop, look for options for the education and development of children. The teacher should have an active citizenship, cultivate a love of homeland with his students. There are several reasons why innovation has become necessary for early childhood education. First of all, they help to fully satisfy the needs of parents.Without innovations, it is difficult for preschool institutions to compete with other similar institutions.

To determine the leader among kindergartens, a special competition of innovations in education has been developed. The holder of the title "Best Kindergarten" receives a well-deserved award - a huge competition in a preschool, the respect and love of parents and kids. In addition to the introduction of new educational programs, innovations can be in other areas: work with parents, staff, and managerial activities. With their correct application, the preschool institution functions without failures, ensures the development of a harmonious personality of the kids. Among the technologies that represent innovations in education, examples include the following:

  • project activities;
  • student-centered learning;
  • health saving technologies;
  • research activities;
  • information and communication training;
  • game technique.

Features of health-saving technologies

They are aimed at the formation of a concept of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers, strengthening the physical condition of babies. Given the significant deterioration of the environmental situation, the introduction of this innovative technology in preschool education is relevant. The implementation of the methodology depends on the goals set by the preschool institution.

  1. The main objective is to maintain the physical health of children. This is health monitoring, nutrition analysis, the formation of a health-saving environment in OS.
  2. Improving the health status of preschoolers through the introduction of breathing, orthopedic, finger gymnastics, stretching, hardening, hatha yoga.

In addition to working with ordinary children, the development of children with developmental disabilities is also provided by modern educational innovations. Examples of projects for special children: “Accessible environment”, “Inclusive education”. More and more often, in the classroom with kids, educators use color, fairy, art therapy, ensuring the full development of children.

pedagogical innovation

Project activities

On new educational standards both educators and educators are required to participate in project activities with the pupils. For preschool institutions, such activities are carried out together with the teacher. Its goal is to solve a specific problem, to find the answer to questions posed at the initial stage of work. There is a subdivision of projects into several types:

  • individual, frontal, group, paired (depending on the number of participants);
  • gaming, creative, informational, research (according to the method of conducting);
  • long-term, short-term (in duration);
  • with the inclusion of cultural values, society, family, nature (depending on the subject).

During the project work, the guys self-educate, gain teamwork skills.

Research activity

When analyzing educational innovations, examples can be found in research. With their help, the child learns to identify the relevance of the problem, determine ways to solve it, choose methods for the experiment, conduct experiments, draw logical conclusions, determine the prospects for further research in this area. Among the basic methods and techniques necessary for research: experiments, conversations, modeling of situations, didactic games. Currently, for leading researchers with the support of scientists, leading higher education institutions of the Russian Federation hold competitions and conferences: “First Steps in Science”, “I am a Researcher”. Toddlers get their first experience of publicly defending performed experiments, conducting scientific discussions.


Such innovations in professional education in the age of scientific progress have become especially relevant and in demand. Computer has become commonplace in pre-schools, schools, colleges.A variety of exciting programs help to shape the interest of children in mathematics and reading, develop logic and memory, and introduce them into the world of “magic and transformations”. Those animated pictures that flash on the monitor intrigue the baby, concentrate his attention. Modern computer programs allow the teacher, together with the children, to model different life situations, to look for ways to solve them. Given the individual abilities of the child, you can adjust the program for a specific baby, monitor his personal growth. Among the problems associated with the use of ICT technologies, the leading position is occupied by the excessive use of a computer in training sessions.

Methodology of personality-oriented development

This innovative technology involves the creation of conditions for the formation of the individuality of a preschooler. To implement this approach, create corners for classes and games, sensory rooms. There are special programs for preschool institutions: Rainbow, Childhood, and From Childhood to Adolescence.

Game techniques in the remote control

They are the real foundation of modern preschool education. Given the GEF, the identity of the baby comes to the fore. During the game, kids are introduced to various life situations. There are many functions performed by games: educational, cognitive, developing. Innovative gaming exercises consider:

  • games that help preschoolers highlight certain signs of objects, compare them with each other;
  • generalization of objects according to familiar signs;
  • exercises in which kids learn to distinguish reality from fiction

Inclusive education

Thanks to the innovations introduced in recent years in the educational process, children with serious health problems got a chance for full-time education. A national project was developed and tested at the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which indicates all the nuances of inclusive education. The state has taken care of equipping not only children, but also their mentors with modern computer equipment. Using Skype, the teacher conducts distance lessons, checks homework. This type of training is important from a psychological point of view. The kid understands that he is needed not only by parents, but also by teachers. Children with problems with the musculoskeletal, speech apparatus, who cannot attend regular educational institutions, are trained with tutors according to individual programs.


Pedagogical innovations introduced in educational institutions of modern Russia help to realize a social order: to instill in schoolchildren and students a sense of patriotism, civic responsibility, love for the native land, and respect for folk traditions. Information and communication technologies have become familiar in kindergartens, schools, academies, universities. Among the latest innovations that have touched educational institutions: conducting a unified state exam online, sending examination papers by preliminary scanning. Of course, Russian education still has many unresolved problems, which innovation will help eliminate.

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