
How much is a passport. Documents for registration, deadlines

Many travelers are interested in the question of how much the passport costs. After all, this, along with a visa, is one of those documents that is necessary for traveling abroad. Without it, you will not be able to visit any country (with the exception of the states of the former USSR). So every person who wants to go on a trip will have to go through the registration of a passport.

how much is a passport


For five years now, starting in 2010, biometric civil and foreign passports have been issued in the Russian Federation. They are good in that their validity period is doubled. A biometric passport is valid for ten years, not five. In addition, it is unrealistic to fake it due to the electronic chip inside the first page with data that cannot be seen, but can be read using a computer program.

If we talk about how much a new generation passport costs, it should be noted that it is more expensive than an old document. The amount required to be paid as a state duty is 3500 rubles. For children, the cost of this document is 1,500 rubles. The difference, of course, is palpable, however, this is understandable, because modern technologies are used to create biometric passports. And they are quite expensive.

new passport

How much does a passport cost and what is included in this amount?

Many people who are used to studying all questions to the smallest detail are interested in why the price of state duty is exactly 3,500 rubles. What is included in this price? So, you should deal with this issue. The fact is that when paying international passport, a person automatically pays money for the state fee (this amount goes to the state budget), for the issuance of a certificate proving the absence of a criminal record, plus for this - for letterhead and passport office services. And, of course, this price includes payment for the technologies used in the process of preparing the document. It must be remembered that the biometric passports have completely different pages, logos, and besides, all the information is laser-applied to them. And, of course, the chip - it also costs a lot. Therefore, do not be surprised, because of which the registration of a passport costs 3,500 rubles.

Filling in the questionnaire

A new passport can be obtained only after submitting the necessary documents. Among them should be a completed application. The questionnaire can be purchased at special offices. They are usually located within walking distance of the FMS. It is very important to fill it out correctly. In principle, there is nothing complicated about this. All basic data are indicated there (name, place of residence, residence, age and work). For people who came to the FMS at the place of stay, and not registration, you will also need to write the address at which they currently live. There is a separate line in the profile for this. There is also a place for photography, but it should be left blank. The UMFS employee will take a picture in his office and paste it into the questionnaire.

registration of a passport

Government services

There is another quite popular way to get a foreign identification card. Surely many people have heard about public services. A new passport can be obtained if you go to their portal. Only for this you need to register there, which will take some time. The most difficult thing is to confirm your identity. This is usually done with an electronic signature.

But if this option does not fit, you will need to choose a different confirmation method, for example, come to the FMS and register there.It is convenient to submit documents for a passport through state services, since this does not require a personal presence. The only thing you have to come to the Department of the FMS for is photographing. Everything, then it will be possible to return already after a month and a half for a ready-made passport. By the way, it should be noted that issuing a certificate for people who have used state services is faster, since all documents for a passport were submitted in advance.

passport documents

Terms of receipt

And one more thing to talk about when talking about a passport. Timing is what we are talking about. A new certificate is made a little longer than the document that was issued earlier. It takes one and a half months to make it, and not one. But it is not so long.

If a person applied at the place of stay, rather than registration, it would take four months to wait. Or you need to come to the FMS with temporary registration. Then the terms will be the same as for the rest of the citizens. Three months will have to wait if a person had access to classified information or state secrets. This somewhat complicates the procedure for issuing a passport and identity verification. Otherwise, everything is standard.

public services passport

Foreign passport for children

It is also worth talking about how much a passport costs for minor citizens of the Russian Federation and what is needed for this. The first thing you need is a statement. Also, the original and copies of the citizenship insert, passports of parents and birth certificates. You will also need a receipt proving the payment of the state duty. Its cost is 1,500 rubles. This is what you need for paperwork for children whose age is less than 14 years. From 14 to 18 years old, all the same will be required, only the original of the child’s civil passport (with attached copies). The size of the state fee in this case will be 3,500 rubles, that is, for adults.

passport deadlines

Information for men

And what documents must be presented to representatives of the male half of the population in order for them to issue a new passport? Well, the package of necessary papers is not much different from the standard. Firstly, copies of all pages (without exception) of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Secondly, a photocopy of the work book, without fail, certified by the seal. And two biometric applications, which also need to be certified at the place of work. Two photographs must also be presented (standard size is 3.5 x 4.5 centimeters). They can be both black and white, and color. Only necessarily matte.

And finally, it will be necessary to provide the original military ID (if the man was in the service). In the event that he did not go through the army, then a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office of form 32 will be required. An inscription will also be required. By the way, if a person changed his surname (although this applies more to girls), it will be necessary to bring a certificate attesting to this fact. If you have an old passport, you should also bring it with you - they will take it.

In principle, this is the whole package of documents necessary for undergoing such a procedure as registration of a passport.

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