
Basic principles of social partnership: concept, forms, system and features

Social partnership is a civilized interaction between organizations - defenders of workers' interests (trade unions), employers and government agencies. Through cooperation, regulation is achieved. labor relations based on contracts and legislation. Due to the functioning of social partnership, the level of guarantees for workers is increasing.

The shortest definition of social partnership sounds like this. This is a system of interaction on labor market between the main agents. The concept and principles of social partnership we will consider in this article. The study of this market category of society should begin with an interpretation.

More on different interpretations of the concept

There are two interpretations of social partnership. The global version, based on historical laws, states that the class struggle has transformed into a system of partnerships between workers and employers. In developed countries, civilized social and labor interactions contributed to the development of the economy and the erasure of class contradictions. Conflicts in the modern world arise not between classes, but between organizations. Disputes are resolved in a civilized way. Thus, social partnership in this interpretation is one of the methods for achieving a coordination of interests.

principles of social partnership

In another aspect of understanding, social partnership provides a solution to socio-economic problems and the settlement of disputes between workers and employers. These two points of view do not contradict each other, therefore, for the sake of wider understanding of the system, global and specific interpretation can be taken into account. Social partnership to the end cannot rule out fluctuations in the labor sphere due to class differences. It only mitigates confrontation.

The Importance of Social Partnership

The development of social partnership has been difficult and is still ongoing. In the Russian Federation, legislation in this niche developed from scratch. At first, the security of the working population as a result of rapid reforms fell, but this led to an impetus for the development of the social system. There was a weakening of state control.

basic principle of social partnership

At present, it is clear to any specialist that the system and principles of social partnership are an effective way to optimize the balance of interests of employers and workers. This concept is described in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 23). Its species are also indicated there.

Principles of Social Partnership

Social partnership regulates the interests of the state, business and employees in the world of work. Its direct function is to stabilize relations in society, which helps to maintain balance and peace. The system affects the development of civil society and democracy in the economy, provides social and economic security and justice in resolving contradictions in the labor niche.

concept and principles of social partnership

The basic principles of social partnership are as follows:

  1. Any party can initiate negotiations (equality).
  2. The interests of all participants are taken into account.
  3. Legislation provides an opportunity to negotiate independently on many issues.
  4. The state strengthens the democratic component of social partnership by creating special assistance bodies.
  5. The signing of the contract requires the parties to comply with the points drawn up taking into account the norms of labor law and prescribed in the legislation, as well as other legal acts.
  6. Representatives of the parties are appointed by means of a meeting of employees and drawing up a protocol (delegation of the trade union) or order (participants from the employer). As a result, the elect acquire authority to uphold their interests.
  7. The choice of issues to be discussed depends on the participants. The principle of social partnership is freedom of choice.
  8. The obligation is accepted by the parties voluntarily, without pressure, they must be real, that is, by force.
  9. Collective bargaining requires inevitable implementation. Control over this is carried out by supervisory authorities.
  10. In case of non-fulfillment of obligations, administrative responsibility sets in upon the conclusion of the contract.

the principle of social partnership is


The processes taking place in the social and labor sphere ensure the stability of the economy and politics of society and contribute to the development of democratic institutions. The principles of social partnership in the world of work are aimed at eliminating a radical approach to solving problems. The world practice and activities of the ILO (International Labor Organization) are directed at this. The task is to conduct a constructive dialogue taking into account the interests of all participants.

principles of social partnership at work

Coordination of various social and group interests, settlement of contradictions, conflicts and their prevention through methods of social partnership contribute to peace, economic development and public order.

History of occurrence

The development of social partnership began with the advent of the ILO. In Russia, this system was consolidated after the advent of Decree No. 212 of 11/15/1991. It is based on the resolution of labor disputes, discussion and drafting of agreements.

Social Partnership Forms

  1. Collective bargaining in the preparation of general agreements.
  2. Collective bargaining.
  3. Mutual consultations, for example in case of disagreement between the trade union and the employer.
  4. Organization management by workers and union.
  5. Pre-trial proceedings of representatives of workers and employers.

Social Partnership Examples

The dialogue between employers and employees or their representatives is bilateral. The interests of workers include the stability of the temporary regime and payments, decent wages or the optimal ratio of complexity of duties and material rewards, social benefits. The employer seeks to maximize profits and dividends, to optimize production in order to reduce costs. The instability of relations is caused by ignoring the interests of the opposite side. As a result, problems begin: a decline in profits and investments, strong fluctuations in working conditions.

Depending on the options for the development of negative phenomena, various forms of social partnership are used, which are described in detail in the Labor Code (Article 27). The system operates at the organization level in a two-way form. If coordination of the problem at the state level is required, then this type is called tripartite. Coordination of problems is allowed with local (territorial, regional), sectoral and / or national authorities.

A commission has been organized in Russia, which includes representatives of trade union associations, employers and the government. The structure performs the functions of regulating social and labor relations. In the subjects of the state there are also opportunities for organizing commissions of various levels, operating on the basis of the laws of the Russian Federation and special instructions approved by local authorities.

State role

A special role in the regulation of social partnership is taken by the state:

  1. Controls the law.
  2. Adopts new legal acts.
  3. Defines the features of the organization of associations of workers and employers.
  4. It establishes the forms and methods of interaction between partners, the legal framework for their activities and legislative regulations.
  5. Acts as an intermediary in resolving conflict situations.
  6. It is a social partner in the design of collective agreements of a special level.
  7. It creates the conditions for creating associations between workers and / or employers.

The main task of the state

Basically, the task of government agencies is not to accept obligations, but to coordinate and stimulate the negotiation process, to maintain uniformity of established rules. Achieving compromises between the parties contributes to the success of economic and social development.

the basic principle of social partnership is the principle

In what case do state bodies assume certain obligations besides legal regulation? If they act as employers (in relation to state or state enterprises). The owner of the property may be local or state authorities. The management of enterprises performs the functions of managing the economy.

Social partnership: principles, levels

The Labor Code (Article 26) identifies 5 levels of social partnership:

  1. Federal (the basics of resolving relations).
  2. Regional (regulation in the subjects).
  3. Sectoral (management in a specific industry).
  4. Territorial (for a specific settlement or its zone).
  5. Local (within a specific organization).

The current principles of social partnership should operate in accordance with the law at any level.


Thus, if we describe the forms and principles of social partnership, then we can derive the following key features of the proper functioning of the structure:

basic principles of social partnership are

  1. This is a strong ideology of partnership in the classes of workers and owners, where hired workers do not seek to destroy the existing system, but stimulate the creation of new reforms and agreements to improve their situation.
  2. The principles of social partnership and their system operate exclusively in a developed economy, when the state not only supports a certain class, but implements a policy to take into account the interests of many representatives of the population. The basic principle of social partnership is the principle of equal rights of the parties.
  3. The interest of communities from the working class (parties, trade unions) and the presence of sufficient strength and authority for the employers and government agencies to take into account the opinions of organizations are needed. Therefore, some experts consider respect and consideration of the interests of the parties as the main principle of social partnership.
  4. Economic problems, loss of capital and instability in society are the main reasons forcing the state and owners to listen to workers' organizations.

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