
Types of employment. Types, forms, indicators of employment and its effectiveness

Without a doubt, the transformation of the professional activities of citizens acts as an indicator of any changes in the formation of the socio-economic structure. In this regard, during the transition to a market system from an administrative-command system, the types and forms of employment that were inherent in the previous period change.

types of employment

Market relations

In the course of the changes, the principle of universality of labor, which acts as an attribute of extensive economic development, has been overcome. Market relations are based on free choice. A man, in accordance with his inclinations, preferences, abilities, picks up labor and employment. The market system does not allow forced professional activity, except as otherwise provided in the law of the state. Within the framework of these economic relations, voluntary unemployment of the population is also provided. In market conditions, the sphere of professional activity acquires new features.

Types of employment

Within the framework of economic science, several of them are distinguished. The leading place among all is full employment. In a market, it has its own characteristics. The main thing here is the sufficiency of jobs for everyone who can and wants to work. In particular, it does not inherent in the maximum possible involvement of capable citizens in the sphere of services and production, as was typical for the command and administrative system. Full employment not only acts as a social guarantee. It, among other things, is considered the foundation of a highly efficient use of the potential of society. Moreover, ensuring full employment does not appear as a sign of a high organizational level of citizen involvement, the optimality and expediency of its parameters.

part-time employment


It is determined by effectiveness. professional activity citizens in a broad sense. This, in particular, is about the "usefulness" of the results of work, the optimality of its social division, the quantitative correspondence of labor and the employees performing it. The concept of rationality of professional activity also includes the economic feasibility of places, the performance of their duties without harm to health. An important factor in this case is the ability to work with high productivity, receiving payment for this, which ensures the reproduction of the employee’s abilities for further activities at the enterprise. Thus, as an important condition provided by rational employment, there is a qualitative and quantitative correspondence of the worker and work, the structure of places and professional resources.

Economic Systems Development

In advanced states, it is characterized by such trends as:

  • Increasing the flexibility of production systems.
  • Expansion of technological specialization in the displacement of its subject form.
  • Miniaturization (optimization) of production assets.

full employment

All this has a close relationship with the increasing diversity of the needs of modern society. In accordance with these trends, new types of employment began to emerge. In particular, non-standard categories appear.Standard (hard) types of employment are presented as a person engaged in professional activities according to the approved strict schedule, a certain number of hours per day, week, year. At the same time, he is hired for a rather long time. In this case, the term for accepting an employee to the enterprise is an indefinite or urgent contract.

New categories

Non-standard types of employment have a number of features. In particular, this concerns the work schedule. For example, a part-time job is provided (part-time). In this case, the person performs the duties prescribed to him for a part day, week. Also, non-standard types of employment include professional activities at home, on call, etc. Among the characteristics of the new categories, it should be noted the duration of the employment. So, part-time employment provides for temporary, seasonal, casual professional activities. Of no less importance is the legal status of the employee.

Factors provoking the emergence of new categories

Among the reasons why non-standard species began to appear, it should be noted:

  • The employer's inability to provide a constant number of employees with activities and earnings. In many cases, this is due to fluctuations in the demand for the services provided and the goods produced.
  • The desire of some categories of citizens to work part-time. These, in particular, include students, housewives, people with disabilities, and pensioners.
  • Changes in technology and technology. Thanks to this, it became possible to do work at home. Due to this, the company saves on the creation of production places, and the employee is in more favorable conditions conducive to the quality performance of duties.

employment Service

Part-time employment

It belongs to the regular category. Underemployment is based on an individual contract between the employer and the employee. According to him, the employee is set a special schedule. As a rule, the regime is presented in less than a day or a week. This type of employment takes place not only in accordance with the desire of certain categories of citizens to carry out activities in flexible terms.

Employers turn to him to preserve or increase the involvement of employees during the recession through a kind of "separation" between several people of the same place. This circumstance to some extent helps to reduce the negative socio-economic consequences of unemployment during the crisis. The negative side of this attraction is the insufficient level of social protection of employees, primarily from priority dismissals. In addition, such people lack the right to receive benefits.

