
Tax accounting in the organization: the basics and principles

Each company is required to maintain accounting and tax records. Such a requirement is stipulated by Chapter 25 of the Tax Code introduced on January 1, 2002. Let us further consider how tax accounting is carried out in an organization. tax accounting


According to the legislation in force today, tax accounting in an organization can be kept:

  1. Offline.
  2. Integrated

The first method requires the formation of a special service. It is entrusted with the fulfillment of all tasks related to taxation. These include, inter alia, questions on the definition of financial policy and interaction with control authorities. Specialists of this service coordinate all monetary operations of the enterprise. Since their functions include tax accounting, the main requirement for employees of this department is the availability of relevant experience and knowledge. Moreover, they may not understand the intricacies of PBU, the reflection of information on accounts, not know the rules of double entry, etc.

Employees of the service should know what are tax accounting registers, how they are formed. To ensure the implementation of the tasks assigned to them, additional copies of the primary documentation must be present at the enterprise. An autonomous reporting option also involves establishing the relationship between tax and accounting, internal control of the identity of the information reflected in them. This, in turn, will require additional costs. The second option involves the maximum approximation of tax and accounting. This method of conducting financial affairs is used by most enterprises. With this option, the formation of tax accounting registers is carried out by accounting staff.

Problem of choice

Considering a particular accounting option, management must take into account the financial capabilities of the enterprise. However, not only they will be important, but also other significant factors. These include, for example:

  1. Industry affiliation.
  2. The organizational structure of the company.
  3. The presence of external and internal users of information.
  4. The specifics of the enterprise.
  5. The level of automation and the volume of information flows between departments.
  6. The state of the accounting system, external and internal control.

Financial policy

It is necessary for every enterprise. Accounting policy represents a complex of methods of accounting for business transactions, property, expenses and income. It is necessary for the formation of reliable information about the profits of the enterprise in the declaration. The financial policy should reflect the company's approaches to solving such issues as:

  1. Determination of the base for income tax.
  2. Formation of budgetary obligations.
  3. Property valuation.
  4. Distribution of losses between reporting periods. tax expenses

Key aspects

In order to keep tax records of taxes, it is necessary to establish and justify the methodological and technical directions of this activity. In particular, the following aspects should be considered:

  1. The organization of accounting.
  2. Principles and rules for reporting on all types of activities carried out by an economic entity.
  3. Register Forms.
  4. Data processing technology.
  5. Accounting methods.


The financial policy is attached analytical registers in a certain form. They must indicate such details as:

  1. Title.
  2. The period for which the document is compiled.
  3. Operation meters.
  4. The name of the action.
  5. Signature of the person responsible for the paperwork.

The developed and adopted financial policy of the enterprise is approved by order of the director. Tax accounting should be kept only in the ways that the company has chosen. They are used sequentially from one period to another. Adjustments may be made to the financial policy if there have been changes:

  1. Income tax laws.
  2. The reporting methods used. tax registration

Revenues and expenses

Starting January 1, 2002, enterprises must accumulate information on revenues from the sale of products, the sale of works / services, property rights and material values, as well as non-operating profits. Similarly generalized and expenses in tax accounting. According to the provisions of Ch. 25 Tax Code, the company can independently classify income and expenses from:

  1. Lease / sublease of property.
  2. Granting rights to intellectual property products for use.

Tax accounting classifies these revenues and expenses as non-operating. When providing intellectual property and property for temporary or permanent use for a fee, they are included in sales income and expenses.

Loss recognition

According to Art. 283 of the Tax Code, an economic entity may keep tax records of losses not only in the current, but also in future periods. This allows you to smooth out a number of contradictions in the reporting documentation. This provision is especially relevant for those enterprises that, in accordance with the tax reporting, suffered a loss, and according to accounting documents - a profit.

Loss transfer

It is subject to the following conditions:

  1. The amount of loss should not exceed 30% of the income tax base.
  2. To transfer loss is allowed for no more than 10 liters.

