
The national currency of Peru

Today, the currency of Peru is the new salt. He owes his name to the country's symbol - the sun. It is from ancient times that it was chosen by the inhabitants of this country as a symbol and object of worship. And in Spanish, the "sun" sounds like Sueldo. Perhaps this has some kind of hidden meaning that is understandable only to the inhabitants of this country.

new salt

A bit of history

Peruvian salt became the first national currency for this country. Prior to approval, all cash settlements were made using the Spanish peso. The recognition of the new national currency took place back in 1863. Almost a century later, the old Peruvian salt was replaced by a completely new currency of Peru - inti. This need for a change of money was due to hyperinflation in Peru. But this money was not used for a long time. In 1993, the country is changing national money. The former currency of Peru has remained far in history, today salt is considered the monetary unit of the country. The changes that President Alberto Fujimori made during the denomination were caused by serious inflation in the country. 1000 Inti replaced with 1 new salt.

Current currency

The currency of Peru, as already mentioned, is represented by such a monetary unit as Peruvian salt. In the international system, this currency is denoted by PEN, but inside Peru there is a special designation for this currency - S /.

currency of peru

In fact, one salt is equal to 100 centimes. In constant circulation there are monetary units with a face value of 10 to 200 mol.

The exchange rate for today is as follows: 1 salt is a little more than twenty Russian rubles and one third of the dollar.

In this country, for the calculations, you can use the American currency. You can pay with it almost everywhere. But at the exchange rate, it has a slightly lower value, and many wrinkled banknotes may not be accepted at all.

Banks and exchange offices

These establishments work almost every day. Their distinctive feature is adaptability. Depending on the season, they can change their work schedule and adapt to existing features. Most often, exchange offices open at 9.00 and work until 17.00 or 18.00. This applies to business days. But on weekends, the working day of the exchange points is a little shorter, usually only before lunch. You can make exchanges and find out the latest exchange rate if necessary in almost every hotel, as well as in a large store. Most often, such operations can be carried out only with the dollar, the monetary units of other countries are subject to exchange only in the capital exchange organizations.

After the exchange operation, do not throw away the receipt. Since it is on the basis of it, leaving the country, you can exchange the unspent Peruvian salts that remained after the rest.


When buying the national currency of Peru at exchange points, you should ask for the largest possible number of denominations of small denominations.

former currency of peru

They are very convenient to have when calculating in small establishments, such as cafes, parks, rental points. Some owners do not want to accept the largest bills, they explain this refusal by the lack of change. This behavior is understandable. Recently, cases of falsification of precisely high-value money have become more frequent.

As in any country, Peru has its own black exchange market. Here you can conduct exchange operations on more favorable terms. But still producing on the street is not recommended. There are a lot of cases of fraud and pure robbery.


And in large supermarkets in some cities, the price on the check is displayed in two lines.One of them indicates the value purchased in salts, and the second - in dollars.

In such trade organizations, you can pay in dollars, but it is worth remembering that the change will be issued in salts. Some, therefore, carry out small exchange transactions. In general, many believe that the second settlement currency of Peru is the dollar. This American monetary unit is almost at the same level as the national currency. Often making payments in dollars is better when buying large items. But it’s better to pay in a cafe or for travel in public transport with Peruvian salt.

exchange rate

There are a large number of ATMs throughout the country. Only in the most remote corners you will not meet them. True, it is recommended to use them exclusively during daylight hours. There are certain reasons for this that are related to security.

In large shopping centers, as well as hotels and shops, the option of calculating by credit cards is offered. But here there are pitfalls. In such calculations, rather large fees are charged, which sometimes reach 8%.

Price level

The country of Peru can be attributed to the cheapest countries for vacation planning. But with all this, you should be prepared so as not to get into a mess.

This country has a special system of double and sometimes triple tariffs directly for tourists. The farther a person keeps from the center of mass organization of tourist trips and events, the cheaper the cost will be.

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