Cottage activities

Due to the widespread use of computers, its application during the production process, the formation of communication (integrated) systems, as well as modem communications, conditions appeared for employees performing operations using a PC to do this at home. Such work is classified as non-standard. A distinctive feature of such employment is considered a lower payment of the same amount that an employee performs in normal production conditions.

Due to the increase in business activity, employers are more actively using the services of homeworkers. Such involvement in the production process or the provision of services is due to the lack of the need to bear the costs of building or renting premises, equipping places. Calling work belongs to the home-based category. In this case, employees have neither a specific place, nor a strict schedule. The services of such persons, as a rule, are resorted to rarely if necessary.This form of employment is common among tutors, guides, consultants, auditors.

types and forms of employment

Temporary activities

It represents the performance of work in accordance with a short-term contract. Temporary involvement of a person is used if necessary to replace a permanent employee. The cause may be a long illness, maternity leave, vacation. Also, the work itself can be low prestige or hard. At the same time, finding an employee on an ongoing basis is very difficult. Temporary workers are involved in the enterprise in the event of an increase in production volumes. Among these employees are quite common office workers, programmers, financiers, clerks. Temporary employment is present in the trade, insurance, and financial sectors.

Independent professional activity

Self-employment occupies a special place among other types. Such activity takes place, for example, when relatives organize an enterprise at their own expense. Manufacturers of this category are distinguished by a high level of independence, have ample opportunities for the manifestation of the initiative. The enterprises of this type are occupied by the owners themselves and their family members. In this case, contracts are concluded between them. Self-employment is quite common in the trading sector, car service, small industry, farming and so on.

Additional attraction

It is characterized by a number of specific features. A sign of secondary employment is the ability of an employee to fulfill work at another place after fulfilling his duties in the main activity at the scheduled time. It can be located either at the same enterprise, or outside it.

labor and employment

Unregulated Activities

It is not standardized by state legislation. Employment of this type is carried out without the conclusion of employment contracts. An employee may engage in various activities. Unregulated employment is excluded from the sphere of socio-economic relations in society. The employee's activity in this case is not taken into account in state statistics bodies. Citizens performing any duties under this category do not pay taxes. Moreover, as a rule, they have a fairly large income. Unregulated activities, for example, are carried out by construction or repair teams that have not passed state registration, car services, small furniture production, and others. Such employment is quite widespread and has a significant impact on social and economic development in the country.

Employment Promotion Organizations

Enough activity in attracting citizens is carried out by the employment service. It is designed not only to facilitate recruitment, but also to participate in the training and retraining of employees. The employment service provides assistance to unemployed persons. It is expressed in cash benefits. The tasks performed by the employment center are as follows:

  • Accounting. The organization controls the number of vacancies and the people who need them.
  • Informing. The institution informs unsettled persons about the possibility of employment.
  • Assistance. The employment center helps citizens choose one or another sphere of professional activity, get a specialty. At the same time, employers are also assisted in the selection of employees.
  • Registration of unemployed.
  • The payment of benefits.
  • Making retirement ahead of schedule.
  • Development of programs to attract employees.
  • Social protection measures for different categories of citizens.

The employment service is guided by a number of principles in its work. Among them:

  • Decentralization.
  • Democracy.
  • Mobility and flexibility.

The employment service is designed to provide a rational combination in the management of horizontal and vertical relationships.

employment center

Implementing citizen engagement

It is carried out through certain forms of employment. They represent the legal environment and ways to use professional skills. The most common forms of employment include:

  • Contracted hiring in the public sector.
  • Work at an object of private or collective property without the right to dispose of its part.
  • Professional activity in enterprises where the employee has his own share of shares, a high contribution or acts as a co-owner.
  • Independent work of the owner.
  • Activities on leased production assets.
  • Labor in a joint venture.
  • Work at home.
  • Community, seasonal, temporary work.


In the issue of regulating the employment of citizens, of course, the leading role is given to the state. The main indicators for assessing the situation are the level of involvement and the number of employees. For the regulation of employment to be effective both socially and economically, it is necessary to analyze its dynamics.

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