
YouTube channel promotion: program, recommendations, prices

In this article, we will talk about how the promotion of the channel on "YouTube" occurs. To be honest, this worries many bloggers. Especially for beginners, and those who plan to cooperate with popular video hosting for a long time on a commercial basis. After all, depending on the popularity of the channel, you will be able to receive both profit and simply fame on the Web. This is a huge dream for almost every user.

The promotion of the YouTube channel is, perhaps, an ambiguous occupation. Let's try to understand what it is all about, and why this action is needed. Of course, how everything is organized, also does not hurt to know.

YouTube channel promotion

What is promotion

First you need to study the very concept with which we are dealing. The promotion of the channel on YouTube, as already mentioned, is of interest to many. But people do not always understand what is at stake.

"Promotion" is a term that is used to describe the process of advertising something. Mostly channels, groups and sites. This is a kind of advertising, a way to give an image to your virtual resource, as well as building popularity. And usually implies a rapid increase in audience interest.

But how is the promotion of the YouTube channel? Is it worth doing this business on purpose? What methods can be applied officially and what is punishable? All this is very important to know, because improper user behavior can lead to a ban on video hosting for a long time. And this is not a very good result.

What can you do when promoting

To be honest, it’s not always clear how the channel’s promotion on YouTube should go. There is no definite answer here. It all depends on what kind of approach you are using.

For example, a variety of third-party content that artificially increases the number of users, views and subscribers on the channel is prohibited. Such an action is dishonest and unauthorized; one can say about it that this is some kind of fraud. And such a program for the promotion of the YouTube channel, frankly, is quickly detected and blocked by the hosting administration.

And more honest methods are not prohibited. Indeed, by promotion, as we have already found out, we mean the most ordinary advertising of your channel. True, it is not always possible for users to organize this business themselves, because it is not so simple. Of course, if you have a lot of friends who are ready to help, there will be no problems, but it is almost impossible to quickly make a popular resource for a typical user from an unknown channel. What are the methods for promotion?


Before delving into the very essence of our process, you will have to think carefully about choosing the appropriate implementation method. Practice shows that a lot depends on this.

  1. The risk of getting a ban on YouTube varies.
  2. Success also depends on the type of promotion you choose.
  3. It is worth considering that sometimes the promotion of the Youtube channel will cost something in monetary terms. Therefore, if the main thing for you is saving, then some methods will not work for you at all.

YouTube channel promotion

Sometimes users use a specialized service to promote the YouTube channel (by the way, there are a lot of them on the Internet). For example, you can pay attention to a resource called Soclike. It allows you to quickly gain subscribers and is one of the few products you can trust. Plus, this is a fairly inexpensive service. Here, if desired, even the number of views can be raised significantly. The cost due to this will increase slightly, but nevertheless remains acceptable.

For the implementation of our task today, various programs are also used. Many of them use them in order to quickly promote the channel’s subscribers on YouTube. Paid or free - it doesn’t matter.

By the way, practice shows that it is paid programs that are most often very successful. True, finding something truly safe is difficult. It is advised to pay attention to VKTarget. This application helps to promote the channel for a moderate fee and is also completely safe.

total cost

And now a little about the prices. To be honest, here it is somehow unequivocally difficult to answer. How much does the channel promotion on YouTube cost? The price of this action varies. It all depends on the chosen method of conducting the advertising campaign, as well as its speed. What is the overall picture?

Practice shows that for promotion services by services and people in general (there are such users who will be happy to help you realize your idea) you will have to pay 5,000 rubles. This is for about 1,000 subscribers. Just so much so that you can begin cooperation with YouTube and earn money here. In principle, it turns out that for a person you pay 5 rubles. Not too much if you think about it. In addition, the named promotion on "YouTube" will save your personal time. Especially if you have more important things to do.

Often, users, seeing how much these services cost, simply refuse to help and do everything on their own. Which is better is up to you. Sometimes it’s really more logical to pay once and wait for subscribers / views, and at the same time fill the channel with content than to frantically search for a clientele on your own throughout the Internet. After all, it’s not enough to invite the user to you, you still need to interest him and keep him among the subscribers.

channel promotion on youtube Price


Help in promoting the channel on YouTube is a pretty profitable business for employees and costly for customers in most cases. After all, the whole process does not end with 1,000 visitors and several thousand views. Therefore, you have to regularly pay for promotion assistance. Anyway, what kind of method is it in question - services or programs.

If you somehow specify the situation, then we can say that for subscribers, for example, on the SocLike service, you need to pay 200 rubles per 100 people. Views will cost about 1,100 for 10,000. It is quite humane prices, to be honest. Only not everyone is willing to pay so much.

