
Executive bodies of state power: functions, powers. Supreme executive body

In Russia and many other states there are executive bodies of power. They solve a wide range of tasks in the field of government controlled and have great powers. What are the specifics of the work of executive structures in the Russian Federation and other countries of the world? How can they interact with other authorities?

Executive bodies

What are the specifics of the executive branch?

In most modern states, the political system is built on the principle of separation of power into 3 branches - legislative, executive and judicial. The first is responsible for the development of norms governing various processes: social, economic, sets technological, environmental and other standards.

The executive bodies also have the right to issue normative acts, however, as a rule, they are lower in legal force than those legal acts that are adopted at the level of the legislative branch. The main purpose of the relevant structures is the practical implementation of laws and other legal acts in force in the state. The judiciary, in turn, is responsible for putting the norms adopted by the legislative or executive branch into practice.

All 3 types of government are legally independent. However, the constitution of the state and other normative acts may stipulate that the activities of executive bodies are accountable to legislative structures, and vice versa. In the first case, the country will most likely be a parliamentary republic, in the second scenario - a presidential one.

What are the executive authorities? Their specificity largely depends on the political traditions that have developed in a particular state.

So, in Russia, the main executive body is the government. Similarly, in many other countries of the world.

Supreme executive body

But, for example, in the USA the government as a separate structure is not established. Its functions are distributed among the secretaries forming the US Cabinet, which is sometimes unofficially regarded as an analogue of the government, but, strictly speaking, it is not.

US Secretaries have the power to make decisions in the areas for which they are responsible. In Russia, they are sometimes referred to as ministers - by analogy with the respective posts in the Russian Federation, which involve the performance of similar functions.

Both in Russia and in the USA, the executive and legislative bodies are independent, and in this sense, the political tradition in both states implies the principle of separation of powers.

Executive and legislative bodies

But, for example, in the PRC such a classification of branches of power is not practiced. The executive and legislative structures in the PRC are part of a common body - the All-China Assembly of People's Representatives. In the USSR, the legal separation of powers was also not implemented.

We study the features of Russian government structures which are related to executive. What are the features of their work and authority?

Executive authorities in the Russian Federation

The highest executive body in the Russian Federation is the government. It provides for the posts of the chairman, his deputies, and federal ministers.

The head of the government of the Russian Federation is appointed by the president of the Russian Federation. At the same time, State Duma deputies must approve his candidacy. If the lower house of the Russian parliament refuses to appoint the prime minister, which is proposed by the president, 3 times, then the State Duma is dissolved by the head of state, after which it is re-formed in the elections. At the same time, the president also gets the right to approve the candidacy of the prime minister individually.

Deputy Prime Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as federal ministers, hold office by virtue of an order from the President, but their candidatures are proposed by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.The head of state is also responsible for which particular executive bodies will function in the government - also at the suggestion of the prime minister. But what structures can be discussed in this case?

Federal departments of the Russian Federation

The following executive authorities have been established in the Russian Federation: ministries, services, agencies. All these departments operate at the federal level. It can also be noted that they are classified into those that are subordinate to the president, and those that are accountable to the government. We will now study the features of the government, ministries, services and agencies in more detail.

Government Features

First of all, it is worth noting that the activities of executive authorities can be carried out on collegial principles. That is, decisions in the relevant structures can be taken only at meetings with the participation of competent persons. These bodies include the government of the Russian Federation. All key issues within his competence are adopted at meetings with the participation of ministers.

Since the government of the Russian Federation is the highest executive structure, it has the power to enforce the provisions of the main law of the state - the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In addition, the government should monitor the implementation by various entities of legal relations of federal laws, decrees of the head of state, international legal acts. In this area of ​​activity, authorities can control the work of governing bodies both at the federal level and in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Executive functions

Solving the tasks set, the government often interacts with other authorities. First of all, with the president. It can be noted that the head of state has the right to attend government meetings. Mandatory for execution by the relevant authority of the Russian Federation are presidential decrees.

In addition, the government actively interacts with the parliament of the Russian Federation. In particular, it has the right to appoint its own representatives to the legislative authorities. The competence of the government is to introduce bills to the State Duma for discussion, to send feedback on the NAP to parliament.

The government also builds legal relations with judicial structures. So, in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation there is a representative from the highest executive structure. The government solves the tasks associated with the enforcement of decisions issued by the courts. The competence of the highest executive body is issues of financing the activities of the courts of the Russian Federation.

The main competencies of the government of the Russian Federation

It will also be useful to consider what competencies the government of the Russian Federation possesses. Those, first of all, are divided into general and special. As for the former, in principle, they correlate with those powers that we mentioned above, and are also complemented by competencies such as:

  • ensuring the functioning of a single model of work of all executive authorities in the Russian Federation;
  • implementation of federal programs;
  • exercising control over the work of individual executive structures.

Special competencies of the Government of the Russian Federation can be classified into those that are related to areas such as economics, budgetary, social policy, development of science, culture, education, environmental issues, ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation. In turn, the functions of the executive bodies of the Russian Federation considered above correlate with the noted types of competencies. We will now study the features of the work of departments that are part of government structure Of Russia.

