
What is required to obtain a visa to Japan?

Going on a trip or a business trip, many of our fellow citizens prefer to independently draw up all the necessary documents without resorting to specialized agencies or travel agencies for help. Unfortunately, ignorance of many of the nuances and features often leads to the fact that a visit abroad is delayed or completely frustrated. A similar situation very often happens with those who decide to go to the Land of the Rising Sun, because in order to obtain a visa to Japan it is necessary to take into account a huge amount of details.

Do Russians need a visa?

There are a huge number of countries whose residents have the opportunity to stay in the territory of the Asian state for a certain, strictly regulated time without a large number of special documents. Unfortunately, a visa to Japan is necessary for Russians in any situation. There are several main varieties of it, determined by the goals of being in the country. In each case, you will need to collect a very significant set of documents that will be considered at the consulate or embassy.visas to japan

Main types of entry permits

So what are types of visa in Japan decided to allocate? Currently there are documents:

  1. Once. They are quite versatile, can be suitable for both tourists and those who go to visit friends. Prohibit the conduct of commercial activities. Valid for 3 months, provide an opportunity to stay in the country for 90 days and are not subject to renewal.
  2. Multiple. It is issued solely upon request with the aim of visiting the country to carry out work activities. This option is also available to athletes and musicians. Its validity period is 36 months, however, staying in the country is allowed only 90 consecutive days for 6 months.
  3. Long term. Most often used in the implementation of work activities. To obtain them, you must have a special certificate, valid for 3 years, but make it possible to stay in Japan for no more than 90 days.
  4. Medical. Visas of this nature are entitled to receive persons who are in the country for treatment, as well as the person accompanying them. Validity - 3 years, stay - 90 days.
  5. Transit (single and double). Validity - 3 days, designed for people crossing the country and following to the final destination of travel.

visa to Japan for Russians

Basic list of documents

What documents are needed for a visa to Japan? Their list is quite extensive, but standard. These include:

  • Valid passport (end date at least 6 months before the date of travel);
  • copies of a Russian passport (first pages);
  • 2 pics. (size 4.5 / 4.5);
  • certificate of employment confirming the position and salary (for individual entrepreneurs, a separate scheme);
  • bank statement confirming the size of your savings;
  • information on the place of training (of course, for those who still receive education);
  • sponsorship letter (necessary for people under the age of 18, as well as those who do not have sufficient income);
  • invitation from the host (valid for up to 3 months).

need a visa to Japan

Among other things, you may need a written travel plan and a completed application form (2 pieces). Having health insurance is highly desirable, but not mandatory. The presented list of documents is unified and may vary slightly depending on the type of visa to be issued.A full list of documents is provided immediately before the trip to the consulate.

About guarantors

Another important aspect: to obtain a visa to Japan you will definitely need to enlist the support of the so-called guarantor. As it can act:

  1. Host Party (legal entity). Confirms your visit by sending an invitation.
  2. Host Party (individual). May only be a Japanese citizen (or resident), also sends you an invitation.
  3. Tourist agency. Only if you go on a regulated trip on a package tour.
  4. Intermediary company. A company specializing in the provision of services of this kind. He is engaged in the preparation of visas.

visa to Japan on your own

Visa cost

How much does a visa to Japan cost? The price of the document is low, if you contact the consulate in advance, then the registration itself will be free, in less than 10 days - from 4000 to 10,000 yen. If you decide to purchase a visa through an intermediary company, consider the fact that their services are not free and can be priced in the amount of 3000-8000 rubles, and sometimes even higher.

About time and main nuances

Why is a visa to Japan self-issued so rarely? Unfortunately, the process of obtaining permission to enter the Land of the Rising Sun is fraught with the need to take into account a large number of nuances. So, the questionnaires are filled out in Japanese and English, the inviting party must also provide comprehensive information about itself, when trying to enter for the purpose of work, you must provide an already signed employment contract, etc. visa to japan Price

If you need a visa to Japan, start collecting documents to get it in advance. This process is quite lengthy and takes a lot of time. After all the papers have been handed over to the embassy, ​​you can only expect their positive or negative decision. By agreement of the states, the final verdict is delivered within 10 days, but in practice this happens a little earlier, approximately within one working week.

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