
What is clinker and what equipment is needed for the production of clinker tiles?

A stable growth trend in the pace and volume of construction led to increased demand for finishing materials. Entrepreneurs who are sensitive to market requirements are increasingly engaged in their manufacture. Clinker production confidently entered the number of popular and promising areas.

Clinker: what is it?

Being traditional in Europe, clinker appeared relatively recently in the vastness of our country. This is a high-strength material, which is obtained by high-temperature heat treatment (t> 1000 ° C) from refractory shale clay.

Its unique characteristics are provided by special manufacturing technology and high-quality equipment for the production of clinker tiles, bricks, steps, window tides, details for facing architectural forms of complex configuration. Surpassing ceramic counterparts in many respects, it quickly gained popularity among Russian consumers.

Clinker Tile Thickness

Manufacturing Methods: Semi-Dry Pressing and Extrusion

Pressing is one of the technologies for the industrial production of clinker cladding products, which allows to obtain products having low thermal conductivity, which is very valuable. The essence of the method is quite simple. The source material (clay with the addition of natural dyes) is moistened, then, having set the shape and dimensions of the clinker tiles using a special press, it is sent for firing in the oven, bypassing the preliminary drying stage.

Clinker tile sizes

This method initially requires the use of an extruder - a machine that continuously processes wet plastic clay into a homogeneous mass by grinding. After passing this stage, the raw material for the future product is molded under the influence of a vacuum press and, after being pre-dried, is fed to the firing.

The result of applying this technology is high strength, adhesive ability of the clinker, its resistance to mechanical stress and frost resistance. Thanks to such qualities, he found wide application in construction (decoration of building facades) and landscape design (paving paths or terraces).

Note that both methods include a pressing process, which involves the use of a mold for the production of clinker tiles or other types of products. They are manufactured according to German technology and have a matrix layer that effectively provides thermal insulation and tightness of the final product. As a rule, the production of such molds is carried out by German manufacturers or companies from other countries by their technologies.

Clinker tile molds

Unique features

The list of indisputable advantages of clinker, leading him to a leading position, includes:

  • Long service life (up to one hundred years or more), during which the material retains its original appearance and remains without visually noticeable external damage.
  • Immunity to the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays and the absence of efflorescence. Over the years, the color gamut of clinker products remains as bright and saturated as in the first days of service.
  • Resistance to the negative effects of low temperatures, which is very important in an area with harsh climatic conditions.
  • High rates of strength. Despite the fact that the thickness of clinker tiles is relatively small (varies from 8 mm. To 12 mm.), It is not inferior in this parameter to natural stone or porcelain.
  • The minimum level of water absorption (below 2%). Under the influence of water, the structure of the material does not collapse; it tolerates the high humidity regime well.
  • Clinker is environmentally friendly, since it is made exclusively from natural raw materials.
  • Resistance to aggressive chemical environment (acid, alkali).
  • The ability to produce a wide range of products in all kinds of colors, shapes and configurations.

Clinker tile production equipment: technological line

To make a quality clinker, you will need:

  • extruder (if extrusion is part of the process);
  • chambers for preliminary drying (depending on production needs, they may have different loading volume and power)
  • molds and rotary, lever, belt or vacuum (most commonly used) pressing machines;
  • a key component of the chain is shale clay kilns (tunnel tunnels are commonly used).

Clinker tile production equipment

Clinker Production: Business Profitability

Having enough high-quality equipment for the production of clinker tiles, large producers receive the maximum possible profit - due to the sale of products at an average market price and low cost. This ratio of production investments and enterprise income determines high rates of profitability, and therefore business efficiency, which makes it attractive to investors.

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