
Underemployment - what is it? Where to find part-time jobs?

Many people notice that sometimes workdays turn into a nightmare. All day at work, and absolutely no time for yourself, family and friends. It happens that you want to use all your leisure time with maximum benefit and benefit. But full working day does not allow this.underemployment

For people who have at least once thought about this issue, there is a way out - this is part-time employment. Such work has a flexible schedule. This gives more freedom of action, and also allows you to become a financially independent person.

What it is?

Not everyone knows what underemployment is. Such work means that the manager does not use labor to the best of his ability.

There are several types:

  • Part-time employment of highly qualified specialists, which does not involve the use of professional abilities. For example, a doctor works as a driver in a company car.
  • Hidden unemployment seen in the practice of economic systems. For example, an enterprise has jobs, but does not use them because of any barriers. In this case, employees are hired, but their forces are applied temporarily or seasonally.
  • Unintentional underemployment is when a person wants and can work, but there are not enough jobs. And then you have to work part-time.

Unfortunately, the law provides for work about eight hours a day and five times a week. Which in the end is forty hours a week. Part-time work will allow you to work less and use the rest of the time at your own discretion.underemployment is

What types of underemployment are there?

There are several types:

  • part-time work at the enterprise;
  • work at home;
  • work through the Internet.

Often people think: "What is my best job?" Part-time work is a good way to experiment and try yourself in different areas.

In some cases, a person is given the opportunity to independently adjust the schedule. There are many part-time jobs for the company, for example, a temporary accountant, merchandiser or promoter, real estate agent and others. More active people can work as couriers or put up ads.part-time work

If you have the skills, then you should do haircuts at home or manicure, as well as repair plumbing or electrical equipment.

Work at home can consist in the manufacture and sale of hand-made decorations, such as candles, soap, jewelry, interior details and decor. You can also grow plants, mushrooms or animals for further sale.

For people who know how to use a computer, there is an opportunity to make money on the Internet. If you have the skills of a journalist or a person has a good command of the word, you can try yourself as a copywriter. You must write articles for online sites or your own site. Having your own blog, you can make money on advertising. The niche of earnings on the Internet is very wide and, moreover, allows you to work in your own mode.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage is the free schedule. You can set your own time for work. Underemployment also provides additional income. Another plus is the ability to choose a niche for earning.

There are very few drawbacks, but they are. In the case of additional work, more effort and time is spent. Working at home, it is difficult to get a good salary, you need to get started first, which takes extra time.

Who is suitable for part-time work?

  • People who live in small cities, where there is always a lack of jobs.
  • Pensioners who find it difficult to work all day.
  • Young mothers who simply do not have time for a full day, as they are constantly next to the child.
  • Students and schoolchildren who need finance.
  • People who need extra work. But you need to understand that human forces are not unlimited.

What does the law say?

Under current law, part-time work is provided to pregnant women or mothers who have a child under 14 years old. People who have retired are also hired. And, of course, underemployment is granted to people caring for a sick person, or those who, due to health reasons, are not able to work full time. This type of work is ideal for students over 14 years old, but written permission from parents is required.

How to find a part time job?

Flexible hours of work can be found in supermarkets. Typically, an ad is placed on the front door, and if it is not, you can ask the manager for vacancies.

A good search method is word of mouth - you can ask your neighbors or acquaintances. Perhaps they will offer responsibilities that do not trust an outsider.

You can use the Internet to search for work. Employers often label ads as part-time. You can also send your resume to the database, it may be noticed by a person who can help you find a job.

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