
How much do you earn on Youtube? Features, features, reviews

So, today we will need to find out how much you earn on Youtube. In addition, it is worthwhile to understand how you can make a profit from this hosting. Indeed, often earnings directly depend on the chosen method of work. And it pleases. True, to get really good amounts, you have to try pretty hard. Nevertheless, work on Youtube does exist. Which one? And how much do you earn on Youtube? All this will be discussed now. You should not be afraid: everything is extremely simple for understanding.

how much youtube earn

Myth or reality

But first, let's try to answer the question: "Is it really possible to make money on video hosting"? Or is it another deception? Or maybe the methods of earning here are so terrible that you should not try? Not at all. There is a real opportunity to earn with this resource. And far from alone. You can change this or that technique at any time to a new one. True, the range of possibilities here is strictly limited. How to see how much you earn on Youtube? Here, the summary statistics that users and bloggers provide to each other will help you. In fact, everything is very easy to understand here. But first, it’s worth studying the methods of earning. As already mentioned, income as a whole depends on them. Therefore, it’s impossible to say exactly how much bloggers earn on YouTube.


Option one is the use of specialized programs to work with your own and extraneous channels. How much can you earn on Youtube this way? Honestly, income is often not very large. But if you don’t want to think long about making a profit, then using various kinds of software to work with Youtube is perfect for you. Nice start.

What is the work based on? You are authorized in the installed application and perform special tasks on Youtube. This can be viewing a specific video, writing a comment, evaluating a particular post and so on. For each completed task, you will be credited with money in an electronic virtual account. From it, the amount is easily displayed on bank cards.

Affiliate program

How much do you earn on Youtube? It all depends, as has been said many times, on many factors. And, to be honest, the situation here is quite ambiguous. A more profitable business than using a variety of content for working with video hosting is the so-called affiliate program. It is available to all users who register on the site.how much can you earn on youtube

How much do you earn Youtube channels by participating in an affiliate program? It all depends not only on the cost of a specific task, but also on your resource as a whole. In any case, this approach can provide you with a good passive fat. What is there to do? Just become a partner of the resource, and then place an advertisement in your videos. The advertiser, in turn, pays for this kind of service. All settings will be performed on your channel by you personally. There is nothing special about this.

Paid Subscriptions

It's no secret that video hosting itself is free. But you can get income from it. Recently, users are increasingly thinking about how much Youtube video bloggers earn. But why did this interest arise right now? The thing is that recently, in 2015, the resource introduced a rather interesting feature for its users. These are the so-called paid channels. That is, now, in some cases, you have to pay to watch a particular video.The main problem with this technique is that it is not accessible to everyone. In most regions, you cannot create a paid channel. Watching such resources is easy. But earning on them is not.

Nevertheless, if you are wondering how much you earn from watching YouTube, you can say one thing at once: a successful channel provides its owner with very good income. Of course, you have to maintain the resource’s health and constantly update the content. But that is another question. Let’s try to answer the question: how to find out how much the Youtube channel earns? And what numbers are most often called successful blog authors?

For software

Let's start with the first earnings option. Namely, from work in a variety of applications for making money. Of course, it all depends in most cases on the type of content used. Nevertheless, there are some restrictions and minimums in this earnings, right?

Yes it is. If you are thinking about how to find out how much the YouTube channel earns with the help of various paid tasks performed through software, just look at the reviews for this or that content. And you will understand that for a start the proposed figures are quite acceptable.how to find out how much youtube channel earns

What are you talking about? On average, for a month of regular work, you can get from 200 rubles. This is just the beginning. The longer you work in the application, the better. In principle, about 5 rubles are paid for one task. Sometimes a little more. Once and less (from 50 cents). It all depends, again, on your activity and type of assignment. Do not believe that by such a technique you will be able to secure a huge profit.


Go ahead. Now we have in turn the so-called affiliate program. How to find out how much your Youtube channel has earned? This will help a special application that shows you the statistics of work with the affiliate program. It’s called AdSense. Without it, becoming a video hosting partner will not work. There you will have a separate window called “Statistics”. And it will display the income with its full details (how much and for which video you received). In principle, it is the affiliate program that is used to make good money on the Internet on the channel. Indeed, it will be very easy to understand how to see how much you earned on Youtube, and also to withdraw the funds received.

A bit about the numbers. On average, you can get from 5 thousand rubles per month (depending on the success of your channel, as well as the advertiser’s payment). Practice shows that for one "placement-viewing" the user receives about 10 rubles. To be honest, this is not so much. But when your channel is hyped up and watched constantly, even such a price will pleasantly surprise you at the end of the month as the total amount for all advertising videos. How do you know how much you earn on YouTube? User statistics and, of course, understanding of mathematics will help. Knowing the cost of one viewing, you can calculate the exact earnings. This is not so difficult.

