
Hospitality: how to open a hotel for animals. Business plan: hotel for animals - equipment and necessary documents

dog hotel business planPets brighten up our life, allow us to get a lot of positive emotions.

If you belong to caring people who need to have a fluffy pet nearby, then you can turn your favorite business into a profitable business.

To do this, it is enough to get acquainted with how to open a hotel for animals, what to observe requirements when organizing your business.

Financial expenses

Like any enterprise, the opening of a temporary shelter, designed for four-legged guests, will require significant cash investments. First of all, you need a room. It can be built, redeemed, rented. It is necessary to purchase specialized equipment, feed, veterinary preparations.

In addition, the business plan of the hotel for animals needs to include the costs of paying salaries to employees, the current repair of the building. You can not do without a car, which will be delivered to the boarding house of the inhabitants of private apartments, as well as food for them. The costs of maintaining and repairing the vehicle will also be included in the estimates of the future enterprise.


how to open a hotel for animalsIn order to comply with sanitary standards, the best option for the institution will be a house in the suburbs, remote from housing. The construction should be enclosed by a high fence (this is especially true if you have large enough guests).

The building must be equipped accordingly. It will be necessary to build warm floors, conduct all communications: water, electricity.

Thinking about how to open a hotel for animals, it is necessary to calculate its area. In this case, one should proceed from the one who will live in it: cats, dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs, birds, amphibians, reptiles or other inhabitants of private apartments. The first places will require less, the second must be provided with additional territory for their walking in the fresh air and games.

Aviaries are enclosed by a mesh-netting. Amphibians are kept in specially equipped terrariums in compliance with the temperature regime. If you are going to keep animals of different species, then try to arrange them as far apart as possible so that they do not contact.

Moreover, if a sick guest comes to you, it is better to isolate him from the rest. Dog enclosures are disinfected, they are recommended to be washed with a special solution twice a day. Carefully think through all the details and calculate how to open a hotel for animals in order to create comfortable conditions for them.

Pension for pets

For cats, separate rooms and aviaries are suitable. According to the degree of their improvement, they can be divided into standard, junior suite and suite. Each fluffy guest should have their own bowl for food and water, a small house. The mat intended for sleeping should be located as far as possible from the place where the cat eats.

It is necessary to equip special ladders, shelves on which they will move. Proud and freedom-loving, they like to bask on the windowsill. Therefore, it is good if there is a large window in single or double “rooms”. As a rule, the owners of such institutions do not agree to overexposure uncastrated cats.

All the intricacies of the enterprise must take into account the business plan.The hotel for dogs should be equipped with separate spacious rooms, consisting of two interconnected parts. This is an aviary and a room with an area of ​​three square meters.

Here, the inhabitants will eat, sleep on a sunbed or play. Be sure to walk guests in a specially prepared area. The rooms where they will be kept must be regularly ventilated and clean.

If you could not determine for whom the boarding house is intended, and prepare premises for cats and dogs, make sure that they are far away from each other. Females and males should live separately.

The business plan of the hotel for animals should include rates for the stay of four-legged guests in its walls. Cat accommodation will cost less than dog maintenance. All inhabitants should be provided with comfort: good nutrition, walking, quality care of a veterinarian.

Documentation of the enterprise

First of all, you will need a veterinary permit for doing business, SES approval, registration of an enterprise as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, registration with the tax authorities. When the hotel opens and functions, an agreement will be drawn up between the administration of the shelter and the owner of the animal, which necessarily stipulates the rights and obligations of the parties. Also in this document are fixed the periods during which the guest will be in the institution, and the conditions of his detention.


Before you open a hotel for animals, you need to purchase everything you need for shaggy guests. You will need bowls for food, sunbeds, claws. Aviaries can be summer and winter. Additionally, for four-legged pets, you can buy toys, such as balls for cats.

Staff recruitment

pet hotel business planIf your goal is a hotel for animals, the business plan should take into account the selection of employees with the appropriate qualifications.

Dog handlers (if your guests are dogs), felinologists (cat specialists), a cook, a room cleaner, a driver will be required. Moreover, the maintenance staff should work in shifts so that around-the-clock care of the guests of the guesthouse is provided.

At least four people are needed. Must be a veterinarian. If your shelter will offer quality specialist services at low prices, then it will deserve great popularity. Employees should be caring people, loving animals and their work. To ensure that the quality of work of employees does not fall, they must be sent to courses.

What other services does the shelter provide?

pet hotel business planSince opening a hotel for animals for their maintenance during the absence of the owners is not the most important thing, it is worth taking care of additional services.

The more there will be, the more profitable your enterprise will be. Four-legged guests can get quality veterinary care here.

For each service you should set your own rate: deworming, cutting nails, ears, teeth, combing hair, washing eyes. Your institution will be able to offer customers dog training, grooming, as well as pet transfer.

As a preventative measure, guests must be vaccinated before checking in. In order for a pet hotel to be popular, a business plan may include providing such services to their owners as conducting short pet care courses.

Customers will be attracted to your pricing policy. For example, if you provide a long standstill to certain domestic animals in a high category room or provide a discount on their delivery to regular customers. So that the owners do not worry about their pets, you can place webcams in aviaries. Then they will have the opportunity to watch pets on the Internet.

Customer acquisition

open a hotel for animalsPet owners will be grateful if they can leave their pets in good hands for a business trip or vacation.

The owners will readily pay for their maintenance if you create all the necessary conditions for their comfortable stay.

It will help to find customers advertising institutions. The fact that a hotel for animals is operating nearby will be informed by newspaper advertisements, leaflets, business cards distributed in veterinary clinics, specialized stores and pharmacies.

You can also find a clientele in travel agencies. After all, people going on a trip are worried about their pets and will be happy to attach them for the duration of their absence. A great help will be provided by a website on the Internet with a description of services and an indication of their cost, as well as information posted on social networks.

Project payback

Undoubtedly, a very profitable business is a hotel for animals, because this area has not yet been sufficiently developed by our entrepreneurs, and so far demand is ahead of supply. Indeed, almost every family has its own domestic animal. It is worth considering that the influx of guests will be seasonal.

Basically, the owners send their pets to the shelter during the holidays, as well as May and New Year holidays. The biggest gains are in the summer months. Thanks to the right approach to organizing an enterprise and well-thought-out advertising, your business, which began as a family business, will turn into a profitable business.

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