
The procedure and deadlines for paying income tax. Period for paying income tax for the year

Mandatory tax payment is a statutory obligation for individuals, enterprises and individual entrepreneurs. This obligation is necessary to provide the state with cash. For working citizens, such a payment is usually made by the employer, and representatives of organizations should personally carry out the payment procedure, observing all possible nuances. Pay income tax at the appointed time is extremely important, this will help to avoid the calculation of fines and penalties.

general information

The procedure and deadlines for paying income tax are strictly regulated. Almost all organizations in Russia are tax payers. deadline for paying income tax

The subject of taxation is the profit earned by the organization. According to generally accepted notions, profit is the amount remaining on income after deducting from it all the expenses of the company. Income is the benefit for which the organization exists.

Behind taxable period it is considered to be a whole year (from 01.01 to 31.12). And the reporting periods are divided into: quarter, six and nine months. Tax base it is the monetary form of the profit earned, which, in turn, is taxable. If at the end of the year expenses exceeded revenues, then the tax base is given zero value.

Profit tax rate

In accordance with the Tax Code, the tax rate on profit is 20%, only in some exceptions the rate may be less. 2% of the tax received goes to the federal budget, and 18% to the local budgets.

The tax rate on profits, the material means of which are transferred to local budgets, can be reduced by local governments for some categories of organizations that are tax payers. Moreover, the tax rate cannot be less than 13.5%.

Tax calculation

income tax for the year due date

Before deducting a sum of money, you need to know its exact size. The calculation is as follows:

  • The tax rate is being determined. Often it is equal to 20%, but in some cases it may be different. For example, medical facilities use a zero rate. A reduced rate is subject to certain conditions. In case of non-compliance, the organization returns to the maximum rate.
  • We determine the tax base. By and large, the tax base is profit. Profit before interest and taxes is involved in creating the tax base. Information about income should be taken from the primary tax accounting documents. The profit remaining after tax is called net.
  • We select the method of calculating profits. Two methods are used: accruals and cash. The accrual method determines profit by income and expenses, depending on the date of their occurrence, and in the cash method, depending on the day the money was credited to the account or cash desk.
  • We apply the tax formula. Tax = tax base * rate.

Income tax: deadlines for delivery and payment

Advances are paid every month during the reporting period. These funds are transferred until the 28th day of the month. Thus, the deadline for paying income tax has clear boundaries.

annual income tax due date

Payment is done step by step. Advances are made during the year, and at the end of the tax period, an additional payment is made if necessary. The deadline for paying income tax for organizations has the following criteria:

  • Funds are paid according to the results of 3, 6, 9 and 12 months.
  • The maximum deposit period is the 28th day of the month following the end of the period.For example, advance payments for the first quarter ending March 31, occur until April 28, and to pay off the annual income tax, the deadline is extended until March 28.

There are tax and reporting periods. Each of the presented periods has its own nuances:

  • The tax period lasts 12 months, at the end of this period the organization must fully pay the tax. The resulting tax is the income tax for the year. The deadline for paying this tax is March 28 of the new reporting year.
  • The reporting period is a time period equal to 1, 3, 9 and 6 months, after which an advance payment is made and the necessary reports are submitted.

The mechanism, including the deadline for paying the tax on USN, is about the same, but has its own important differences.

Methods of paying income tax

Before paying income tax, a company needs to decide on how to conduct this procedure. The possibility of transferring advances by quarters is rather rare; such a right is given only to a small number of organizations. The remaining companies must pay monthly. Reports are submitted and payments are made before the 28th day of the next month. We learned what the corporate income tax is. Terms of payment are now considered in more detail.

Quarterly payment

Deadline for paying income tax by transfer advance payments Each quarter has some features:

  • Quarterly transfers are possible only when the average income does not exceed ten million rubles.
  • The beginning is considered the first annual quarter. Advance payment should be made to the budget no later than April 28. A declaration indicating this payment is also provided.
  • After six months, the resulting advance amount is the difference between the payments already made and accrued for the second quarter. The transfer must be done before July 28, as income tax is paid next month.
  • For nine months, the advance amount will be the difference between the calculated tax amount for a given period minus the two payments already made. It is necessary to submit reports and make payment no later than October 28.
  • The final period is a year. The procedure for calculating and paying income tax according to the results of the year: a declaration is submitted, an additional payment for income tax for the year is made. The due date is due until March 28 of the new year.

