
Municipal Administration. State and municipal government. Municipal Management System

Municipal management, as a form of public authority, provides for the presence and activities in the system of various kinds of employees and officials who provide solutions to problems of local importance. In the current state of the household, socio-cultural and economic infrastructure of all settlements, it is impossible to ensure effective management of the economy without involving professionals from the relevant authorities in the administrative apparatus. Next, we consider in more detail what constitutes a municipal government. municipal government

General information

The constitution, delimiting state and municipal government, formed the prerequisites for the creation of appropriate institutions. Local authority is exercised through the activities of specially educated services. State and municipal administration cover different areas. However, both of these institutions exist in the public interest. The concept and general criteria for the formation of local authorities, the legal aspects of the activities of employees are formulated in Law No. 25 "On Municipal Service".

Basic concepts

Municipal management is a professional activity carried out on an ongoing basis in an appropriate position. She is not elective. According to the law, a post should be understood as an official position provided for in the charter of a municipality in the framework of regional regulatory acts of the subject. It presupposes certain powers relating primarily to problems of local importance. Municipal posts are provided in the relevant local authorities, formed in accordance with the charter of the Ministry of Defense. Each official position establishes its own range of responsibilities for ensuring and exercising the powers of this authority, as well as responsibility for their implementation.
state and municipal government

Job classification

All of them are divided into elective and others. The former may be replaced on the basis of municipal elections, in accordance with a decision of a representative or other local authority. Election concerns, for example, deputies. Other municipal posts are replaced by an employment contract. The law provides for a general classification. In accordance with it, posts may be:

  • The highest.
  • The main ones.
  • Leading.
  • By the elders.
  • The younger ones.

Regional laws approve special registries. They provide a specific list of job titles of the municipal government for this subject. They are classified by functional characteristics, groups, election commissions, and authorities. When delimiting, historical and other features of the territory are taken into account.

municipal property management

Joining the service

For citizens who wish to obtain a particular position, certain requirements are established. People who have reached the age of 18, speak the state language of the Russian Federation and have the appropriate qualifications can enter the service. The requirements for vocational training of citizens are established in the Federal Law No. 25. People who do not have the restrictions specified in Art. 13 of this law.When accepting citizens for positions, as well as in the process of professional activity, no direct or indirect advantages or limits are subsequently allowed depending on race, gender, origin, nationality, beliefs, place of residence, membership of social groups, official or family status, and other circumstances not related to the professional and business qualities of employees.
 municipal property management

Legal status

As a municipal employee, a citizen is recognized who, in the manner established by the relevant acts under the Federal Law and the laws of the region, fulfills the duties of a post for maintenance. It is paid out local budget. Persons who provide technical support for the activities of local authorities, election commissions of the Ministry of Defense, cannot replace these positions and are not employees of the respective institutions. The law establishes the special legal status of persons carrying out municipal administration.


Normative acts of local authorities establish the duties and rights of employees, as well as guarantees for their activities and restrictions related to the performance of work. In the process of holding elections and referenda, officials cannot use their status and involve subordinates or other working dependents in their activities during the performance of their labor duties that would facilitate election or nomination: collection of signatures, campaigning during business trips. The municipal employees are not provided with a preemptive right of access to the media, they cannot use organizational, technical and material means that ensure the exercise of their powers during the election campaign and the collection of signatures. Officials registered as candidates are exempted from professional activities for the period of their participation in the election campaign. municipal education management

Municipal Administration: authorities

Local authority is implemented in the Moscow Region. It is a rural, urban settlement, their parts, several points that are united by a common territory, or another locality with residents in which municipal administration is carried out. Local authorities are elected and other formations that are empowered to solve problems of local importance. Municipal authorities management are not included in the system of state institutions. The list of local authorities in each specific MO is determined by its charter.

Representative municipal bodies may establish extra-budgetary trust funds on the conditions and in the manner established by law. The local government in accordance with the rules of law of the Russian Federation can issue lotteries and loans, grant loans, form banks and other financial institutions. As a coordinating element of the structure of municipal administration, the head of the Moscow Region acts. Its tasks include, among other things, ensuring the coordinated activity of lower parts of the system. Structural units are control elements. They form the lowest level of administration and directly interact with executive local authorities. The latter are unitary enterprises. They perform certain functions: produce any product or provide services. The integrated and focused activity of the executive elements of the Ministry of Defense is the basis of its functioning. municipal government bodies

Role in the socio-economic system

Local authorities carry out municipal property management. It includes budget funds, reserves of extrabudgetary funds, natural resources, and land. It also includes municipal organizations and enterprises, their property, cultural, healthcare, sports, etc.The local budget records taxes, fines, fees, as well as deductions from federal, regional and other payments in accordance with regulatory enactments of the Russian Federation. In cases stipulated by law, the municipal property is directly managed by the population.


At the municipal level, it includes housing and communal services, consumer services, construction industry, catering, trade and so on. Homogeneous production form the relevant industry. The functions of enterprise management, depending on the content, are divided into intersectoral and industry. The first include the organization of labor and its remuneration, long-term forecasting and planning, logistics, accounting and so on. The functions of an intersectoral nature in their content practically do not depend on the specifics of enterprises. Municipal property management is carried out by the relevant committees. They are responsible for the shares (units, shares) of business entities of mixed forms, as well as joint-stock companies formed during privatization. Municipal property management, presented in the form of investments from budgetary funds, as well as attracted from individuals and legal entities, is carried out by the head of the Moscow Region. municipal government

Cultural sphere

This area of ​​activity includes solving the problems of healthcare, education, culture, social protection and other industries. Culture is an area of ​​spiritual life. Its system in the Moscow Region consists of institutions such as theaters, museums, libraries, cinemas, and clubs. Municipal education management is a relatively independent, territorially separate part. It interacts with other industries. The municipal government of the city provides the activities of healthcare institutions, social protection.

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