
How to draw up a "Corn" card: step-by-step instructions

Thanks to a competent marketing policy, the small trading company Euroset has grown into a powerful corporation. Its branches and stores are located all over Russia, and the organization’s popularity among the local population is just off scale.

The company owes its excellent reputation not only to a wide variety of assortments of large and small household appliances, computers and mobile phones, but also to regularly organized programs in order to stimulate the interest of customers. One of them was the introduction of its own payment system and the appearance of the Corn card. What is she like? What are the benefits? And how to draw up a Corn card as quickly and simply as possible? We will answer all these questions in detail.

how to draw a corn card

What is this "Corn" miracle card?

Corn, or, as its developers say, a smart card, is a standard plastic card issued by the trading company Euroset. It is actually not associated with any bank, therefore representatives of Euroset are fully engaged in its servicing. It can be ordered, replenished, exchanged and blocked in the same organization (in any of the company's stores). We will talk about how to draw up a Corn card later.

The meaning of the card is as follows: you get a credit card, put funds on it, and pay at Euroset stores and other retail outlets that are partners of the company. For each product or service purchased, the cardholder receives certain bonuses, which can subsequently be spent on the purchase of new products of the company and its partners, as well as on discounts on products.

What is a Corn Card?

At present, Euroset Corporation offers an unnamed Corn card (registered can be ordered separately) in two variations:

  • MasterCard.
  • MasterCard World.

They differ little in appearance. And, of course, on both maps a cob of juicy yellow corn is depicted. They are not credit (in the classical sense of the term), but they allow you to get bank loans and actively use credit products.

Cards are issued by a non-banking credit organization RNCO "Payment Center" by an individual order of the Euroset company. You can apply for a “Corn” credit card as soon as possible in several ways at once (we will talk about them a little later).

apply for a corn card online

Available Services

For its owners, the Kukuruza card (the Euroset allows you to get one when you are 18 years old) offers unlimited possibilities. Among them, we highlight the following available services:

  • money transfers to the CIS countries (service fee is 2%);
  • transfers within the territory of the Russian Federation (without commission fee);
  • Currency conversion at the current Central Bank rate (you can perform this operation anywhere in the world);
  • Payment of utility services;
  • payment for goods and services on the Internet;
  • making international calls using IP-telephony;
  • payment for services of gas stations, purchase of tickets, products, etc.
  • making regular scheduled payments (for telephone, cable and satellite TV, for Internet);
  • drawing up a credit limit on a card;
  • making donations to the Give Hope charity foundation.

We will tell you more about how to draw up a Corn card quickly.

card corn euroset checkout


Holders of "Corn" cards have the opportunity to collect bonuses for purchases. The accumulated points make it possible to buy goods in Euroset and in partner companies with a discount of up to 99%.

In addition, cardholders take an additional part in individual promotions with raffle prizes, which are often organized by the international payment system MasterCard.


The maximum balance on the Corn card is not more than 100,000 rubles. Immediately after a short card issuance procedure, you can replenish it for an amount of 100 rubles or more. The funds will be credited almost instantly. When cashing money through ATMs, a fee is charged from the client in the amount of 1% of the amount (but not more than 100 rubles). In case of withdrawal of funds at cash points (for example, through the cash desk of any bank), the size of the commission increases to 4%.

How to apply for a "Corn" card?

There are several ways to do this. For example, coming to any of the Euroset branches or salons. The procedure, which takes only 5-10 minutes, is absolutely free.

For 200 rub. you can order a World MasterCard® PayPass registered card, but if you already have a valid Corn credit card. Registration also takes place according to the passport in the stores of the network.

In addition, you can apply for a Corn card online and with a personal visit at the Doctor Stoletov pharmacy chain. Ordering such a credit card will cost you 199 rubles.

World Wide Web Application

How to apply for a Corn card online? The procedure is not difficult. To conduct it, you need to go to the official website of the "Corn" card.

Euroset get a credit card corn

The second step will be clicking on the button with the inscription "Order a card" in the upper right corner of the main page of the site. The third step is the mark “I do not have a Corn card and an indication of the city of your real residence. Next, you need to click on the green button "Fill out an application."

 how to draw a corn card online

In the fourth stage, in order to draw up a Corn card online, you will need to fill out a small electronic template. It requires the following data:

  • date of birth;
  • floor;
  • Telephone number;
  • E-mail address;
  • passport data (series and number of the document, when and by whom it was issued);
  • place of residence.

how to apply for a credit card corn

Then you need to check the box, agree to the processing of personal information about yourself, and proceed to the further processing of the application. Three short SMS will be sent to the number you specified almost immediately. One of them will contain a password to enter your account on the site. In the second, you will find a special secret word, which must be called in case of contacting the Euroset call center. The third message will contain a password and a card number for working with IP-telephony.

Credit limit offer

How to get a "Corn" card with a credit limit? To do this, you must be 24 to 57 years old. A prerequisite is citizenship of the Russian Federation. In addition, you must have at least two city phones (home and work). The monthly income should not be lower than 10,000 rubles if you are a resident of Moscow, and not lower than 6,000 rubles if you live in one of the other regions of Russia. Work experience at the time of application - at least six months.

A loan service is provided by a credit institution such as Renaissance Capital.

Card design

To apply for a credit limit, you must contact the nearest Euroset store with a passport. The decision to approve or reject your application is usually made by the bank. He individually sets the limit amount and interest rate.

You can also apply for a map online. In this case, the procedure is the same as in the design of the classic "plastic". If the application is approved, a bank representative will contact you shortly and discuss the details of receiving the card. If desired, you can order delivery by courier or through the "Russian Post".

In conclusion, we say that the design of the "Corn" card is a great opportunity to save time when paying for services and get a number of goods at a discount.

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