
Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg: opening hours, photos

In the 18th century, the land on which Mikhailovsky Castle was built belonged to the Summer Garden. It was founded by Paul I. Having come to power, almost the first thing he wanted to build a castle on the site of the Summer Palace. The order was issued in 1796. He really wanted to live where he was born.

Why is it called that?

Mikhailovsky castle in St. PetersburgThere is a legend about the name since those times. One day, one of the guards of the Summer Palace at night appeared to be in charge. In it, an unknown guy, illuminated by white light, asked him to tell the emperor to build a castle on this place and give him a name in honor of St. Michael. Thus, the Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg was named and founded.


The project was taken up by the architect Vasily Bazhenov. But the very plan of the future construction was drawn by Paul I. himself. Already in 1797 the construction of the castle began. Soon the construction was entrusted to Vincenza Brenna. But because of his limited knowledge in architecture, he still used Bazhenov's drawings and drawings. His assistants were Svinin F. and Rossi K. It was they who later took up the drawings. Because of his broken arm, Brenne could not do this business.


By the will of the emperor, all his proposals should be executed in a short time. Everyone knew that he had the Order of Malta. It has an octagonal shape. It was this form that the courtyard should have been, at the request of Paul I. He strongly urged the workers and insisted on quick construction. Because of this, work went on non-stop, for days. More than six thousand builders worked at night. In order to have at least something to see, they lit torches.

How did you decide to speed up the construction process?

We found another way to speed up the construction process: all the materials that were supposed to be used in other construction projects were taken to the castle. These were absolutely all materials: columns, various stones, figures and sculptures from other palaces. The frieze, which was brought from the construction of St. Isaac's Cathedral, was placed above the main gate. Old photos of the Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg have survived to our time.


On the southeast side there is a unique inscription: "The holiness of the Lord befits your house for the longest days." An interesting legend is connected with this phrase, which may well be true. This inscription is a prediction for the emperor: the number of letters is equal to the years of his life. Whether this is fiction or truth is a moot point, because the coincidence is exact.

photo of Mikhailovsky castle in St. PetersburgTo further accelerate the construction and its completion, the duty was canceled. But only on those materials that were brought overseas for the construction of the castle.

A separate driveway was created for members of the imperial family. He was the middle of the three gates provided. Behind them was a beautiful alley.

Square construction

In 1798, on the idea of ​​Paul I, the creation of Connetable Square began. It was located in front of the main entrances to the Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg, photos of which are posted in this article. This idea came to Paul I because of his love of military exercises and parades. There was a moat around the square, and a bridge across it. It was lifting and consisted of wood. Guns surrounded him on both sides. In the central part, a monument was erected to Peter I. Next, there were three bridges. One of them, or rather the middle one, was only for the important ambassadors and the family of the emperor. Through it one could go to the main entrance.

Construction cost

In history, the opening of the castle dates back to November 8, 1800. A year later, the emperor’s family moved to Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg.Historians managed to determine the amount spent on the construction of the structure. It consisted of six million rubles. This figure allows us to say that Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg became the most expensive building of the XVIII century.


Its design is very interesting. The main entrance could lead to four stairs. All of them led to different places: churches, chambers, the entrance to the main staircase (distinguished by the presence of columns of gray Siberian marble). A staircase led to the entrance hall. He was decorated with beautiful paintings by artists such as Shebuyev and Ugryumov. The throne room was entirely of green velvet. Behind her was the gallery of Laocoon. Various sculptures were stored and delighted in the royal eye in it. From the gallery you could get into the living room, and then - into the marble hall. There was constantly security. The Empress's chambers were on the second floor. Also there was the famous Raphael Gallery. By order, copies of the famous paintings of Raphael to the Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg were made.

Mikhailovsky castle in St. Petersburg clockOn the third floor were the great princesses. Due to the rush, Paul I moved with his family and servants to a cold and damp castle. Naturally, this had a bad effect on health. Historians of those times still emphasized this. In order for the walls to dry, it took time. But as you know, the emperor did not want to wait and was in a hurry to move to the castle.

It is interesting that in the castle, namely from the emperor’s office, a special staircase led to the room of his favorite Anna Lopukhina. For the sake of Paul I, she left her husband and moved to Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg.

Ikhailovsky castle in St. Petersburg opening hoursThe emperor’s joy did not last long. In 1801, Paul I was discovered dead in his own front bedroom. He was killed forty days later, on the night of March 11th. After that, all the servants left the castle. Rumors began to spread about the ghost of the emperor, who was wandering around the castle. Some claimed that they even heard his voice while entering Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg.

The clock and time seemed to stop there. All work was stopped, and expensive items and valuables were taken to other buildings.

What happened to the castle after the death of Paul I?

Over time, namely in 1819, by imperial order, the castle passed into the power of the Main Engineering School. This gave him a middle name (it is often found) - Engineering. Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg (photos inside indicate a redevelopment) over time has undergone changes both inside and outside. The rooms were converted to fit the needs of the school. Gilded sculpting was bleached or simply covered with layers of plaster and paint.

Museum Mikhailovsky Castle in St. PetersburgMarble was taken out of the castle to the New Hermitage. Its construction took place in 1840, and marble came in handy in the design of the new museum. Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg underwent significant changes. In place of the front bedroom, the Small Church was built. And the Bolshoi was divided into three different rooms. At the end of 1895, a staircase was led into the gallery.

The school became famous thanks to a talented student - Fedor Dostoevsky. He not only studied in it, but also lived. Many other famous people graduated from the College of Engineering.

Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg was significantly damaged during the Great Patriotic War, especially the roof and dining room. Since 1953, the castle was reconstructed. At that time, many discoveries were discovered.

Mikhailovsky castle in St. Petersburg photosIt is worth noting that Mikhailovsky Castle was the first and only construction of romantic classicism in Russia.

Castle today

Now it is a real museum. St. Michael's Castle in St. Petersburg offers tourists exhibitions and viewing various exhibits. Here you can enjoy the antique elements of Russian art, a manifestation of the Renaissance, which was represented by Russian artists in their works. Guides will also tell the story of the castle and its inhabitants. The preserved sculptures are always open for viewing.In honor of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, reconstruction of the surviving fragments of the structure was carried out.

Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg: opening hours and excursions

This building has become a real architectural monument. Now they are broadcasting films about Paul I and the reconstruction of the castle. Schedule and time of excursions must be clarified. Usually the castle is open from ten in the morning until six in the evening. Often change programs and introduce interesting new excursions for tourists.

Mikhailovsky castle in St. Petersburg photo insideThis is one of the business cards of St. Petersburg. Having been in this city, you must definitely visit such a place. Many talk about his unusual energy and mystery. But you can verify this only by yourself having been there.


This place is popular not only among tourists, but also among local residents. Often, schoolchildren and students take excursions here.

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