
The first investment voucher fund. How to get dividends from vouchers?

The times when those in power began to divide the country, while handing out plain papers called “vouchers”, are long over. Companies that promised huge profits to citizens simply took their money, ceased to exist, or at best changed their name than left people in complete misunderstanding of what was happening. The most famous of these organizations is the first investment voucher fund. How to receive dividends from the fund and is it possible?

How it all began

The beginning was made in the distant 90s. Due to the fact that the Soviet economy fell into decay, the idea came to the minds of those in power that state property should be divided. So it was decided to privatize each state-owned enterprise.

first investment voucher fund how to get dividends

What was that about? Ordinary people were given voucher checks. They had to be invested in investment funds purchase securities of any organization on them or simply sell them. According to officials, checks guaranteed the right to a small fraction of the property of the enterprise. Which, unlike money, cannot be depreciated due to inflation.

Vouchers were bought up quickly and at a low cost, or even for nothing, by those who understood this and thus profited from the financial illiteracy of others. However, in most cases, no one could understand how to deal with the privatization process. And what happened? Mass poverty, disassembly, risky scams and hatred of the state.

In such an environment, the First Investment Voucher Fund appeared. How to get dividends in the modern economy?

What to do with vouchers

Firstly, it should be clarified where the securities were invested. Although at that time there were few options. Secondly, if the checks are preserved, the citizen can try to ask for compensation for their purchase or sale at the initial price. These operations are carried out by the state. But everyone should be prepared for the fact that the amount will be, to put it mildly, small.

The situation is different with the money that was invested in investment funds. Here, with a greater likelihood, a citizen will not get anything at all or a penny, for which you can’t buy anything now.

shares of the first investment voucher fund

If people once invested in shares of existing companies, then they have a chance to count on small dividends. For example, if you invested in the first investment voucher fund. How to receive dividends from this organization - many shareholders asked themselves.

Receiving dividends from the first investment fund

Grief depositors, of course, ask themselves if the shares of the First Investment Voucher Fund are financially significant now. More than a million people invested there. Moreover, almost everyone wants to receive monetary compensation.

Such citizens can please. The fund did not cease its activities through bankruptcy and was not liquidated. He continues to work, despite the fact that over the past time his names and legal forms have changed.

Nevertheless, the organization regularly paid and continues to pay dividends, despite minor reservations. On its website, the organization put up a register showing the value of shares of the First Investment Voucher Fund and all the important decisions made by the general meeting of shareholders.

value of shares of the first investment voucher fund

Order of receipt

To profit from vouchers, you must clearly indicate all the contact and legal information in the registry list.The general meeting of shareholders decided that each owner of securities should not only provide all the information about himself for certain, but also talk about all the changes in due time. Be it a change of passport, bank details, place of residence, etc. In this case, it is necessary to submit supporting documents. Otherwise, for ignoring these rules, the organization and the registrar shall not be liable for the losses incurred by the shareholder.

General Meeting of Shareholders

All data is entered into the register in the first investment voucher fund. How to receive dividends, each one chooses independently:

  • By transfer to a personal account.
  • By transfer via postal order.

Unfortunately, now the holders of securities of the First Investment Voucher Fund can in no way affect the dropping interest from the securities. But maybe someday everything will change, and those who still have "securities" from the 90s will become rich.

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