
Equipment for the production of corn sticks. Extrusion method

Equipment for the production of corn sticks is intended in the first chamber for the manufacture of this food product.

In addition, with the help of this equipment it is possible to make ready-made breakfasts from various cereals using the extrusion method followed by the addition of flavoring additives.

To reduce the cost of production, low-cost products of milling and cereal production can be used as feedstock. For the manufacture of ready-made breakfasts - crushed cereals, buckwheat minced, crushed rice and other crops.

Corn stick production equipment

Process equipment

The manufacture of corn sticks is carried out on the following equipment:

  • extruder
  • drag coating drum;
  • tunnel dryer;
  • bunker;
  • dispensing machine;
  • filling machine;
  • equipment for transportation.

Corn Stick Extruder

An extruder is needed to extrude the processed mass through the forming matrix dies. As a result of the influence of temperature and pressure during the extrusion from the bundles of processed raw materials, moisture evaporates, the product increases several times in volume and dries out almost immediately.

The semi-finished product obtained after processing the raw materials in the extruder is further coated with powdered sugar and other additives or glazed with chocolate. To preheat the screw through which raw materials are fed into the extruder, the equipment for the production of corn sticks is equipped with a heating element. To support and control the operating temperature, the extruder is equipped with a water jacket and a shaft cooling system.

Panning complex

With the help of this equipment, various flavoring additives are dosed to the semi-finished product. Dry and liquid components of the product are applied simultaneously. In the basic configuration, this complex includes a vibratory hopper with a level sensor, a sprayer and a dispenser, a private converter and a control system for this equipment.

Making corn sticks

Corn stick production process

The process of making corn sticks is carried out in several stages. First, cereal is poured into a special loading hopper of the auger. From here, the raw material enters the storage hopper. Next, the cereal is portioned into the humidifier, where the dispenser clearly measures the amount of water, thereby ensuring the same moistening of the cereal.

After wetting, the raw material moves to the extrusion unit, in which its thermoplastic processing is carried out. Then, in the molding matrix of the product, the necessary final form is given. Then, with the help of pneumatic feed, the semi-finished product is fed to a coating complex, in which liquid flavoring additives are added to the product, then the sticks are sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Equipment for the production of corn sticks is not particularly difficult. It is simple and straightforward to manage and use. Fully equipped, the equipment is a complete production process. As already noted, mainly corn grits are used as feedstock. The technological process for the production of sticks is based on the method of extrusion (punching) of processed raw materials under the influence of temperature and pressure through matrices.

Corn Stick Extruder

The semi-finished product, which is obtained after processing the raw materials through the extruder, foams due to the significant pressure drop and chemical changes occurring in the processed mass.Finished sticks become porous, after which they add powdered sugar, and the product is ready for packaging.

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