The largest earnings ever called is 30 thousand rubles a month on an affiliate program. Impressive, right? But there is no evidence of this: no one will show their screenshots of the work. Therefore, it’s difficult to know exactly how much YouTube channels earn. According to preliminary estimates, the initial stage is about 5 thousand. At the same time, the maximum is almost unlimited. If your cooperation with advertisers is successful, you can count on about 10-15 thousand per month. Not bad, right?

Not for all

The last option that remains is to earn money on a paid channel. Honestly, you can’t say with certainty how much you can earn on Youtube. Why? It all depends, as has been said many times, on the success of your channel.how to find out how much youtube channel earned

In principle, it is rather difficult to answer here regarding earnings. On average, for a paid channel with average attendance, far from the most hyped resources, a user is able to get at least 5 thousand rubles. This is a very good indicator.This cost is set for 1,000 views. It turns out that if users pay more than 5 rubles for 1 video and you get about 1,500 views per month (usually this figure is higher), then securing passive income is not so difficult. Of course, if only you belong to the category of users to whom you can create paid channels.

For one million views, successful resources receive about $ 1,000. In principle, not very bad. The main problem is to promote your channel, as well as create truly useful videos that will cost money. Then you won’t have to think about how much you can earn on Youtube. Just in time you need to add new content to the channel and set humane prices on it. What do users themselves think about all this?

Audience opinion

How much did the Youtube channel earn and does the site audience really have such an opportunity? Many are interested in this. And we have already figured out the average earnings depending on the type of work chosen, as well as the existence of such an opportunity as such. What do users really think about working on Youtube? Here, opinions are quite mixed. To be honest, some still do not believe that you can make a profit on a free resource initially. And even more so passive. Therefore, situations often arise in which the audience is skeptical about working on video hosting.

This should not be done. Yes, not everyone is able to get good money on this resource. And even more so, not everyone has enough time to promote the channel or work in a variety of applications. But successful bloggers claim that making money is not a fairy tale, but a reality. In fact, no one answers exactly how much their channel’s profit. But it is unlikely that people would use this way of earning as the main one if it was not so effective. Yes, you will have to try initially. But then you can really earn good money. In any case, pocket expenses and some pleasure will be enough.how much youtube video bloggers earn

Tips for work

Well, we talked about earnings and specific numbers. It became clear how to find out how much the channel on Youtube earned. But no one will give you exact data. It all depends on luck and personal aspiration. Therefore, now it’s worth finding out some pretty useful tips regarding making money on video hosting. They will surely help you get good profit from certain videos, that is, they will increase your chances of success when working with Youtube. What is required of you in the first place? Of course, activity. Only channels that are constantly updated and supplemented by regular videos have tremendous success. Yes, this is not so easy, but nevertheless, if you clean up the channel at least once a day and gradually upload interesting and useful videos, success is guaranteed.

Remember, in order to make good money on Youtube, you must have a lot of subscribers. And, in general, the audience as a whole. Therefore, try to properly promote your channel. The larger your audience, the better. Which method will help here? Decide for yourself. Either engage in advertising the channel yourself, or entrust this business to professionals who offer promotion of resources for some time. Not the cheapest pleasure, but you have every chance of earning money on Youtube more than you actually spend at first.

Your content should be, as already mentioned, interesting. And of course, original. Unfortunately, let’s plays and video reviews of various games are completely unsuitable here. Video hosting forbade them to earn money. But there is one exception: if you have received permission for the commercial use of a particular software, as well as when you personally are the creator of it. Nothing difficult, right? So, the earnings of famous let’s players, as they say, were covered with a copper basin.how to see how much youtube earn

Do not copy videos.Other videos will not bring you income. On the contrary, they are more likely to rob you of any opportunity to earn money. Why? The hosting administration is well aware of compliance with the terms of cooperation. And they stipulate that the use of extraneous resources and documents is prohibited.

By the way, you should not cheat subscribers using special programs. These are unauthorized actions. And if you get caught, then the collaboration will end in a moment. Until the so-called ban is imposed on your account. You have to earn honestly. This rule also applies to finding an audience that will be willing to pay for your channel and videos. Please note that most of the proposed content for channel promotion is a fraudulent technique. You will not only not receive services, but also lose your source of income. Therefore, even if you want to quickly make a profit from the resource, you do not need to resort to using such programs. Those who give paid tasks are not prohibited, but everything else is a dubious benefit, which, as practice shows, is most often a common deception.


So we figured out how to see how much the YouTube channel earned, and also learned about the existing methods of income on the proposed video hosting. As you can see, there are not so many options here. Nevertheless, they all really offer real income.how to see how much you earned on youtube

It is almost impossible to give specifics regarding our current issue. After all, earnings depend on many factors. You can get a huge profit, and nothing at all. The main thing is to try and strive for success. Believe me, if you have at least 2 free hours that you can devote to the promotion of the channel, you will certainly succeed. Do not forget about the constant updating of the video. This is what will help you in working with the resource. Try not to rush: there will be no instant effect anyway. Be patient. Nowhere without him.

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