
What is compulsory social security? Compulsory social security at work

Mandatory social insurance - It is a controlled, fixed and guarantee system that is fully controlled by the current state. It was designed to provide social support for the elderly and disabled citizens.

compulsory social insurance

Such a system has been working smoothly for many years thanks to professional teams and qualified specialists who thoroughly own the legislative base.

In the case of citizens asking for help, the staff of any controlling state organization will provide it.

In addition, their work is to advise, draw up the necessary documents, accrue or pay material assistance.

Operating principle

Compulsory social insurance is an integral part of the state structure, which is necessary for the full protection of socially vulnerable citizens. The specifics of the operation of such a system is carried out using the legislative framework for insurance of working citizens. They are protected from possible changes in the order of material and social status. This also includes the protection of people who have been recognized as unemployed, have received labor injuries, occupational diseases, have disabilities, illnesses, injuries.

Compulsory social insurance applies to pregnant women, women in childbirth, as well as families in which the breadwinner is not. The presented type of protection is subject to senior citizens, people who need medical care, sanatorium treatment.

Insurance Subjects

Compulsory social insurance entities are partners or participants in relationships that are equated with insurance. In the life of any person, situations may arise that imply the need to receive material and financial assistance from the state. The subjects of insurance are employers, insurance companies, insured citizens, as well as many other bodies, companies, organizations, entrepreneurs and citizens. They are determined by compliance with federal law, which takes into account the type of insurance.

Insurers are certain organizations that have any legal form. This includes citizens who have certain obligations that comply with federal laws. In this case, compulsory social insurance is carried out in the form of insurance premiums, which are primarily established using current legislation. Executive services act as the insured, in addition, when making payments, local authorities also take part in the verification of documentation.

Who is covered by social insurance?

Citizens subject to compulsory social insurance are:

  • persons who work under a contract of employment, government employees, municipal workers;
  • members of production cooperatives that are directly involved in the development and activities of the enterprise;
  • clergymen;
  • persons who have been convicted or brought to paid labor time;
  • stateless residents;
  • private entrepreneurs, lawyers, individuals who were not recognized as individual entrepreneurs;
  • Persons who have been insured have the full right to receive insurance coverage, but only subject to all established conditions stipulated by laws;
  • citizens who work under a labor contract.

Forms and payments of social insurance

compulsory social insurance forms

Forms of compulsory social insurance were determined a long time ago, the main ones:

  • collective - this is a form of insurance, which is necessarily organized by the trade union;
  • state;
  • mixed - this is a special form of insurance, which was based on the interaction of the state with the trade union.

Compulsory social insurance payments are accrued to citizens who work strictly according to the drawn up employment contract. They must be concluded with an organization or an individual entrepreneur who switched to simplified taxation systems. Employers may be single tax payers who are subject to temporary income for a particular type of activity.

Compulsory state social insurance in the event of a person's incapacity for work is assigned for payment in accordance with the general established acts. The legislative documents contain a legal act that approves interest rates and calculation coefficients when calculating benefits.

compulsory social insurance payments

Principle of collateral

It includes the following individual types of compulsory social insurance:

  • payment to medical institutions of all necessary items of expenses that were associated with the provision of medical treatment and assistance to the insured person;
  • old-age pension payment;
  • disability pension payments;
  • pension, which is issued in case of loss of one of the breadwinners;
  • disability benefits;
  • deductions that are received due to an industrial accident - this includes acquired occupational diseases, payment of additional costs that were incurred for medical and professional rehabilitation;
  • payment of maternity benefits;
  • payment of a monthly allowance for childcare up to 3 years;
  • many other types of collateral that were specifically stopped by drafting the federal law “On specific types of compulsory social insurance”;
  • lump sum benefits for women who are registered in medical institutions in early pregnancy;
  • lump sum benefits that are paid after the birth of the child;
  • social burial allowance person.


compulsory state social insuranceThe system of social compulsory insurance throughout the country has several main blocks. They can be classified according to certain criteria. It is worth noting that social insurance of people in Russia is divided into voluntary and compulsory. In turn, compulsory professional social insurance is divided into medical insurance, industrial accident insurance, and pension insurance.

Each individual section must be regulated by state authorities.

The system of compulsory social insurance will help to properly regulate the work of all medical institutions. It will also provide opportunities for the proper operation of pension organizations and funds. The Law on Compulsory Social Insurance guarantees citizens complete financial security if they were previously insured independently or by the employer.

Each person has the right to voluntarily insure his own health, as well as his life at the place of work. It can be noted that voluntary insurance is only now becoming popular. Young people and middle-aged people think about the issues of payments in the event of an accident.Unfortunately, this type of insurance is common among those who have a good income and are willing to invest in their own health and life. In order to save money, the ordinary working class does not insure their health and life, which he regrets during the period of the insured event.

