
VHI policy - what is it? VHI policy for individuals

Everyone will agree, perhaps, that paid medical care has long been an assistant to many people. Indeed, high-quality fillings, for example, can be delivered only in paid dentistry, and the necessary tests can be quickly passed only in a private laboratory. However, it also happens that a person, even after paid medical care, remains dissatisfied with the treatment. Then a number of questions arise regarding where and how to get reliable professional medical care.

To date, the best option is the acquisition of a VHI policy. This article is dedicated to this.

VHI policy - what is it?

This abbreviation is deciphered as voluntary medical insurance. Its basis is a contract, the counterparties of which are the insurer and a company specializing in this field. In this case, an insurer can be either a single person (individual) or organization (legal entity).

Insurance policy VHI is becoming more popular due to the fact that people are gradually realizing the essence of medicine: it is also a service sector, and a person is an important client who deserves a worthy and polite treatment, high-quality treatment.insurance policy

The range of services provided by insurance companies

Of course, each individual insurance company has something special in its arsenal that distinguishes it from its competitors, but mainly it includes:

  1. Remote appointment for consultation with any specialist (electronically, by phone).
  2. Outpatient services within the walls of a private clinic or public, in which an improved range of services.
  3. Prompt provision of referrals to various examinations (ECG, X-ray, MRI, analyzes).
  4. Call a family doctor who works with an insurance company at home at any time.
  5. Hospitalization in a separate comfortable ward.
  6. Ambulance call (the patient is promptly delivered to the clinic).
  7. To get to the specialist, you do not have to wait in line.
  8. Women are given the opportunity at any time to sign up with a gynecologist, mammologist, an ultrasound scan (the number of visits is prescribed in the corresponding agreement).
  9. Quality dentist services.

Insurance program the individual client chooses himself. The organization proposes to consider the basic range of services to begin with, and then the client makes his own decision. Subsequently, the specialist selects a suitable package.policy dms what is it

As for legal entities, they conclude voluntary medical insurance for all their employees. As a rule, organizations choose the basic package. The management team most often receives an expanded set of services.

VHI policy for individuals: registration procedure

This document can be issued by anyone who is already over 18 years old, who does not have serious health problems (serious chronic diseases, disabilities, etc.). However, there is an age limit, which depends on the specific program (as a rule, it is 75 years old).

VHI policy for individuals can be issued not only by Russian citizens, but also by non-residents of the country.

The registration procedure takes from 1 to 20 business days. The package of documents can include both just a passport and a mandatory medical examination. Most often, insurance companies are asked to fill out a special questionnaire, which consists mainly of questions regarding the health of the client.

Many companies offer a VHI policy for a child with a different package of services depending on the age group.DMS policy for a child

Advantages of this type of insurance

From the story directly about the VHI policy (what it is, why it is needed), it’s worth moving on to its positive and negative points.

The main advantages of voluntary insurance are:

  1. Payback policy for dental treatment (as mentioned earlier, high-quality fillings are very expensive).
  2. No need to sit in line for testing, passing special hardware examinations (the client will be recorded at a convenient time).
  3. The solidity of the clinic, laboratory, which acts as a guarantor of the reliability of the provision of quality services (insurance companies check the suitability of the organizations that cooperate with them every year).
  4. The insurer is the protector of the medical rights of its clients. It independently resolves disputes arising both with clinics and with other medical institutions.polis dms moscow

Disadvantages of VHI

Along with the above advantages, there are also disadvantages of this type of insurance, which may include the following:

  1. The policy covers an incomplete list of important medical services. It does not include the treatment of cancer, tuberculosis, etc. This policy does not provide for expensive surgical operations.
  2. you can hear that there is some reinsurance during the treatment of paid patients, for example, the appointment of those tests that do not contain constructive information in order to make a diagnosis. Clients justify this with the desire of companies to get more money from the insurer.
  3. The program under consideration does not include the procedure for preparing for subsequent dental prosthetics, prosthetics themselves (dental cosmetic services).

But nevertheless, this is from the category of minor flaws that are more than paid for by prompt service, polite treatment, quality treatment, based on an individual approach.

VHI policy from Rosgosstrakh OJSC

It provides the following:

  1. A wide range of medical institutions (the most complete coverage of the entire territory of the Russian Federation, there are approximately 5 thousand contracts in 300 Russian cities, including specialized, private, multidisciplinary, departmental medical institutions).
  2. An expanded package of paid services according to the insurance program, including advanced treatment methods, diagnostics.
  3. Round-the-clock support of all clients by the Federal Contact Medical Center.
  4. Availability of selected health facilities.
  5. Getting advice from specialists from leading specialized clinics and institutes.
  6. Systematic monitoring of the quality of all medical services provided.Rosgosstrakh policy DMS

These are only the main advantages of Rosgosstrakh. The VHI policy of this organization will make it possible to choose the appropriate program: the desired amount of medical services, a specific medical institution, and also provide access to the best Moscow clinics (any throughout the country). Each client of this company always receives timely help of a high level.

VHI policy from Sogaz OJSC

It covers:

  • treatment in the clinic;
  • provision of operational medical care;
  • hospital treatment.

The insurance policy “Sogaz” is beneficial both for an individual employee and for the enterprise as a whole. In the first case, the employee does not independently pay for insurance (this falls on the shoulders of the organization). The company is also not without profit. It significantly saves payroll and receives additional benefits.DMS policy for individuals

Insurance makes it possible to reduce contributions by 40%. This corporation works with both large and small organizations. The insurance package is formed on the basis of the category of a specific employee (administrative link, workers with difficult working conditions, ordinary employees). VHI of this company is supported by the state.


VHI of employees is an important part of the social package, corporate culture of the company. From the position of workers, it is an effective tool for motivation.For most, medical insurance is one of the decisive factors when choosing a job.

If we consider more globally, we can say that more and more cities in Russia provide their citizens with the opportunity to switch to high-quality medical care, which can be obtained by acquiring a VHI policy. Moscow is no exception. Since 2000, the capital has its own medical center "VSK-Med." Material, information and technical support, specialization of the company, highly qualified specialists - all this allows the medical center to maintain the optimal cost of the policy, to offer a wide range of medical services, such as calling a specialist at home, transportation, medical support for patients, an office doctor, sampling analysis directly at home, etc.

In addition to its own medical center, VSK has been cooperating with 6 thousand Russian medical institutions for a long time.polis dms sogaz

Tax incentives for VHI staff

According to our tax laws, companies have the following advantages:

  • insurance premium included in expense items (6% of the total cost of labor);
  • insurance premium is not subject to VAT;
  • bonuses of this kind, payments are not considered in the total income of the employee.

Thus, if you purchase a VHI policy (what it is, was described earlier), then you can not only improve medical care, but also save money. This applies to individual people, and enterprises in general.

In the end, it is worth recalling that in the article we learned about the VHI policy: what kind of insurance it is, why it is attractive, what is negative in it.

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