An enterprise that suffers losses in more than one period assigns them to the future according to the order of receipt, that is, after covering the corresponding costs. tax accounting

Depreciation charge

They are carried out by a linear or nonlinear method. The company selects the most suitable accrual option and fixes it in the accounting policy. When calculating depreciation on fixed assets, coefficients can be used - decreasing or increasing. The latter are established in relation to the OS:

  1. Operated in conditions of increased shift or in an aggressive environment.
  2. Acting as the subject of a financial leasing agreement.

Reducing ratios can be applied to any depreciable property, the list of which is approved by the management of the company.

Creating reserves

Tax accounting involves the uniform inclusion of future costs in the costs of the enterprise. For this, reserves are formed for:

  1. Doubtful debt.
  2. Warranty repair and maintenance.

The receivables outstanding in the period specified in the contract and not secured by a bank guarantee, pledge, or guarantee are recognized as doubtful. In the process of deciding on the formation of a reserve, one should clearly understand the differences between the rules by which an enterprise maintains tax accounting and PBU. In case of doubtful debt in less than 45 days. until the completion of the previous period, the stock is not formed. Amounts of deductions made to reserves are included in non-operating expenses only for those enterprises that use the accrual method. The stock is formed for each debt in accordance with the results of the inventory. The amount of deductions should be equal to:

  1. The amount of doubtful debt (for a period of occurrence of more than 90 days).
  2. 50% of the amount (for a period of 45 to 90 days). tax registration

Reserves used by the company are not fully, can be carried over to the next period. The amount of newly formed reserves should be adjusted by the amount of the balance as follows:

  1. The positive difference between the balance of the previous reserve and the new reserve is included in non-operating income of the previous period.
  2. A negative difference applies evenly to non-operating expenses.

Write-off of goods and materials

The amount of expenses can be established by evaluating:

  1. Cost of 1 unit. stocks.
  2. Average starting price.
  3. The cost of the first time acquired objects (FIFO method).
  4. Cost of last purchased goods / materials (LIFO method).

The frequency of payment of deductions from profits

The total tax amount is established at the end of the calendar year. During this period, advance payments are made to the budget. The frequency of deductions is established by the enterprise and recorded in the accounting policy. Art. 286 NK provides two ways of making payments:

  1. Quarterly.
  2. Monthly.

The first option should use:

  1. Enterprises whose revenue for the previous 4 quarters was not more than 3 million rubles.
  2. Budgetary institutions.
  3. Foreign organizations operating in the Russian Federation through permanent missions.
  4. Non-profit associations that do not receive sales income.
  5. Enterprises that profit from membership in simple partnerships.
  6. Companies earning revenue in accordance with production sharing agreements.
  7. Companies with profit from trust management. accounting and tax accounting

Monthly advances are calculated in accordance with tax rates and the amount of income received from the beginning of the month until its completion, taking into account previously accrued amounts.

Registration with the tax authority

It is mandatory for all business entities conducting entrepreneurial activities. In this case, it does not matter if there are circumstances with which the legislation connects the occurrence of an obligation to keep tax records and deduct mandatory payments to the budget. Registration of payers is carried out:

  1. At the address of the location of the enterprise or separate divisions.
  2. At the place of residence of individuals.
  3. At the address of the location of vehicles or property that are objects of taxation and owned by citizens or legal entities.

Important point

Tax registration of an enterprise, which includes separate divisions located within the Russian Federation and also having immovable objects subject to taxation, is carried out as at the Federal Tax Service at the address of its location, location of its branches and property belonging to it. tax ledgers


Tax accounting in tax authorities is carried out only in relation to persons whose information is entered in the Unified Register. For this, the entity must provide:

  1. Sv-o about state registration.
  2. Constituent and other documents that are necessary for registration.
  3. Papers confirming the formation of representative offices and branches.
  4. Statement.

The control authority is obliged to register the subject within five days. During the same period, the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate issues a notification.

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