
The concept, causes and functions of conflicts. Functions of Social Conflict

Only knowing the essence and functions of the conflict, is it possible to properly manage and positively resolve it. This will be discussed in the article.

Definition of Conflict

If you set a goal, then from modern psychological literature you can draw more than a hundred definitions of this term with tangible differences in the formulation.

Conflict Functions

Of the most common, it is worth mentioning the following:

  1. Conflict is an expression of subjective or objective disagreements that find expression in a duel between the parties.
  2. Conflict is one of the most acute ways of resolving significant discrepancies that arose during the interaction of its subjects and is associated with negative emotions.

A number of questions arise. What can be considered a significant contradiction, what is disagreement in general and how to distinguish it from conflict?

The difference between contradiction and conflict

Apart from Yuri Rozhdestvensky, none of the experts considers the disagreement a speech act. The famous linguist defines three stages of development of the clash of interests that caused the problem situation. He believes that they are:

  • difference of opinion;
  • disagreement in discussions;
  • naked fight in action, expressed by conflict.

It follows that a contradiction is a dialogue, in other words, a speech act in which the parties express disagreements. The speech acts of subjects that are aimed at causing harm to the enemy should be considered a conflict.

Functions of Social Conflict

Composition, structure of the conflict

In order for the concept and functions of the conflict to become clear, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with its four main components: dynamics, structure and management.

The structure of this concept consists of:

  • subject of dispute or object;
  • subject (s), that is, specific individuals, organizations, groups participating in it;
  • scale (it can be global, regional, local or interpersonal);
  • the conditions in which the conflict takes place;
  • tactics and strategies of the parties;
  • possible outcomes of the conflict, results, consequences, as well as awareness of this.

The real conflict is a complex developing process that follows these stages:

  1. Subject situation. At this stage, objective reasons are born for its beginning.
  2. Conflict interaction. This stage represents an incident, or a temporary development of a difficult situation.
  3. Full or partial resolution of a problem situation.

Positive Conflict Features

Conflict Functions

It should also consider what functions the conflict performs, depending on the consequences for its participants:

  • constructive (stress arising during a difficult situation can be used to solve certain problems or goals);
  • dialectic (finding the causes of conflict);
  • destructive (troubleshooting inhibits the emotional color of the interaction).

These are the main functions of the conflict, expressed in its consequences, but many authors identify several more, depending on their views.

Conflict management

Constructive Functions of Conflict

Conflict can be controlled - that is, deliberately affect the path of development of a problem situation. There are two aspects: external and internal. The first is that the leader / leader can act as the subject of management. Internal means controlling one’s own behavior in conflict interaction.

Interpretation of the conflict function

The scientific literature demonstrates a different attitude towards the described issue.As a negative phenomenon, the problem situation needs to be resolved, and if possible it is better to avoid it altogether. This opinion is contained in the works of the authors of the administrative school. And a group of specialists related to the school of "human relations" adhere to a similar idea. After all, the presence of problematic interactions in the organization meant mismanagement and ineffective work.

Today, there is an opinion that disagreements arise, and in some cases are desirable, even in organizations with sound management. The positive functions of the conflict are to detect different points of view, many sources of information, as well as to reveal problem areas. But its negative manifestations are the possible occurrence of violence, disorganization, a slowdown in development, etc.

It should be concluded that the functions of conflicts are the development of a group or personality, but they can also lead to negative self-awareness and poor work in a group or organization. The correct or illiterate management of a problem situation decides its role for the actors, the destructive functions of the conflict can prevail.

Destructive Functions of Conflict

Conflict Classifications

Modern authors offer a wide range of classifications according to different principles. So, sociologist Andrei Zdravomyslov presents a classification according to the levels of the parties to the conflict:

  • between cultures (types of crops);
  • between state forms;
  • between and within institutions;
  • between associations.

Groups involved in a conflict can be divided into:

  • groups based on general position;
  • Ethnic
  • interest groups;
  • between individuals.

American philosophers Ralph Darendorf identified one of his most extensive classifications:

  • by scale;
  • by social consequences;
  • by sources of occurrence;
  • by forms of struggle;
  • in relation to the subjects of the conflict;
  • according to the particular conditions of origin;
  • according to the tactics used by the parties.

