
Nitrofoska (fertilizer): application in horticulture and truck farming

Unfortunately, it is impossible to grow a good crop without the use of fertilizers. Plants need nutrients, which necessarily contribute to the soil the entire period of growth and ripening of fruits. There are many products on the market that vary in composition and effect. An inexperienced gardener is not easy to understand, but there are basic components that are necessarily used to increase productivity. For example, such as nitrofoska - fertilizer, the use of which is very effective.

Nitrofoska fertilizer application

Fertilizer classification

Fertilizers distinguish between organic and mineral. Organic ones include those that contain nutrients of plant and animal origin. As a result of decomposition, they enrich the soil with all the necessary mineral compounds. The introduction of organic fertilizers is an important point of agricultural activities. The second type is mineral fertilizers. This is a chemical product.

They may contain concentrated nutrients (nitrogen, potash, phosphorus) or a balanced complex of substances. Mineral fertilizers are divided into double (two components), triple or complex. Nitrofoska, a fertilizer, the use of which gives tangible results, is a complex preparation that is obtained as a result of chemical reactions.

What is nitrophos

Complex fertilizer nitrophosphate is obtained by the decomposition of phosphorite or apatite using nitric acid. The result is calcium nitrate, which is transferred to other compounds in various ways to improve physical properties. After these manipulations, carbonate nitrophoska or frozen nitrophos is obtained (depending on the production method).

Nitrofoska fertilizer application for potatoes

If additional chemical compounds are added, the fertilizer is more complex (triple). Phosphor nitrophoska is the initial mixture + potassium chloride, ammonia and phosphoric acid. This fertilizer contains up to 50 percent of the nutrients. Apply it in the pre-sowing and sowing periods. Be sure to take into account the percentage of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, and depending on this, additionally use simple fertilizers.

Fertilizer Features

Nitrofoska is a fertilizer, the instruction for use of which is very important, since the introduction of additional components should be as effective as possible and should not affect the chemical composition of the products. It is suitable for all types of soils and for all crops and flowers. Nitrofoska is introduced as the main fertilizer, as already mentioned, before or during sowing.

Nitrofoska fertilizer instructions for use

The use of this fertilizer gives the greatest effect on sierozem and chernozem soils. In these cases, the introduction of nitrophoska in the autumn period is possible. Light soils fertilize in spring. The assortment of nitrofosks is huge. It is distinguished by the percentage of nutrients (potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen). Therefore, you can choose a drug depending on the chemical composition of the soil and the requirements of plants.

Nitrophos or nitrophoska?

These two consonant names have their own differences. A mixture of nitric and phosphoric acid neutralized with ammonia is called nitrophos. But if it is enriched with potassium, then it gets the name nitrophoski. The last drug contains more nutrients. Nitrofoska is a fertilizer whose use has a wider spectrum due to a change in the proportional ratio of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.

The last two compounds are readily soluble.Phosphorus is insoluble in water, but available for plants. Depending on the composition, these indicators may vary. For example, carbonate nitrophosphate does not contain soluble phosphorus. This fertilizer is useful in acidic soils. In any form of the preparation of nutrients, at least 50 percent is contained, so they are considered concentrated mineral fertilizers.

Chemical composition

Nitrofoska is a fertilizer whose use is permissible for all plants. It is only necessary to take into account the type of soil and observe the dosage. The chemical composition of nitrophosphate is 10% phosphorus, 11% potassium and 11% nitrogen.

nitrofoska fertilizer application for flowers

Focusing on these figures, it is possible to regulate the application of mineral substances depending on the composition of the soil and the requirements of plants, adding one-component preparations. Ammonium nitrogen minimizes the leaching of nitrophosphates from the soil, which increases the nutritional time of plants with useful substances. Nitrofoska is excellent for soil where acidic and neutral soils predominate.

Fertilizing Tomatoes

There are vegetables that are very sensitive to a lack or excess of nutrients during growth. These include tomatoes of various varieties. Very often in such cases, gardeners are helped by nitrophoska - a fertilizer, the use of which for tomatoes is simply necessary. Especially important is its introduction during planting and seedling growth. Deficiency of nutrients greatly affects the growth and fruit setting. The result is unsatisfactory. To avoid this, it is necessary to systematically conduct top dressing throughout the agrotechnical period. But we must remember that an excess of mineral and organic fertilizers can lead to loss of crop. Plants will have gorgeous green foliage, strong stems, but fruiting will decrease. Therefore, everything should be in moderation.

