
Do Belarusians, Russians and Ukrainians need a visa to Jordan

How fascinating the East is! Surely no Slav wants to live there, but, having arrived once, seeks to return again and again. The ever-changing laws of even experienced travelers make us constantly ask - do I need a visa to Jordan?

Tourist visa to Jordan for citizens of Russia

do i need a visa to jordan

In Jordan, there are so many places that will interest tourists. Wadi Rum desert, hot waterfalls, Petra, the Dead Sea, etc. In addition, it is close to Egypt and Israel. Very often, tourists relax in Egypt and go on excursions to neighboring countries. The most convenient country for a transit crossing is Jordan. Is a visa necessary for Russians in this case?

If you decide to visit Jordan from Egypt, you will get a visa absolutely free. Such luck will happen if you visit the country for several days. A ferry from Egypt arrives at the port of Aqaba, where border guards will issue a visa for a couple of days.

If the tour is planned specifically to Jordan, then you have several options:

- get a visa in advance at the Embassy of Jordan;

- get a visa at the airport of Jordan.

In the first case, there is more trouble - you need to go to the embassy 10 days before departure, submit photos, a statement in English or Arabic, a birth certificate of the child if he will travel with you, permission to take the child from the second parent, passport. A single entry visa will cost $ 57. The advantages of this method are that you do not have to stand in line at the currency exchange and passport control.

In the second case, a visa is set right at the airport. First you need to exchange 57 cu for 40 Jordanian dinars. Then at the passport control they will take your photo, ask about the place of your stay and issue a visa for a period of one month.

Whether you need a visa to Jordan in advance is up to you. Which way of getting to you seems more convenient, so use it.

Do Belarusians need a visa to Jordan

Does Jordan need a visa for Russians

Belarusian citizens are also free to visit the Kingdom of Jordan. On board the aircraft, the stewardess will issue migration cards and help them fill out. You will need cards upon receipt of a visa. It is also recommended that you have your reservation with you at the hotel. This will mark the questions of where you are going to live.

Do Belarusians who do not have a hotel reservation and go on a visit need a visa to Jordan? Not. In this case, you need to know where you are going and give the name of the person you are meeting.

Visa to Jordan for Ukrainians

Do I need a visa to Jordan for Belarusians

Ukrainians also have two options for obtaining a visa. In most cases, a priority is given to a visa on the territory of the country, since the Jordanian embassy is only in Kiev, and not everyone has the opportunity to come to the city in advance.

Do Ukrainians need a visa prepared in advance for Ukrainians if you do not use the services of a travel company? No, any guest of the country can get it at the airport subject to two conditions - the passport is valid for at least another six months and payment of a fee of 40 dinars per person.

Visa to Jordan when crossing the border by land

In this case, we recommend taking care of the premature receipt of a visa. The fact is that not all border control points issue such documents. When crossing the Jordanian border from Israel, Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians will be denied visas.

It is also planned to introduce restrictions on the exit from Jordan to Israel. But while this issue is only being considered.

Visa for a child upon entry into Jordan

Does a child need a visa to Jordan? The answer to this question depends on the child's documents.If it is inscribed in the parent's passport, then the parent pays for only one visa, while the document itself puts a note on the child.

In the case when the child has his own passport, a separate visa is bought for him. The cost of children and adults is not different.

What to do when your visa is overdue

Do I need a visa to Jordan for Ukrainians

If the visa expires, and you still have no opportunity to leave the country, do not despair. Jordan is a very loyal country in this matter. Before the deadline, you can contact the nearest police station. They will ask a few questions about the place of residence, the reason for the delay, take fingerprints and extend the visa for free.

If the period has already expired, you will have to pay for every extra day of stay in the country. For adults, this is 1.5 dinars. You can pay in the police so that there are no unnecessary questions when you leave, or you can wait for departure and pay the tax on the spot.

The nuances of visiting the country

Do Belarusians need a visa to Jordan

Whether a visa to Jordan is needed is not the only question that may worry the traveler. One recent innovation has been the restriction for women. Now, to get into the kingdom, you need to have a return ticket or marriage documents with a citizen of Jordan.

For a while, Jordan issued free visas to tourists who arrive in Aqaba by sea or air and have a return ticket from the same zone, no later than the 30th day of their stay. But at the moment this is more luck than rule. Border guards can really give a free visa, or they can refuse it and demand a standard fee. It is not recommended to argue - in the end, you may receive a free visa, but before that you will be pretty spoiled by nerves.

If you rest in Egypt, and you want to visit Jordan, then do not expect to catch it all in one day. It takes about two and a half days to visit Petra.

To avoid incidents, it is recommended to call the embassy immediately before the upcoming vacation. Since changes are constantly taking place in the laws and what was relevant yesterday, may already be invalid. Also check the exchange rate. In the Kingdom of Jordan, it has been stable for many years, but unpleasant surprises can occur.

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