
Obtaining permission for emissions of harmful (polluting) substances. Who needs it?

There are activities during which emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere are required. To implement them, it is necessary to obtain a permit for emissions, which will make the work of the enterprise legal. On the part of the state, environmental protection is ensured through the adoption of standards, as well as acceptable impact indicators. A permit for pollutant emissions is required.

Definition of a concept

Legislation emissions harmful substances It is possible only when the territorial authority has consented to this. It should only be taken into account that the approval of standards and the presentation of the document are different procedures, since each of them requires specific time costs.

obtaining emission permits

Verification is considered lengthy and thorough. In order for a permit for emissions of pollutants to be issued, a lot of standards for each equipment must be submitted to Rosprirodnadzor. Only after receiving the documentation the activity of the enterprise will be confirmed by the state.

Regulation Features

This area is regulated on the basis of current legislation, therefore, any emissions should be carried out only with permission. The document is provided by environmental authorities.

pollutant release

The issued document establishes how much emissions can be made. Permission provides effective conservation. In the absence of a document, the activities of the enterprise may be limited, suspended or completely terminated.

Granting Permission

Obtaining a permit for emissions of harmful substances is regulated by administrative regulations. Such a service is needed by various entrepreneurs and legal entities whose activities are associated with the emission of harmful substances. Their work should be supervised by environmental oversight.

A permit is issued for a specified period during which the activity is permitted. For entities commissioning new facilities, permission to carry out construction work is entered into the documentation. The credentials of representatives must be confirmed by a power of attorney drawn up on the basis of legislative requirements. There is a state duty for a permit for emissions, which is 3,500 rubles. You need to pay it after submitting the application.

Is this required to be done?

Requirements for legal entities that have stationary sources of emissions are approved by law. The main of them include carrying out an inventory, as well as drawing up MPE.

who needs an emission permit

According to the law, if legal entities that use the sources of the law do not comply with the LDPE, then the territorial bodies can establish the BCB for them.

Rules for obtaining

A permit for the release of harmful substances is considered a quick and uncomplicated procedure. To pass it, you must submit the following documentation:

  • statement;
  • MPE or ENE standards;
  • confirmation of payment of state duty.

It should be borne in mind that there are information boards inside Rosprirodnadzor where you can find a lot of necessary information on obtaining permits and other issues.

Emission standards

LDPE is a standard established in relation to a stationary source. On the basis of it, a permit for emissions of harmful substances is obtained. The document is approved on the basis of technical standards for emissions, background pollution. Norms should not exceed the limit indicators.The legality of the enterprise is confirmed by the issuance of an emission permit.

emission permits

Temporary emissions

The BCB is a time limit approved for stationary sources. These standards are established on the basis of air quality, social and economic conditions of the territory. This limit is valid when the legal entity cannot provide MPE.

When is clearance required?

To establish who needs a permit for emissions of harmful substances, it is necessary to determine if the enterprise has sources of emissions that may be hazardous. There are 2 interpretations of mobile and stationary objects for which a document is required:

  • stationary is an object that serves to release harmful substances, waste into the environment;
  • mobile is considered to be transport, a ship or an aircraft operating on engines with fuel, gasoline, kerosene.

If we analyze the activities of enterprises, it will turn out to find out who needs a permit for emissions.

Mobile sources

Rosprirodnadzor has rules that apply to issuing emission permits. But if mobile sources are used, then the document should indicate:

  • type of source;
  • registration number;
  • environmental class;
  • type of fuel.

hazardous release permit

So, when choosing a mobile object, the main criterion is the type of fuel. Payment is calculated based on the amount of expense. The issuance of emission permits confirms the legitimacy of enterprises.

What requires clearance?

When sources of pollution are identified at the facility, you need to find out if a permit is required. These include the release of various types of harmful substances. There is a specific list of hazardous elements that do not need to be considered. The following types of emission permits are not required:

  • if the hazard indicator is 0.1;
  • surface concentrations account for 5% of the generally accepted air quality standard.

If emissions contain harmful substances, then rationing and state accounting are necessary. Mandatory MPE is compiled, and a permit is issued.


When the development of the project is completed, it is agreed upon and the MPE standards are determined. Now there are no clear time parameters for approving documents. It is important to consider that there is no deadline and grounds for refusal. Standards are established depending on the type of source, when there is compliance with the sanitary-epidemiological rules.

release permit extension

According to the law, the time for performing examinations on the application is approved on the basis of the volume of research of a certain type of product, as well as activity. The term may not be more than 2 months.


According to the conclusion, a sanitary-epidemiological agreement is provided, the term of which is not regulated. Only then does it become possible to complete the paperwork and reissue the document. The extension of the permit for the emission of harmful substances is carried out in a similar way.

The norms of the BCB and MPE are approved by the territorial bodies with Rosprirodnadzor. The exception includes radioactive substances. A response from management is sent to the applicant within 30 days. If there are reasons, the review period may extend for another month.

The draft MPE is created on the basis of the Methodology for calculating the concentration of harmful substances in the air. After this, you must submit an application to the territorial authority in order to complete the documentation.

The main reason for which a refusal may follow is the presence of inaccurate data. There are no other reasons for the prohibition on issuing a document.

Why make out a document?

Obtaining an emission permit makes the operation of the enterprise legal. If there is no document, then its activity is suspended or terminated. For executives, liability is provided depending on the type of crime.

state permit for emission permits

The main punishment is administrative responsibility, which provides for the imposition of pecuniary punishment:

  • for citizens: 2000-2500 rubles;
  • officials: 4000-5000;
  • Entrepreneurs: 4000-5000;
  • legal entities: 40 000-50 000.

The specific amount is calculated based on the type of offense. Therefore, the correct preparation of the document allows you to avoid administrative responsibility. Permission is required for the legitimate business of an enterprise without infringing on anyone else's rights. Then the owner is not threatened with the termination of the company.

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