Nitrofosk fertilizer application reviews

In everyday life of every gardener, there must be a nitrophoska - fertilizer, the use of which for tomatoes in the initial period of their growth will allow the plants to develop correctly. Two weeks after planting, it is necessary to carry out the first stage of fertilizing tomatoes. For this, a tablespoon of nitrophoska is bred in a bucket of water (10 liters). The mixture is thoroughly stirred and poured under each plant about 0.5 liters. After two weeks, you can conduct a second top dressing with this or other complex fertilizer. During fruiting, you can use a mixture of nitrophoska (1 tbsp. Spoon) and sodium humate (1 tsp.). These components are diluted in 10 liters of water. About 5 liters of nutrient mixture are consumed per square meter. Nitrofoska is a fertilizer whose use for tomatoes is considered very appropriate.

Potato fertilizer

Potato is a vegetable that is a leader in popularity among gardeners. Growing it is easy, but to get a good harvest, you should make a lot of effort. Potatoes are growing very fast. The plant spends a lot of energy on the formation and development of tubers. Therefore, potato top dressing is an important agricultural technique necessary for high yields. Fertilizing can be carried out at any time. In autumn, they are scattered at the site of future landings and digging up the soil. In the summer, during the ripening period, the application of fertilizers is problematic, since high leaf tops interfere. The best time for feeding is considered to be the planting process and the timing of the early development of potatoes.

Nitrofoska is a fertilizer whose use for potatoes is considered ideal. This complex preparation contains all the necessary substances for the full development of plants. A small amount of fertilizer is placed in the hole, along with the tubers during planting. If you use only nitrofoska, then you need to spend two more fertilizing before flowering. But you can combine mineral and organic fertilizers. This method will be most effective and provide an excellent harvest.

Nitrofoska fertilizer application for tomatoes

The humus mixture and nitrophoska is a complete nutrition for developing plants and a guarantee of good ripening of tubers. The cost of fertilizing potatoes is low, since organic fertilizers can be prepared on their own, and nitrophoska is relatively cheap.

Strawberry fertilizer

Getting delicious, juicy and sweet strawberries is not at all easy. It is necessary to spend a lot of energy, to carry out simple but labor-consuming agrotechnical measures, which include weeding, loosening, mulching, cutting old leaves and antennae, as well as top dressing. Planting young sprouts on a new site, you can immediately add fertilizer to the hole. It may be nitrophoska. Fertilizer, the use of which experienced gardeners consider important for strawberries, will provide the necessary complex of minerals for rooting and development. In the next two years of growth, strawberries will need only nitrogen fertilizers, especially if mulching is carried out.

Nitrofoska fertilizer application for tomato

In the third year of growth, soil fertilizer is carried out in three stages. The first feeding is carried out during the period of growth and development of leaves. Nitrofosku contribute in the amount of 30 grams per square meter. The second time this process is repeated after flowering. Norms remain the same. And the third time fertilizers are applied after harvesting and mowing the leaves. This is approximately 20-40 grams of nitrophosphate per square meter.

Fertilizer flowers

Thanks to the use of complex fertilizers, the flowering period increases, the flowers become larger and have a bright color. These drugs are used for annual and perennial, bulb flowers and shrubs. The most popular remedy is nitrofoska - fertilizer, the use of which gives a good effect. The day before application, it is necessary to water the plants so as not to burn the roots. Then a tablespoon of nitrophosphate is diluted in 10 liters of water. The volume of nutrient solution for one plant depends on their size. But it is always necessary to use any fertilizer with caution, since an excess of it can lead to reverse actions. With a mixture of nitrophosk and water, you can spray flowers. This method is also effective.

Nitrofoska fertilizer application for strawberries


Nitrofoska is a universal complex fertilizer of wide action. Its use is recommended by specialists to increase productivity and better development of plants. The best combination of price and effectiveness is nitrofosk fertilizer. Application (reviews of simple gardeners should be the best indicator of the benefits of this tool) is very simple. Many people note the good structure of the granules, their quick solubility and good results. The main thing is to carry out all dressings at the right time and in the required doses. Have a good harvest!

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