A. V Dmitrov classifies social conflicts by fields: political, economic, labor, education, social security, etc.

Functions of social conflict:

  • integrative;
  • innovative;
  • activation of social ties;
  • relationship transformation;
  • signaling about the centers of social tension;
  • preventive;
  • informational;
  • adaptive;
  • social change.

If the parties to a social conflict are able to resolve it, then this serves as an incentive for progressive changes in society.

Causes and functions of conflicts

The functions of social conflict serve to determine the importance of this difficult situation. Concerning a specific subject, conflicts are divided into:

  • External (intergroup, between subject and group, interpersonal);
  • Internal (personality conflicts).

Psychologists also divide interactions of this kind into motivational, role-playing, cognitive and others.

Kurt Levin believed that motivational conflicts should be considered intrapersonal. Examples of such can be job dissatisfaction, lack of self-confidence, stress and overwork at work. Berkovits, Myers, and Deutsch assigned the same category to the group.

Cognitive conflicts among different authors also apply to both intergroup and intrapersonal ones.

Role conflicts, the essence of which is in the problem of choosing the appropriate option among several, are considered at the intergroup, interpersonal and intrapersonal level. According to the works of Fred Lutens, intrapersonal conflicts should be divided into: target, role and frustration.

Intergroup and interpersonal conflicts

Intergroup conflicts arise when conflicting interests of certain groups. The impetus for the emergence of such a situation may be a struggle for resources or influence in an organization consisting of a number of groups with different interests.

The most common are interpersonal conflicts.Most of them arise due to the struggle for material values, although outwardly it looks like an imbalance in views or worldview. In other words, these are communication conflicts.

By nature, such situations are divided into:

  1. Objective are real problems.
  2. Subjective - an assessment of actions or phenomena.

And according to the consequences, they are classified as:

  1. Constructive - rational changes.
  2. Destructive - destruction.

Conflict Management Action Algorithm

To achieve the result with the help of proper conflict management, the manager must determine its type, as well as the causes and functions of the conflicts.

He then applies the best possible solution.

To manage the intrapersonal conflict of goals, the manager must correlate personal and organizational goals. For a conflict of roles, you should first deal with the type of situation. There are a number of ways to resolve intrapersonal conflicts:

  • compromise;
  • sublimation;
  • care;
  • crowding out;
  • reorientation;
  • correction, etc.

Interpersonal conflicts can arise in any area of ​​relationships. Their management should be analyzed in the internal and external aspects.

At all stages of management of the named situation should be considered sympathy and antipathy, causes and factors. Two methods of resolving this type of conflict are known: pedagogical and administrative. In most cases, conflicts, for example, between a subordinate and a boss, spill over into care or struggle. Both options are not suitable for their effective solution.

Specialists are considering a number of possible options for how an individual can behave. One of the most popular is the two-dimensional model of Thomas and Killman. It is based on the appeal of the parties to the conflict to their interests and those of the opposition. When analyzing interests, participants adhere to one of five types of behavior: withdrawal, struggle, concessions, cooperation, compromise.

Group conflicts

The main functions of the conflict

Group conflicts are no less common, but have a larger scale and force of consequences. The manager should take into account that the reasons for this interaction lie in:

  1. Violation of the norms of the group.
  2. Violation of role expectations.
  3. Wrong internal identity.

After a thorough analysis of the situation according to the above parameters, it is necessary to consider the form in which it appears.

The conflict between an individual and a group can be resolved in two ways:

  1. The person who discovered the problem corrects the recognized errors.
  2. A person leaves the group as a result of the inconsistency of its interests with the interests of the group.

The conflict between the two groups is described in a variety of forms and causes. It can be expressed in a strike, rally, negotiation or meeting. American psychologists and sociologists Arnold, Geldman, Dilton, Robbins and others were especially careful in such situations between groups.

The conflict "group-group" can be resolved in the negotiation process or in concluding an agreement on the comparison of the positions and interests of entities.

So, there are constructive functions of the conflict - this is fixing the contradictions, resolving them, relieving tension and stabilizing. Their prevalence depends on the proper management of the situation. Only in this way can the present state of affairs be improved.

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