But working with the same VKTarget, it seems, will be cheaper. And all this because you will pay for each person's help individually. One like - one price, viewing - another, subscription - third and so on.

Many users note that this kind of solution is not as fast as using services from people, but it’s less affordable. Why? On average, one viewing of a video costs 12 kopecks, a subscription - 1 ruble (and "like" - "dislike" too). It turns out that this way you can really decently save on some specific tasks.

Promotion of a YouTube channel for money is really worth it if you plan to make good money on the service and work in every way with video hosting.


What feedback gets from users of the service chosen by us today for promotion? It’s clear that listing all the popular and effective pages with services of this kind is not worth it - there are a lot of them. And SocLike is used by video bloggers very often, and for good reason.

service for promotion YouTube channel

  1. The named service is trustworthy. It has an unobtrusive design, each customer has the right to contact the contractor (the company, the person providing the promotion services) at any time. In addition, here you can effectively use all the proposed areas of work.
  2. Cheating is carried out by searching for live subscribers. Quite a rare occurrence. And you can already pay for it.Practice shows that most often services use bots (artificially created users, virtual robots) to work out an advance and receive full payment for services. This is far from the best solution.
  3. Promotion with SocLike is fast. Just a few days - and your order will be executed. Sometimes you need to wait longer, occasionally - less, it all depends on the volume of your order.

The too rapid growth of user interest in a particular channel attracts the attention of the YouTube administration. And if you are suspected of artificially promoting a channel, you will either have to lose the opportunity to earn revenue from the service, or get banned for a long time. If you do not want to take risks, as well as independently spin up the channel, then SocLike will really suit you.


What can be said about the proposed VKTarget? This product is also worth highlighting from the total mass of all applications for promotion. Why? Let's try to understand this difficult question.

  • We can say that VKTarget is a shareware application. You have every right to find, download and install it for yourself. And then, directly by placing job assignments for promotion, pay a fee for the relevant services. Very comfortably.
  • This is a fairly secure service. And it helps to promote not only YouTube, but also social networks in general. In principle, a very good move. A kind of universal "miracle software", causing confidence.
  • You yourself can work in parallel at VKT target. Here you can not only create tasks for execution, but also do them yourself. Therefore, this application is often used by users. You can first promote someone’s channel, and then organize an advertising campaign for your own with the money you received.

program for promotion of YouTube channel

Promotion Tips

What to do if the help in promotion of the channel on YouTube is not very interesting for you, but you want everyone to do it yourself? Here, users give useful tips. Following them, you can quickly ensure popularity of your own channel.

  1. Timely update the content that users view. Any channel needs care. The more popular he is, the more time he will have to spend.
  2. Advertise your resource through social networks. But not in an open form. This is the key to success.
  3. Fill the channel with useful and original information. If people like what you do, they will happily cheat on you.
  4. Chat. The more friends and acquaintances you have, the better. Everyone can be asked to subscribe and watch a few of your videos. This is not so difficult.

youtube channel promotion


Nevertheless, keep in mind: if you want to ask for help in promotion, you will have to remain vigilant, as the Internet is full of fraud. And often a variety of services for promotion and related applications are the most common fraud. You are bred for money or even stolen accounts.

Remember, there are no free services and programs for promotion without restrictions in subscribers and views. On average, modern software without payment will allow you to wind up about 100 subscribers per day. This number is occasionally larger. Views are also usually limited. About 1,000 per day. And this is with luck. Most often, free services allow cheating of no more than 200 views per day.

Paid or free?

Is it necessary to promote a YouTube channel for money? Here, users cannot come to a consensus. On the one hand, this is a very tempting offer - to deposit a certain amount of money and get the opportunity to become a famous and successful person on the Web. On the other - a dangerous and unstable occupation.

Here, everything is decided by each user for himself. In any case, spinning the channel yourself is the most honest and faithful method, albeit quite time consuming. But the purchase of popularity is in question.

Sometimes the administration of YouTube blocks video bloggers who are engaged in artificial cheating of subscribers and views. This is especially true for those who use bots. There is always a risk in this approach. And not small.

promotion of YouTube channel subscribers for a fee


As you can see, the promotion of the channel on YouTube in itself has several alternative solutions. They do not always and do not suit everyone. But pay attention to all this is worth it. Especially when you want to cooperate with YouTube for a long time and get profit from the channel.

What conclusion can be drawn from all that has been said? When you buy popularity, you act at your own peril and risk, so try to know the measure in this lesson. And do not trust suspiciously seductive offers.

Independent promotion of the channel is a less dangerous, but very time-consuming business. And it is not given to everyone. You need to be able to interest the public in order to succeed. In any case, the main thing is to set a goal. And exactly how to spin the channel, decide for yourself.

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