
Do I need a passport to Kaliningrad? Features of the trip by different modes of transport.

For many people, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, some relatives suddenly found themselves living in another country at one point. Everything would not be so scary if it were not for the problems with crossing state borders. Now, when planning a trip, you first need to find out what documents are needed for this. For example, do I need a passport to Kaliningrad?

What is the best way to get there?

Once Königsberg was the center of East Prussia. In 1946, part of it became part of the RSFSR under the name Kaliningrad Oblast and became a full member of the Soviet Union. The movement of citizens within such a huge state was not limited. No one had a question whether a passport to Kaliningrad or any other city was needed. After the collapse of the Union in 1991, the situation was somewhat diminished. The Kaliningrad region unexpectedly became a unique region of Russia. This was greatly facilitated by proximity to Europe, membership in the Baltic Union and favorable climatic conditions. Geographically, the city is located so that you can get to it only by crossing the border of a neighboring state (Lithuania). Therefore, the question of whether a passport to Kaliningrad is needed is considered quite reasonable.

Do I need a passport in Kaliningrad

The interesting thing is that it is definitely impossible to answer it. It all depends on the type of transport selected. Now this city from the center of Russia can be reached in four ways:

  • by rail,
  • by plane
  • on a ferryboat,
  • by car.

Each of them has its own peculiarities, therefore it is not always the question of whether a passport to Kaliningrad is needed, you need to respond positively.

Air communication

In modern conditions, air flights have become commonplace. More and more people are trying to use this particular mode of transport. He is appreciated for speed and comfort. And moving on an air liner in some cases significantly simplifies the process of booking a trip. To get, for example, to Kaliningrad from anywhere in Russia is very convenient.

Do I need a passport to Kaliningrad by plane

Firstly, no visa is required. But the difficult geographical position of the city makes one doubt whether a passport to Kaliningrad is needed? By plane it turns out that this document is also not required. It is enough to have a civil or all-Russian passport - and you can go to the ticket office for tickets. Further, after registration and landing, it remains only to spend 40 minutes in the air and land at the local international airport Khrabrovo. It is located 20 kilometers from Kaliningrad itself and is named after the village of the same name located nearby. From here, passengers can easily reach their destination by bus or taxi.


If there is enough time, then you can safely get to Kaliningrad by bus. This method of transportation has been known for a long time. In addition, recently, many have private cars. This option should not be ruled out either. What is the situation with paperwork in this case? Do I need a passport to Kaliningrad, and what documents will be required?

Do I need a passport in Kaliningrad

Going on the road, of course, it is necessary to have a native passport of a Russian citizen. If minor children participate in the trip, then a birth certificate of each of them will be required. In addition, a medical policy will not be amiss on the road. Who can know in advance what will happen along the way? Further, it all depends on the path of movement.If the selected road passes through the territory of other countries, then not only a passport, but also a special permit will be required. If the trip is one-time in nature, you can not bother with the Schengen registration, but get a regular transit visa.

Train ride

The only way in which a passport is required for a trip to Kaliningrad can be considered railway transport.

need a passport to Kaliningrad

In this case, everything is clear without a word. All trains cross the state border of the country and transit through Lithuania. This obliges every citizen to have the appropriate documents with him: a passport and a visa. You can, of course, get Schengen in advance in order to be able to subsequently move freely around many European countries. If such visits are not planned, then it’s better to just buy a train ticket, and then just fill in the form on the spot in front of the border. The solution of such issues begins at the railway ticket offices. From there, a request is sent to the Lithuanian Embassy, ​​which then receives a permit for transit travel. There is no additional charge for this procedure, and the passenger only needs his foreign passport.

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