
Own business: cement production. Instructions on how to make cement: necessary equipment and technology

Cement production today is a pretty lucrative business. And even despite the fact that there is high competition in this area, each novice entrepreneur has the opportunity to create his own successful business. However, before purchasing equipment and starting production, it is necessary to carefully consider all the details of the business plan, taking into account the specifics of your region, the current economic situation and the activity of direct competitors.


What is cement?

We all know that without this material construction is impossible. How to make cement? To create it, limestone, gypsum, clay, mineral additives and other components are combined. There are various types of this material, as well as technology for its production. We offer a closer look at the main stages of opening such a business.

Cement technology

The manufacturing process of this material consists of two main stages. At the first of them, clinker is produced, which is a specific intermediate product in the form of mechanically mixed and heated up to one and a half thousand degrees granules of lime and clay (or other materials of similar composition). The resulting clinker granules are the foundation of any cement. The process of their production is very complicated and most costly. The next step is the manufacture of Portland cement, resulting from the grinding of clinker with gypsum or other additives.


Important factors

Cement production is complicated due to the fact that the mineralogical and chemical composition of raw materials (uniformity, hardness, humidity) varies quite widely. Enterprises manufacturing this material on the basis of imported raw materials know this firsthand.

Technical and natural varieties of raw materials, which may differ, for example, in humidity and purity, are also taken into account. For each of them, cement production is carried out in a special way, ensuring uniform mixing and fine grinding of components, while using the minimum possible amount of energy.

A very important role is played by the conditions of extraction of raw materials, their storage and transportation, as well as the human factor.


Cement Production Methods

There are three main options for creating this material:

1. Wet method: grinding of raw materials and production takes place in water, resulting in mixed ingredients (or blends) in the form of a suspension.

2. The dry method. The production technology does not require water, and the mixture is a crushed powder, the components of which are dried before mixing.

3. A combined method based on one of the first two options. This produces a mixture whose moisture content reaches 20%.


This item is the main cost item when starting a business. The equipment for the production of cement, first of all, includes industrial crushers (if limestone is used as a raw material), or mills-mixers, or, as they are also called, chatterboxes (if the material is made on the basis of clay). The cost of this equipment can reach 200 thousand rubles.


Cement production will also require tube ball mills in which limestone or clay sludge with various additives is mixed and finely ground.This equipment will cost about 3.3 million rubles.

After the composition has been adjusted, the sludge is sent for firing in a rotary kiln, where it turns into a hot clinker, which is then cooled using an industrial refrigerator. The cost of this equipment is about 170 thousand rubles.

The cement production line includes additional equipment for packaging the finished product in bags and shipping it.

In general, the amount of equipment, as well as personnel, is directly dependent on the planned production volumes. Not the last role is played by the financial capabilities of the businessman. The cost of purchasing the necessary equipment will average 2 million rubles. The amount is considerable, but these investments are sure to pay off in the course of work.


Production room

To create a workshop for the production of cement, it is necessary to choose a suitable room. Its area should be at least 500 square meters. meters, and the ceiling height is not lower than four meters. An ideal option for organizing a workshop is its placement in the immediate vicinity of a clay or limestone quarry. In this case, the cost of raw materials will be minimal, and all your costs will consist of the purchase of equipment, utilities and wages to employees.

Payback period and demand for cement production enterprise

Despite the fact that competitive activity is quite high in this area, it is quite realistic to build a profitable cement business today. As for the financial side of the issue, the start of such an enterprise will require an amount of at least 30-50 thousand dollars. This is due to the high cost of equipment. However, one should not be afraid of quite significant investments, since the invested funds will pay off in 6-12 months of active work. After all, the modern construction market is developing rapidly, which, accordingly, leads to the consumption of more building materials, including cement.


Production of cement at home

Despite the fact that the production process of this building material is very complex and requires special equipment, there are people who manage to make it in artisanal conditions. However, the method of home cement production is also quite costly and energy intensive. In addition, at first you will have to spoil more than a dozen kilograms of raw materials, until you learn how to produce high-quality building material.

Keep in mind that for the manufacture of cement in artisanal conditions, you can not do without special equipment. It will require at least a mill and a high temperature furnace. We bring to your attention one of the recipes for the preparation of cement at home. This material is perfect for cementing slabs and stones. It can also be used in facilities subject to regular temperature changes and moisture.



So, for the preparation of cement, we take one part of the resin and melt it in a stable iron tank. At the same time, in another tank, we melt one part of sulfur. After both components are melted, we connect them. Two parts of sifted sand and three parts of lead lead must be added to the liquid mixture. After prolonged stirring, the finished material must be allowed to settle. Such home cement should in no case be used on a damp surface. It is also advisable to pre-treat it with drying oil.

Prospects for the cement business - production of concrete fences

If you have successfully mastered the production of cement, then as an expansion of the business, you can proceed to the manufacture of concrete fences. These products are durable, beautiful, diverse, and from the blocks you can make a fence of any length.Such fences enclose the territory of both houses and summer cottages, as well as offices and industrial facilities. They look much more presentable fencing from a mesh-netting, and are cheaper than fences made of forged metal rods.

The main advantage of this business is relative freedom in the market, since today few enterprises manufacture such fences. The main focus of your activity may be the production of fences based on individual orders. To maximize the product size, color and pattern of the facade of the house, paving slabs and the general appearance of the site, it is advisable to hire a professional designer.

To start such a business, it is necessary to purchase special equipment for molding and the forms themselves of various variations. As a raw material, you will need cement, crushed stone, river sand and additives that contribute to improving the quality of the product. And be sure to keep in mind that the better the raw materials and equipment, the more presentable hedges you will produce. So it’s not worth saving on these components.

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