
Rules for keeping pets. Responsibility for violation of the rules

Today, almost every person has animals in his house. It is no secret that a large number of cases of pet abuse have been recorded recently. A draft law is in force in the Russian Federation, which includes rules for keeping pets. When it is adopted and what it says, you can find out in our article.

Bills General Information

Today, there are two bills that directly relate to the maintenance of pets. The 245th paragraph of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for punishment for cruelty to animals. Such a bill has been in force since January 1, 1997.

The second pet law provides a list of items that record all possible pet care requirements. However, such a decree has not yet been adopted and is under consideration by the Government of the Russian Federation. Few people know, but its introduction has been around for about 10 years. However, some cities have a temporary bill on keeping animals.

Animal Cruelty Bill

As we said earlier, lately cases have become more frequent animal cruelty. It is no secret that such actions are punishable. If the citizen injured the pet, and also if the animal died as a result of his actions, then the person faces a fine or imprisonment. The cost of recovery ranges up to 80 thousand rubles, and the duration of the arrest can be from 6 months to a year.

pet policy

Like all bills, Decree 245 has exceptions. If a citizen or a group of people injured an animal intentionally, the cost of recovery starts from 100 thousand rubles, and the term of imprisonment can be from one to two years.

General pet information

As we said earlier, in some cities of the Russian Federation today there are rules for keeping pets. In our article you can find out more detailed information about such a decree on the example of Moscow and its region. First of all, the owner must create all the necessary conditions for his pet to live. These include food, water and healthy sleep. In addition, cats and dogs, as well as other animals, must have their own territory on which they can actively move.

It should be noted that a citizen can acquire any number of animals, but only if each of them can provide the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay. It is no secret that the rules of keeping pets imply a humane attitude to pets. Otherwise, the citizen runs the risk of paying a fine or a term of imprisonment.poultry

Rules for keeping pets. Items of the Veterinarian and Animal Health Bill

It's no secret that four-legged friends, like people, are prone to various diseases. For this reason, the rules for keeping pets include items that relate to the health of pets and those around them.

Few people know, but if your pet has bitten a person, then, according to the bill, you are obliged to deliver the pet to a veterinary clinic and quarantine it for ten days. This is necessary to exclude a disease such as rabies.

We believe that absolutely every person who contains any animal, at least once in his life, turned to a veterinary clinic.The Animal Welfare Bill has a reimbursement clause. It is for this reason that any citizen who used the services of a veterinarian must pay for them without fail.dog walking

Few people know, but according to the bill, if your pet suddenly died for an unknown reason, you need to isolate his corpse and not touch it before the arrival of a highly qualified veterinarian. This is no accident, because the animal could die from rabies.

It is no secret that periodically veterinarians vaccinate according to the state program. In this case, they go around all the settlements and offer to make vaccinations for pets absolutely free. According to the bill, citizens must provide their pets for vaccination. It is worth noting that vaccinations are the key to good animal health.

About harm done to animals

Often cats and dogs cause harm to other people's property. The bill on the rules for keeping animals has items that will help you understand in a conflict situation.

If your pet has polluted a public place or, for example, a porch, then you urgently need to eliminate everything. It is worth noting that even if a cleaning lady always cleans your landing, then you need not to wait for her to come, but to clean everything that has polluted your animal yourself.

It is worth noting that, according to the bill, it is necessary to prevent all possible cases of harming your pet to other people or their property. If this still happened, you are obliged to indemnify in full.

fighting dogs

Fighting breed dogs

It is no secret that fighting dogs with an incorrect upbringing are quite aggressive in nature. Often they attack people and harm their health. Quite often, young people intentionally raise dogs in such a way that they are evil. Typically, such fighting dogs are aggressive and inadequate. Often they cause harm not only to strangers, but also to the owners themselves. Today, a large number of legal proceedings are known in which the plaintiff filed an application for an unscrupulous defendant whose dog inflicted serious injuries. There are also many cases in which it was the poor upbringing of the dog that caused the death of a person.

According to the bill, walking dogs of large breeds, including fighting dogs, must be done only on a tight leash. It is worth noting that the dog must have a muzzle. In no case can you save on these accessories for the animal. This is not accidental, because a violation of the rules for keeping animals entails a penalty or imprisonment. We strongly recommend that you take responsibility for raising your dog.

Dog Walking

According to the bill, dog walking must take place according to established requirements. It is necessary to leave the room or enter it with a dog with a leash, the length of which allows you to completely control the actions of the animal.

As we said earlier, dogs of large breeds are required to wear a muzzle. If you are walking with a dog on a pedestrian crossing, sidewalk or in a place where a large number of people are crowded, then you must necessarily keep the dog on a leash. Free-range animals are permissible only in places where there are no other citizens. Few people know, but large dogs weighing more than 15 kilograms should walk people over 14 years old. In addition, the bill prohibits people who are intoxicated from going out for walks with dogs.

It is worth noting that if the dog lives on your land in a free range, then you must necessarily place a sign on the fence that indicates that there is a dog in the yard.

Sale of animals

The bill on keeping animals provides for paragraphs on their sale. According to the decree, pets can only be sold at a pet store or in a specialized market. The seller must provide the buyer with a passport for the animal.

cats and dogs

It is worth noting that, according to the bill, in the event that you sell or give away the pet, you are obliged to tell the future buyer about the features of its contents. This is extremely important, because the state of the animal and its living conditions depend on it.

Transportation of animals

It is no secret that for a variety of reasons, citizens often have to transport their pets. The bill provides a list of items that will help you figure out how to properly transport your pets.

dog keeping

Few people know, but animals that are small in size must be transported in a specially equipped basket. For example, poultry is transported in a cage, while cats are transported in a cage. If you are traveling with a dog, then it must be muzzled. It should be noted that at the time of transportation the animal must be provided with food and clean water. Not everyone knows that in some public vehicles it is necessary to present a passport for a pet. For this reason, it is required to undergo a timely examination at the veterinarian and vaccinate.

Pet burial

Sooner or later, all pets die. The bill allows you to figure out exactly where you can bury your pet.

pet law

It is worth noting that poultry and other small animals can be buried in the yard if desired. If you have lost a large pet, then you need to contact a specialized point of funeral services for animals. You can also bury your pet in the nearest cemetery. It is worth noting that the corpse of an animal can contain a wide variety of infections. For this reason, it is recommended to bury it away from sources of drinking water and at home.

As we said earlier, violation of the rules for keeping pets entails not only a fine, but also imprisonment. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you take responsibility for the upbringing and living of your pet.

To summarize

Today, almost every family has a pet. As we said earlier, today there are two pet bills. The first was adopted in 1997, and the second is under consideration, but nevertheless operates in some localities. In our article, you can study two bills in detail.

Keeping dogs and other animals is a crucial step. We strongly recommend that you treat him extremely responsibly. Thanks to this, you will definitely protect yourself from all kinds of fines and legal proceedings.

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