Monthly advances

The deadline for paying income tax by monthly advances and the monthly contributions themselves also have their own specifics:

  • They are produced when the average income for the previous year was over ten million rubles.
  • If an excess of the limit is detected, then you need to start depositing the amounts by month. Then the amount calculated for the quarter is divided into three parts and paid every month until the 28th day inclusive.

the deadline for paying income taxes and VAT

If quarterly transfers are not allowed to all organizations, then the company can switch to a monthly calculation at its discretion. In order to make payments every month in the next period, it is necessary to submit an application to change the payment regime before the end of the year.

Used documents and postings

Information for calculating and paying income tax is in the accounting and tax records, as well as in the tax return. In design documents, the operation is displayed as follows:

  • To calculate the tax posting is used: Dt 99 Kt 68.
  • After paying the tax, an entry appears: Dt 68 Ct 51.

Actual evidence is also needed in determining the costs for which profit will decrease in determining the base. Each cost should have the correct explanation and expediency for the activities of this organization.

the due date for paying income tax

A generalized document at the end of the year and reporting periods is the declaration. Calculation of tax and amount occurs in it. It serves as confirmation of information on expenses, income, contains all data about the payer, type of management.

Payment of tax is done at the bank or by bank transfer. But a timely return of the declaration or tax not paid on time threatens to impose fines - penalties. The deadlines for the advance payment of income tax should be clearly observed.

The subtleties of paying income tax to the budget

Not only the deadline for paying income taxes and VAT is important, but also the procedure for paying it. The procedure for paying income tax is determined by the tax rate applicable to the transaction. Also, a special tax payment procedure arises in the event of liquidation or reorganization of a company.

income tax deadlines for delivery and payment

An example of paying income tax for the year

Consider this procedure with a specific example. According to the results of the year, Delta company made a profit of 2,000,000 rubles. Income tax is obtained:

  • to the federal budget - 40,000 rubles (2,000,000 rubles. × 2%);
  • at regional budget - 360,000 rubles (2,000,000 rubles. × 18%).

Over the year, Delta made advance payments in the amount of:

  • to the federal budget - 34,000 rubles;
  • to the regional budget - 306,000 rubles.

Advance payments for income tax amounted to a lower amount of income tax payable for the year. Therefore, the surcharge amounted to:

  • to the federal budget - 6,000 rubles (40,000 rubles - 34,000 rubles);
  • to the regional budget - 54,000 rubles (360,000 rubles - 306,000 rubles).

Until March 28 of the new reporting year, the Delta accountant must formulate a surcharge for this tax (based on the results of last year).

procedure and deadlines for paying income tax

Tax payment when combining OSNO and UTII

If the company uses UTII and within a year proceeds to combine this tax regime with a general taxation scheme, it will have obligations to pay income tax. For the first time, the amount of paid income tax must be calculated and reflected in the declaration based on the results of the quarter when income was received that fell under the general taxation regime.

For example, if the company received its first income in April, then it should be noted in the declaration for the first half of the year, and the first payment in the form of an advance on income tax must be transferred no later than July 28. In addition, the income tax return records the amount of the monthly advance payments of income tax, which should be transferred to the budget in the next quarter. These amounts should be calculated by companies with incomes (received in the framework of the general taxation system) that exceed the limit established by paragraph 3 of Art. 286 of the Tax Code.

Payment of tax by a re-established organization

An organization re-established has the right to make payments in the form of an advance on income tax every quarter or month, relying on actual revenue.

Based on the results of each reporting period, companies calculate the amount of the advance payment, relying on the tax rate and profit calculated by the increasing total from the initial stage of the year to the end of the corresponding period. So, according to the results of each tax period, the reconstituted company must make quarterly advance payments. The initial reporting period will be the period from the date of registration to the end of the quarter in which the company was registered. You can submit a declaration and meet the deadline for payment of advances on income tax by transferring the first quarterly payment no later than the 28th day of the month following this reporting period.

After a full quarter from the date of state registration, a re-created organization may have an obligation to switch to the transfer of monthly advance payments. This happens when the amount of revenue from sales exceeds 5 million rubles per month or 15 - per quarter. The company must transfer monthly advance payments starting from the next month.

Re-established companies are exempt from advance payments of income tax until the end of the whole quarter from the date of its creation. However, they must provide a statement of results.Failure to provide this document provides for tax and administrative liability.

Based on the results of the audit, the tax inspectorate may set a fine for the organization and suspend its current accounts.

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