Types of compulsory social insurance are different. But the main ones are aimed at protecting socially unprotected layers of the population, production workers, pensioners, temporarily disabled.

In the complex, compulsory social insurance at the workplace (all its types) is capable of providing reliable state protection for all its citizens. But such activities should be monitored by all competent authorities involved in the verification of documentation and charges.

The Importance and Need for Maternity Insurance

Compulsory social insurance for maternity is a system that fully guarantees the full provision of all insured persons. In this case, they will be paid all the necessary benefits and established compensation, which are carried out using the insurance premium account. The amount of maternity allowance is calculated according to a certain formula, insurance funds see all contributions to compulsory social insurance from the employer. Based on these data, the calculation of charges.

Compulsory social insurance for maternity is provided through payments to insured persons. It can be:

  • maternity leave benefits;
  • one-time allowance for women who are registered with a specialist in early pregnancy;
  • lump-sum benefit paid at birth;
  • allowances intended for payment during the period of parental leave.

Benefits can be paid if you need to receive spa or resort treatment. It also includes children's health.

Employee Insurance

compulsory social insurance of workersCompulsory social insurance of workers is regulated by article 212 of the constitutional code of Russia.

Employers are obligated to provide their subordinates with social insurance against possible industrial accidents.

Also, the presented type of insurance can be applied in case of occupational disease.

On the basis of article No. 5 of the Law “On Compulsory Insurance in the Production and Obtaining Occupational Diseases”, they can receive payments:

  1. Individuals performing their duties on the basis of a contract, an employment contract with the policyholder.
  2. Persons who have been sentenced to imprisonment for a fixed term or who have been brought to work by policyholders.
  3. Individuals who perform work on the basis of a civil or legal contract. They are the ones that are insured against all kinds of accidents during working hours. It also includes occupational diseases that are indicated in the relevant agreements. Upon the occurrence of such an insured event, the policyholder undertakes to fully pay all necessary contributions to the insurer.

If the health or life of citizens at work has been harmed, then the policyholder has the opportunity to take advantage of Section 6 of the 181 Federal Law “On the Basics of Compulsory Social Insurance”. In this case, it is necessary to fully provide the disabled with accrual and payment, and those who are guilty of such an act must be held accountable.

Operating principle

Compulsory social insurance is a form of social protection that is aimed at economically active residents of the Russian Federation. It is able to protect them from receiving a variety of risks that are associated with the loss of their main place of work, activity, income and disability.A feature of social insurance is the financing of citizens from a special extrabudgetary fund, which is formed with the help of specially designed extrabudgetary contributions from employers and employees.

The social insurance system was built on the principle of non-rigid equivalence. Today, there is a fixed obligation for all insurance payments, which depend on the total amount of insurance and labor contributions. Organization of social insurance in the field of market economy is based on the following main principles:

  1. Compulsory and voluntary social insurance.
  2. Conclusion of a partnership agreement between the state, employer and employee.
  3. Compensation for losses that are aimed at personal income as well as the ability to work of citizens.
  4. Formation and use of the off-budget trust fund.
  5. Messages about state regulation of insurance activities.

Contributions to compulsory social insurance are the main sources of cash inflows to various budget funds. They come through a compulsory insurance system.

As for payers, the obligation to pay insurance premiums applies to policyholders:

  1. Which make deductions, payments and other rewards to individuals. These can be private organizations, individual entrepreneurs, individuals recognized as individual entrepreneurs.
  2. Which engage in private practice and do not make payments, as well as other remuneration for individuals.

All calculations are made at the beginning of the reporting period and are done immediately over the past few months. For the correct calculation, it is necessary to take the data on the calculation of the insurance premium by the insured for previous reporting periods. In such a case, there is no need to take into account the accounting of expenses of the territorial bodies of the Fund for all taken past billing periods.

The advantages of such insurance is to receive assistance for the economically active population, which will carry out all necessary labor activities on the basis of all concluded labor contracts. They must be signed between the employer and the employees.

In the Russian Federation, compulsory social insurance was introduced as an additional form of social protection for the working population. In the event of disability, the main place of work, loss of the breadwinner, the state shall bear the costs of compulsory social insurance.


Summing up, we can confidently say that a huge number of people in need of social insurance will definitely get it if they turn to the appropriate authorities. Many should think about what they are losing when working in an enterprise not officially. Social protection of citizens is carried out by specialists of state authorities year-round. A person in need of social protection, having official employment, is guaranteed to receive payment in an insured event.

When calculating the payment, the employee of social insurance takes into account all deductions made by the employer for the entire period of work of the employee, the employee. Based on this amount, if necessary, a person is compensated for treatment or recovery. If health is harmed at the workplace, the employer will independently calculate the deductions and submit a report to the local social insurance office on time.

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