
Sri Lanka currency: exchange and exchange rate in the country

Sri Lanka is a tourist country located in South Asia. Compared to its neighbors, the state is quite expensive for the average traveler. Despite this, a competent choice of a place of rest and residence, as well as a moderate waste of money and observing elementary savings, can make a vacation unforgettable, colorful and comfortable. The currency of Sri Lanka - rupee - has a stable exchange rate and is not prone to sharp jumps against the dollar.

Key Features of Local Money

What is the currency in Sri Lanka? As already mentioned, this is a rupee. It is indicated by such signs: Rs and LKR. One rupee is 100 cents. The most popular banknotes that are actively used by local residents in everyday life are 10, 20, 50 and 100 monetary units. A denomination of 200 rupees is a relatively rare copy. Despite this, it compares favorably with other banknotes in its appearance and composition: it depicts the local university and diligent students. Many consider it one of the most beautiful monetary units in the world.

currency sri lankaNowadays, the rupee is endowed with reliable degrees of protection. Design is for everybody. Many travelers like images of unusual creatures, while other tourists openly criticize the poor-quality, in their opinion, design. As for coins, 1, 2, 5 and 10 cents are in circulation. Twenty-five and fifty cents are practically not used, so if you manage to get them in your hands, leave yourself a souvenir.


The currency of Sri Lanka is sold not only at exchange offices and banks, but also in large stores, jewelry stores and souvenir stalls. But this is only if you are in a big city. When a tourist travels to a small village, it is better to stock up in rupees in advance: it will be quite problematic to find exchange offices in remote and remote places. Experienced travelers are advised to change money exclusively in official financial institutions: this way you can avoid cheating or swindle as much as possible. And the main advice: recount the money immediately after the operation, always check in advance the possible prices and the size of the commission.

sri lanka exchange rateAs for the reverse exchange, you can get dollars or euros upon departure at the airport. Rupees are accepted back only under one condition: if the tourist has a certificate of initial exchange, and it is issued only by official offices. And one more important point: do not import very large dollar bills into the country. Having exchanged 100 dollars at once, you will receive a rather thick pack of rupees, which will be problematic to shove in your wallet and in your pockets.


Private traders offer a better exchange. But they are best avoided for security reasons. If for some reason you do not want to use the services of a bank, you can exchange money at the airport - the rate there is acceptable and more favorable than in the city. In general, the currency of Sri Lanka at various exchange points is bought with a slight monetary difference, so if a small loss is not fundamental, make a financial transaction where it is most convenient and convenient for you. At the same time, remember that the exchange rate of 50- and 100-dollar bills, which are considered large in Sri Lanka, is much higher than for small counterparts.

currency sri lanka to dollarNowadays, the currency of Sri Lanka to the dollar is sold in the following ratio: 1: 0.07. And for one US currency, you can get about 143 rupees. The euro is even more expensive. For a bill with a single denomination, you can gain 161 rupees. As for the Russian ruble, then for its sale they usually give 1.87 monetary units of the state.In any case, exchanging bills, do not forget to bargain - there you can significantly “knock off” the offered unprofitable rates.

Cash checks and plastic cards

Welcomes its guests Sri Lanka. The exchange rate is usually kept at a stable mark and is characterized by smooth changes. In addition, comfortable conditions for payment for goods and services have been created for tourists here: for example, you can pay with a traveler’s check. It is better to exchange it in a bank. If you are traveling to a small town where the presence of financial institutions remains in doubt, cash the check on the way to your destination.

Plastic cards in the state are widespread. They can easily be settled at a hotel or store. Although in the same small towns or in not very large hotels, the card may not be accepted. Wilderness locals love cash. As for ATMs, you can find them even in the provinces. True, not all devices allow you to make a financial transaction with Mastercard or Visa cards. Sri Lanka is a state in which manipulations with "plastic" are in the high-risk zone. For example, it can easily be "eaten" or blocked by any ATM. Therefore, going on vacation, notify your bank of the intention to use the card in this country.

Import and export of currency

The amount you import into the country is not limited. If you have more than 15 thousand dollars in your hands (including traveler’s checks), money must be declared. The same manipulation must be carried out with 5 thousand, if you intend to take them back. The currency of Sri Lanka can also leave the borders of its homeland. No more than five thousand rupees are allowed to be exported. Moreover, there is a strict rule: no Indian or Pakistani money should be in circulation. Therefore, the currency of these states can neither be imported nor exported.

what currency is shri lankaAs for tips, in Sri Lanka they are not obligatory. True, the attendants in any institution will be happy if, in excess of the due payment, you will throw a few rupees. Moreover, they will more zealously fulfill their duties. By tipping the maid, you will ensure the complete safety of your belongings in the room; the extra money paid to the porter guarantees the safety of even the most fragile baggage. And what’s most interesting: don’t be surprised if local residents ask you for a tip for indicating the right direction on the street or just for keeping the conversation going.

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