What are the features of the work of Russian ministries?

The executive bodies of state power, whose powers are considered second in terms of jurisdiction after those that characterize the position of prime minister, are federal ministries.Their main functions are policy development, as well as regulatory regulation in a specific area: in the economy, healthcare, and security. The relevant departments are headed by ministers and are characterized by the organization on an industry basis. The heads of federal structures of the corresponding type are personally responsible for the fulfillment by the agency of its tasks and the exercise of its authority.

The executive body is

The specifics of the federal services of the Russian Federation

Each federal service is directly subordinate to a particular ministry. These executive bodies carry out activities related to the control or supervision in a particular area, as well as the performance of special functions - most often related to solving problems in the field of state security. It may be noted that the powers of control and supervision that federal services have may involve monitoring the activities of municipal structures. In this sense, they will no longer be so independent of state bodies.

The functions that the executive bodies under consideration most often carry out include:

  • issuing licenses to citizens and legal entities that they need to engage in a particular activity;
  • registration of various acts, rights, objects;
  • organization of research, expertises;
  • providing citizens and legal entities with clarifications regarding the application of the law;
  • suppression of violations of the law in certain areas of legal relations.

Federal services are directly subordinate to the head or director.

The specifics of the federal agencies of the Russian Federation

The system of executive bodies of the Russian Federation also includes institutions such as federal agencies. Like services, they are subordinate to specific ministries. The main functions performed by agencies are as follows: the provision of public services in various fields (most often in education, social protection, healthcare), the management of property owned by the state, the functions of applying the provisions of certain legal norms. Federal agencies are also headed by a manager or director.

Regional departments in the Russian Federation

Executive bodies of state power of the Russian Federation are also represented by regional departments. Among these are ministries and committees. They are accountable to the relevant federal agencies. For example, ministries of economic development in the regions of the Russian Federation are subordinate to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Thus, for the executive bodies of power in the Russian political system, centralization is characteristic. In turn, legislative structures in the regions are generally not accountable to the federal parliament.

Local executive bodies

What are the local executive bodies operating in the municipalities in the Russian Federation? First of all, it is worth noting that local self-government in the Russian Federation is separate from state, and therefore those categories that are used to describe the activities of federal and regional structures are not always applicable to local ones. On the one hand, at the municipal level, there can be a division of authorities into those that perform legislative, executive and judicial functions. On the other hand, their authority may be significantly limited by the provisions of the legal acts with higher legal force - federal and regional.

Therefore, with regard to the local level of power in the Russian Federation, it is fair to say that it represents bodies that are not executive in essence, but that perform only functions similar to those carried out by the Russian government and its subordinate departments. That is, those that are related to the practical implementation of the provisions of existing legal acts, including those adopted at the municipal level. In this sense, the powers of the executive body in local government system may have, for example, a city administration. Or her immediate supervisor.

Functions and powers of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation

Let us now examine what functions and powers characterize the executive bodies in the Russian Federation. Regarding functions - such experts include:

  • development of bylaws;
  • ensuring the functioning of the public administration system in the country;
  • implementation of state policy in various directions;
  • application of administrative standards;
  • conducting activities related to the issuance of licenses, certificates, implementation of registration actions;
  • administrative control in various areas of legal relations;
  • law enforcement;
  • assistance to information support of the work of power structures.

As for the powers of the Government of the Russian Federation, their spectrum is enshrined in the provisions of Art. 114 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The supreme executive body of the Russian Federation may:

  • carry out the development of the draft budget of the country and submit it to the State Duma;
  • to develop key principles of national financial policy;
  • form conclusions on various initiatives in this area;
  • determine the priorities of state participation in the social, cultural spheres, in health care, in environmental issues, and science;
  • manage federal assets;
  • ensure the security of the country;
  • build international relations.

It can be noted that this list of powers of the government should not be considered as closed. Separate legal acts for the main executive authority of the Russian Federation may establish new powers.

Executive authorities


So, in Russia, the principle of sharing power into 3 branches has been implemented. If we talk about the executive, its highest body is the government. It has legal independence from legislative and judicial structures. The president does not formally belong to the executive branch of the Russian Federation, but his powers are such that in fact he plays a decisive role in the work of the government. He proposes to the State Duma a prime minister’s candidacy, he has the right to dissolve the lower house of the Russian parliament, if she refuses to appoint a prime minister, approve the heads of federal departments.

The structure of the executive power of the Russian Federation is represented by ministries, as well as services and agencies subordinate to them. In the regions of the Russian Federation, own structures have been established that perform the same functions. They are controlled by federal authorities. Authorities at the municipal level can also perform executive functions - those related to the application of laws adopted by federal, regional and local authorities. Formally, local authorities are independent of state. But in some cases, their activities can be controlled by official executive structures within the powers that are established for them by regulatory acts.

In other countries of the world, executive functions, if we talk about the national level of power, can be carried out by other structures. So, in the USA, such a body as the government is not established. Its functions are distributed among the secretaries who form the US Cabinet. In China, the principle of separation of powers is not implemented. Those bodies that solve tasks specific to the government of the Russian Federation or to US secretaries do not have legal independence from legislative structures.

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