
The purpose of the land. Land categories

In Russia, land is divided into certain categories. This classification has existed for a relatively long time. In accordance with it, the legal regime for each allotment is determined. Next, consider what constitutes the purpose of the land. land assignment

General information

The purpose of the use of the land involves the determination of the type of allotment, the functions that it performs economically. The classification is established by the LC. The list given in the legislation is considered closed. The purpose of the land is determined in order to ensure state regulation and control over the proper operation and protection of the territory.


In Russia there are the following categories of land allocation:

  • Forest and water funds.
  • Land for industrial use.
  • Protected areas.
  • Earth defense.
  • Territories of energy, communications, transport, television, broadcasting, computer science.
  • Settlements.
  • Land plots for agricultural purposes.
  • Territories for the provision of space industry facilities.
  • Land for other special purposes.

The formation of the classification began in pre-reform times. land for industrial use

Territory Exploitation

Many plots that are located outside the settlements are provided for agricultural purposes. These, in particular, include territories that have a fertile layer. This property distinguishes a plot of agricultural land from any other. In this case, one important nuance should be taken into account. Agricultural land should be distinguished from agricultural land. The latter are part of the territories of settlements and, in connection with this, have a different legal regime.

Agricultural land is intended to ensure the normal functioning of agricultural production in the country. They, in turn, have their own classification. So, there are lands, sites that are occupied by communications and on-farm roads, tree and shrub plantings, designed to protect allotments from the effects of negative technological, natural and man-made phenomena, structures, buildings, structures used for production purposes, as well as used for primary processing and storage of products. change of purpose of the land

Territory Functions

The purpose of the land allocated for the needs of the population consists mainly in ensuring the development of appropriate products. The allotment can also perform auxiliary functions. In particular, it can be used for transportation of products, energy supply, placement of structures and structures intended directly for the release of goods, and so on. There is also such a thing as a “protective strip”. The purpose of this type of land is to protect the land from the negative effects of external factors.

Enclosed bodies of water

These territories are included in the composition of agricultural land in the event that they are within the given area. Closed reservoirs, ponds of artificial or natural origin are of particular importance primarily in the production of products. So, they often act as a source of water during irrigation. In addition, they can be the basis of fisheries. In the most general sense, enclosed bodies of water serve to maintain ecological balance. agricultural land

Legal regime

It is a system of norms by which the order and basis of accounting for land are established. In accordance with this, control over the operation, the circulation of allotments is carried out. The legal regime is governed by the Land, Tax Codes, as well as relevant federal laws. Equally important in the matter of regulating the turnover of allotments are constitutional, civil, administrative, financial norms and acts of other legislative branches.

Territory Turnover

Land categories are established by the Land Code. The same normative act gives a general definition and classification of territories, formulates the procedure and general principles of operation. In more detail, the features of land turnover govern the provisions of the relevant federal law. Its requirements apply to relations that are associated with the operation, ownership, disposal of territories. The law establishes the rules and restrictions that apply to the circulation of allotments and shares in the common ownership of them, transactions that result in the right to arise or terminate. Based on the provisions of the Law, a change in the purpose of the land plot is also carried out. The prescriptions establish the procedure for the provision of allotments in municipal or state ownership. purpose of use of land

Important point

It should be noted that this Law does not extend to plots that are provided from agricultural land to the public for garage, individual housing construction, personal summer cottage and subsidiary plots, gardening, horticulture, and animal husbandry. The provisions of the regulatory act and the turnover of territories that are occupied by structures, buildings, and buildings do not regulate. Transactions with these plots are regulated by the Land Code.


The justification of the restrictions that are established within the boundaries of the territories is carried out at the stage of analysis of the current use of land and planning for future operation. Zoning is performed so that within the zone there are allotments homogeneous in terms of parameters and characteristics. Within one territory, the procedure for land use and operation of immovable objects applies equally to all areas. In accordance with town planning regulations the legal regime of allotments is established.

They also regulate the change in the purpose of the land. It is carried out to the extent permissible for individuals or legal entities to independently determine the best option for its operation and organize the operation of the facility, in accordance with their interests and at their own discretion. In this regard, one of the most important components of urban planning with the use of zoning is the presence of formed plots with established boundaries. land with x purpose

Rules for development and land use

They include a certain procedure for operating allotments and making adjustments, urban planning regulations (these include text materials that contain data on the types of use of zoning territories and the existing restrictions for them), a zoning map. The legal regime that is established for each zone applies to all areas within its boundaries. In addition, such regulation and control means that the LC together with the urban planning legislation recognizes a comprehensive method in relation to the establishment of a unified order for the real estate object - the allotment and the structure located on it.

Land plots for industrial use

They are intended to support the activities of organizations or to operate facilities in the production, energy, transport, communications, broadcasting sectors.They are also designed to accommodate defense industry facilities, as well as to perform other special tasks. This, in turn, makes it possible to distinguish these territories from the rest. The inclusion of plots in this category is determined, inter alia, by the fact that the rights to them appear exclusively in accordance with the grounds provided for in the RF Labor Code, federal laws and regional regulations. This indicates the target nature of the emergence of legal opportunities for transactions with these territories. land allocation categories

Sanitary Protection Zones

These are territories with special conditions of use. According to the RF Land Code, allotment areas intended for placement of production facilities in order to maintain public safety may be included in the sanitary-protected zones. These zones are bands that are allocated to reduce and eliminate pollution, the impact of harmful production factors on human health. The Department of Sanitary Protection Areas is provided for by Federal Law No. 52 (dated March 30, 1999).

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